/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "mb-wm-main-context.h" #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE_COMPOSITE #include #endif #define MBWM_CTX_MAX_TIMEOUT 100 #if MBWM_WANT_DEBUG static const char *MBWMDEBUGEvents[] = { "error", "reply", "KeyPress", "KeyRelease", "ButtonPress", "ButtonRelease", "MotionNotify", "EnterNotify", "LeaveNotify", "FocusIn", "FocusOut", "KeymapNotify", "Expose", "GraphicsExpose", "NoExpose", "VisibilityNotify", "CreateNotify", "DestroyNotify", "UnmapNotify", "MapNotify", "MapRequest", "ReparentNotify", "ConfigureNotify", "ConfigureRequest", "GravityNotify", "ResizeRequest", "CirculateNotify", "CirculateRequest", "PropertyNotify", "SelectionClear", "SelectionRequest", "SelectionNotify", "ColormapNotify", "ClientMessage", "MappingNotify", }; #endif static Bool mb_wm_main_context_check_timeouts (MBWMMainContext *ctx); static Bool mb_wm_main_context_check_fd_watches (MBWMMainContext * ctx); static Bool mb_wm_main_context_spin_xevent (MBWMMainContext *ctx); struct MBWMTimeOutEventInfo { int ms; MBWindowManagerTimeOutFunc func; void *userdata; unsigned long id; struct timeval triggers; }; struct MBWMFdWatchInfo{ MBWMIOChannel *channel; MBWMIOCondition events; MBWindowManagerFdWatchFunc func; void *userdata; unsigned long id; }; static void mb_wm_main_context_class_init (MBWMObjectClass *klass) { #if MBWM_WANT_DEBUG klass->klass_name = "MBWMMainContext"; #endif } static void mb_wm_main_context_destroy (MBWMObject *this) { } #if USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP gboolean mb_wm_main_context_gloop_xevent (gpointer userdata) { MBWMMainContext * ctx = userdata; MBWindowManager * wm = ctx->wm; while (mb_wm_main_context_spin_xevent (ctx)); if (wm->sync_type) mb_wm_sync (wm); return TRUE; } #endif static int mb_wm_main_context_init (MBWMObject *this, va_list vap) { MBWMMainContext *ctx = MB_WM_MAIN_CONTEXT (this); MBWindowManager *wm = NULL; MBWMObjectProp prop; prop = va_arg(vap, MBWMObjectProp); while (prop) { if (prop == MBWMObjectPropWm) { wm = va_arg(vap, MBWindowManager *); break; } else MBWMO_PROP_EAT (vap, prop); prop = va_arg (vap, MBWMObjectProp); } ctx->wm = wm; return 1; } int mb_wm_main_context_class_type () { static int type = 0; if (UNLIKELY(type == 0)) { static MBWMObjectClassInfo info = { sizeof (MBWMMainContextClass), sizeof (MBWMMainContext), mb_wm_main_context_init, mb_wm_main_context_destroy, mb_wm_main_context_class_init }; type = mb_wm_object_register_class (&info, MB_WM_TYPE_OBJECT, 0); } return type; } MBWMMainContext* mb_wm_main_context_new (MBWindowManager *wm) { MBWMMainContext *ctx; ctx = MB_WM_MAIN_CONTEXT (mb_wm_object_new (MB_WM_TYPE_MAIN_CONTEXT, MBWMObjectPropWm, wm, NULL)); return ctx; } Bool mb_wm_main_context_handle_x_event (XEvent *xev, MBWMMainContext *ctx) { MBWindowManager *wm = ctx->wm; MBWMList *iter; Window xwin = xev->xany.window; #if (MBWM_WANT_DEBUG) { if (mbwm_debug_flags & MBWM_DEBUG_EVENT) { MBWindowManagerClient *ev_client; ev_client = mb_wm_managed_client_from_xwindow(wm, xev->xany.window); printf (" @ XEvent: '%s:%i' for %lx %s%s\n", xev->type < sizeof (MBWMDEBUGEvents)/sizeof(MBWMDEBUGEvents[0]) ? MBWMDEBUGEvents[xev->type] : "unknown", xev->type, xev->xany.window, xev->xany.window == wm->root_win->xwindow ? "(root)" : "", ev_client ? ev_client->name : "" ); } } #endif #define XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(i) (((MBWMXEventFuncInfo *)((i)->data))->func) #define XE_ITER_GET_DATA(i) ((MBWMXEventFuncInfo *)((i)->data))->userdata #define XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(i) ((MBWMXEventFuncInfo *)((i)->data))->xwindow #if ENABLE_COMPOSITE if (xev->type == wm->damage_event_base + XDamageNotify) { iter = ctx->event_funcs.damage_notify; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWMXEventFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) (xev, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } } else #endif switch (xev->type) { case ClientMessage: /* * TODO -- perhaps this should not be special-cased. */ if (xev->xany.window == wm->root_win->xwindow || ((XClientMessageEvent *)xev)->message_type == wm->atoms[MBWM_ATOM_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW] || ((XClientMessageEvent *)xev)->message_type == wm->atoms[MBWM_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE]) { mb_wm_root_window_handle_message (wm->root_win, (XClientMessageEvent *)xev); } iter = ctx->event_funcs.client_message; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerClientMessageFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XClientMessageEvent*)&xev->xclient, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case Expose: break; case MapRequest: iter = ctx->event_funcs.map_request; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerMapRequestFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XMapRequestEvent*)&xev->xmaprequest, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case MapNotify: iter = ctx->event_funcs.map_notify; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerMapNotifyFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XMapEvent*)&xev->xmap, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case UnmapNotify: #if MBWM_WANT_DEBUG if (mbwm_debug_flags & MBWM_DEBUG_EVENT) { XUnmapEvent * uev = & xev->xunmap; printf (" window %x, event %x, %d\n", uev->window, uev->event, uev->from_configure); } #endif xwin = xev->xunmap.window; iter = ctx->event_funcs.unmap_notify; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerUnmapNotifyFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XUnmapEvent*)&xev->xunmap, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case DestroyNotify: iter = ctx->event_funcs.destroy_notify; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerDestroyNotifyFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XDestroyWindowEvent*)&xev->xdestroywindow, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case ConfigureNotify: #if MBWM_WANT_DEBUG if (mbwm_debug_flags & MBWM_DEBUG_EVENT) { XConfigureEvent * cev = & xev->xconfigure; printf (" window %x, event %x, [%d,%d;%dx%d]\n", cev->window, cev->event, cev->x, cev->y, cev->width, cev->height); } #endif xwin = xev->xconfigure.window; iter = ctx->event_funcs.configure_notify; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerConfigureNotifyFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XConfigureEvent*)&xev->xconfigure, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case ConfigureRequest: #if MBWM_WANT_DEBUG if (mbwm_debug_flags & MBWM_DEBUG_EVENT) { XConfigureRequestEvent * cev = & xev->xconfigurerequest; printf (" window %x, parent %x, [%d,%d;%dx%d]\n", cev->window, cev->parent, cev->x, cev->y, cev->width, cev->height); } #endif xwin = xev->xconfigurerequest.window; iter = ctx->event_funcs.configure_request; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerConfigureRequestFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XConfigureRequestEvent*)&xev->xconfigurerequest, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case KeyPress: iter = ctx->event_funcs.key_press; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerKeyPressFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XKeyEvent*)&xev->xkey, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case PropertyNotify: #if MBWM_WANT_DEBUG if (mbwm_debug_flags & MBWM_DEBUG_EVENT) { XPropertyEvent * pev = & xev->xproperty; char * prop = XGetAtomName (wm->xdpy, pev->atom); printf (" window %x, prop %s, state %d\n", pev->window, prop, pev->state); if (prop) XFree (prop); } #endif xwin = xev->xproperty.window; iter = ctx->event_funcs.property_notify; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerPropertyNotifyFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XPropertyEvent*)&xev->xproperty, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case ButtonPress: iter = ctx->event_funcs.button_press; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerButtonPressFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XButtonEvent*)&xev->xbutton, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case ButtonRelease: iter = ctx->event_funcs.button_release; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerButtonReleaseFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XButtonEvent*)&xev->xbutton, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; case MotionNotify: iter = ctx->event_funcs.motion_notify; while (iter) { Window msg_xwin = XE_ITER_GET_XWIN(iter); MBWMList * next = iter->next; if (msg_xwin == None || msg_xwin == xwin) { if (!(MBWindowManagerMotionNotifyFunc)XE_ITER_GET_FUNC(iter) ((XMotionEvent*)&xev->xmotion, XE_ITER_GET_DATA(iter))) break; } iter = next; } break; } return False; } static Bool mb_wm_main_context_spin_xevent (MBWMMainContext *ctx) { MBWindowManager * wm = ctx->wm; XEvent xev; if (!XEventsQueued (wm->xdpy, QueuedAfterFlush)) return False; XNextEvent(wm->xdpy, &xev); mb_wm_main_context_handle_x_event (&xev, ctx); return (XEventsQueued (wm->xdpy, QueuedAfterReading) != 0); } static Bool mb_wm_main_context_spin_xevent_blocking (MBWMMainContext *ctx) { MBWindowManager * wm = ctx->wm; XEvent xev; XNextEvent(wm->xdpy, &xev); mb_wm_main_context_handle_x_event (&xev, ctx); return (XEventsQueued (wm->xdpy, QueuedAfterReading) != 0); } void mb_wm_main_context_loop (MBWMMainContext *ctx) { #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP MBWindowManager * wm = ctx->wm; while (True) { Bool sources; sources = mb_wm_main_context_check_timeouts (ctx); sources |= mb_wm_main_context_check_fd_watches (ctx); if (!sources) { /* No timeouts, idles, etc. -- wait for next * X event */ mb_wm_main_context_spin_xevent_blocking (ctx); } else { /* Process any pending xevents */ while (mb_wm_main_context_spin_xevent (ctx)); } if (wm->sync_type) mb_wm_sync (wm); } #endif } Bool mb_wm_main_context_spin_loop (MBWMMainContext *ctx) { #if USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP g_main_context_iteration (NULL, FALSE); return g_main_context_pending (NULL); #else return mb_wm_main_context_spin_xevent (ctx); #endif } unsigned long mb_wm_main_context_x_event_handler_add (MBWMMainContext *ctx, Window xwin, int type, MBWMXEventFunc func, void *userdata) { static unsigned long ids = 0; MBWMXEventFuncInfo * func_info; #if ENABLE_COMPOSITE MBWindowManager * wm = ctx->wm; #endif ++ids; func_info = mb_wm_util_malloc0(sizeof(MBWMXEventFuncInfo)); func_info->func = func; func_info->xwindow = xwin; func_info->userdata = userdata; func_info->id = ids; #if ENABLE_COMPOSITE if (type == wm->damage_event_base + XDamageNotify) { ctx->event_funcs.damage_notify = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.damage_notify, func_info); } else #endif switch (type) { case Expose: break; case MapRequest: ctx->event_funcs.map_request = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.map_request, func_info); break; case MapNotify: ctx->event_funcs.map_notify= mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.map_notify, func_info); break; case UnmapNotify: ctx->event_funcs.unmap_notify= mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.unmap_notify, func_info); break; case DestroyNotify: ctx->event_funcs.destroy_notify = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.destroy_notify, func_info); break; case ConfigureNotify: ctx->event_funcs.configure_notify = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.configure_notify, func_info); break; case ConfigureRequest: ctx->event_funcs.configure_request = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.configure_request, func_info); break; case KeyPress: ctx->event_funcs.key_press = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.key_press, func_info); break; case PropertyNotify: ctx->event_funcs.property_notify = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.property_notify, func_info); break; case ButtonPress: ctx->event_funcs.button_press = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.button_press, func_info); break; case ButtonRelease: ctx->event_funcs.button_release = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.button_release, func_info); break; case MotionNotify: ctx->event_funcs.motion_notify = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.motion_notify, func_info); break; case ClientMessage: ctx->event_funcs.client_message = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.client_message, func_info); break; default: break; } return ids; } void mb_wm_main_context_x_event_handler_remove (MBWMMainContext *ctx, int type, unsigned long id) { MBWMList * l = NULL; MBWMList **l_start; #if ENABLE_COMPOSITE MBWindowManager * wm = ctx->wm; if (type == wm->damage_event_base + XDamageNotify) { l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.damage_notify; } else #endif switch (type) { case Expose: break; case MapRequest: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.map_request; break; case MapNotify: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.map_notify; break; case UnmapNotify: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.unmap_notify; break; case DestroyNotify: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.destroy_notify; break; case ConfigureNotify: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.configure_notify; break; case ConfigureRequest: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.configure_request; break; case KeyPress: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.key_press; break; case PropertyNotify: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.property_notify; break; case ButtonPress: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.button_press; break; case ButtonRelease: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.button_release; break; case MotionNotify: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.motion_notify; break; case ClientMessage: l_start = &ctx->event_funcs.client_message; break; default: break; } l = *l_start; while (l) { MBWMXEventFuncInfo * info = l->data; if (info->id == id) { MBWMList * prev = l->prev; MBWMList * next = l->next; if (prev) prev->next = next; else *l_start = next; if (next) next->prev = prev; free (info); free (l); return; } l = l->next; } } #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP static void mb_wm_main_context_timeout_setup (MBWMTimeOutEventInfo * tinfo, struct timeval * current_time) { int sec = tinfo->ms / 1000; int usec = (tinfo->ms - sec *1000) * 1000; sec += current_time->tv_sec; usec += current_time->tv_usec; if (usec >= 1000000) { usec -= 1000000; sec++; } tinfo->triggers.tv_sec = sec; tinfo->triggers.tv_usec = usec; } static Bool mb_wm_main_context_handle_timeout (MBWMTimeOutEventInfo *tinfo, struct timeval *current_time) { if (tinfo->triggers.tv_sec < current_time->tv_sec || (tinfo->triggers.tv_sec == current_time->tv_sec && tinfo->triggers.tv_usec <= current_time->tv_usec)) { if (!tinfo->func (tinfo->userdata)) return False; mb_wm_main_context_timeout_setup (tinfo, current_time); } return True; } /* * Returns false if no timeouts are present */ static Bool mb_wm_main_context_check_timeouts (MBWMMainContext *ctx) { MBWMList * l = mb_wm_util_list_get_first(ctx->event_funcs.timeout); struct timeval current_time; if (!l) return False; gettimeofday (¤t_time, NULL); while (l) { MBWMTimeOutEventInfo * tinfo = l->data; unsigned long tid = tinfo->id; if (!mb_wm_main_context_handle_timeout (tinfo, ¤t_time)) { /* Timeout handler notified it can be removed, do so now */ mb_wm_main_context_timeout_handler_remove (ctx,tid); /* To avoid race condition, restart at front of list */ l = mb_wm_util_list_get_first(ctx->event_funcs.timeout); } else l = mb_wm_util_list_next(l); } return True; } #endif /* !USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP */ unsigned long mb_wm_main_context_timeout_handler_add (MBWMMainContext *ctx, int ms, MBWindowManagerTimeOutFunc func, void *userdata) { #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP static unsigned long ids = 0; MBWMTimeOutEventInfo * tinfo; struct timeval current_time; ++ids; tinfo = mb_wm_util_malloc0 (sizeof (MBWMTimeOutEventInfo)); tinfo->func = func; tinfo->id = ids; tinfo->ms = ms; tinfo->userdata = userdata; gettimeofday (¤t_time, NULL); mb_wm_main_context_timeout_setup (tinfo, ¤t_time); ctx->event_funcs.timeout = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.timeout, tinfo); return ids; #else return g_timeout_add (ms, func, userdata); #endif } void mb_wm_main_context_timeout_handler_remove (MBWMMainContext *ctx, unsigned long id) { #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP MBWMList * l = ctx->event_funcs.timeout; while (l) { MBWMTimeOutEventInfo * info = l->data; if (info->id == id) { /* Reset list head after entry removal */ ctx->event_funcs.timeout = mb_wm_util_list_remove(ctx->event_funcs.timeout, l->data); return; } l = mb_wm_util_list_next(l); } #else g_source_remove (id); #endif } unsigned long mb_wm_main_context_fd_watch_add (MBWMMainContext *ctx, MBWMIOChannel *channel, MBWMIOCondition events, MBWindowManagerFdWatchFunc func, void *userdata) { #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP static unsigned long ids = 0; MBWMFdWatchInfo * finfo; struct pollfd * fds; ++ids; finfo = mb_wm_util_malloc0 (sizeof (MBWMFdWatchInfo)); finfo->func = func; finfo->id = ids; finfo->channel = channel; finfo->events = events; finfo->userdata = userdata; ctx->event_funcs.fd_watch = mb_wm_util_list_append (ctx->event_funcs.fd_watch, finfo); ctx->n_poll_fds++; ctx->poll_fds = realloc (ctx->poll_fds, sizeof (struct pollfd)); fds = ctx->poll_fds + (ctx->n_poll_fds - 1); fds->fd = *channel; fds->events = events; return ids; #else return g_io_add_watch (channel, events, func, userdata); #endif } void mb_wm_main_context_fd_watch_remove (MBWMMainContext *ctx, unsigned long id) { #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP MBWMList * l = ctx->event_funcs.fd_watch; while (l) { MBWMFdWatchInfo * info = l->data; if (info->id == id) { MBWMList * prev = l->prev; MBWMList * next = l->next; if (prev) prev->next = next; else ctx->event_funcs.fd_watch = next; if (next) next->prev = prev; free (info); free (l); return; } l = l->next; } ctx->n_poll_fds--; ctx->poll_cache_dirty = True; #else g_source_remove (id); #endif } MBWMIOChannel * mb_wm_main_context_io_channel_new (int fd) { #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP MBWMIOChannel * c = mb_wm_util_malloc0 (sizeof (MBWMIOChannel)); *c = fd; return c; #else return g_io_channel_unix_new (fd); #endif } void mb_wm_main_context_io_channel_destroy (MBWMIOChannel * channel) { #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP if (channel) free (channel); #else g_io_channel_unref (channel); #endif } int mb_wm_main_context_io_channel_get_fd (MBWMIOChannel * channel) { #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP return *channel; #else g_io_channel_unix_get_fd (channel); #endif } #if ! USE_GLIB_MAINLOOP static void mb_wm_main_context_setup_poll_cache (MBWMMainContext *ctx) { MBWMList *l = ctx->event_funcs.fd_watch; int i = 0; if (!ctx->poll_cache_dirty) return; ctx->poll_fds = realloc (ctx->poll_fds, ctx->n_poll_fds); while (l) { MBWMFdWatchInfo *info = l->data; ctx->poll_fds[i].fd = *(info->channel); ctx->poll_fds[i].events = info->events; l = l->next; ++i; } ctx->poll_cache_dirty = False; } static Bool mb_wm_main_context_check_fd_watches (MBWMMainContext * ctx) { int ret; int i = 0; MBWMList * l = ctx->event_funcs.fd_watch; Bool removal = False; if (!ctx->n_poll_fds) return False; mb_wm_main_context_setup_poll_cache (ctx); ret = poll (ctx->poll_fds, ctx->n_poll_fds, 0); if (ret < 0) { MBWM_DBG ("Poll failed."); return True; } if (ret == 0) return True; while (l) { MBWMFdWatchInfo *info = l->data; if (ctx->poll_fds[i].revents & ctx->poll_fds[i].events) { Bool zap = !info->func (info->channel, ctx->poll_fds[i].revents, info->userdata); if (zap) { MBWMList * prev = l->prev; MBWMList * next = l->next; if (prev) prev->next = next; else ctx->event_funcs.fd_watch = next; if (next) next->prev = prev; free (info); free (l); ctx->n_poll_fds--; removal = True; l = next; } else l = l->next; } else l = l->next; ++i; } ctx->poll_cache_dirty = removal; return True; } #endif