/* * (C) 2006 OpenedHand Ltd. * * Author: Jorn Baayen * * Licensed under the GPL v2 or greater. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_LIBSN #define SN_API_NOT_YET_FROZEN 1 #include #endif typedef struct { GtkImage *image; gboolean button_down; gboolean use_sn; char *name; char **argv; } LauncherApplet; static void launcher_applet_free (LauncherApplet *applet) { g_free (applet->name); g_strfreev (applet->argv); g_slice_free (LauncherApplet, applet); } /* Convert command line to argv array, stripping % conversions on the way */ #define MAX_ARGS 255 static char ** exec_to_argv (const char *exec) { const char *p; char *buf, *bufp, **argv; int nargs; gboolean escape, single_quote, double_quote; argv = g_new (char *, MAX_ARGS + 1); buf = g_alloca (strlen (exec) + 1); bufp = buf; nargs = 0; escape = single_quote = double_quote = FALSE; for (p = exec; *p; p++) { if (escape) { *bufp++ = *p; escape = FALSE; } else { switch (*p) { case '\\': escape = TRUE; break; case '%': /* Strip '%' conversions */ if (p[1] && p[1] == '%') *bufp++ = *p; p++; break; case '\'': if (double_quote) *bufp++ = *p; else single_quote = !single_quote; break; case '\"': if (single_quote) *bufp++ = *p; else double_quote = !double_quote; break; case ' ': if (single_quote || double_quote) *bufp++ = *p; else { *bufp = 0; if (nargs < MAX_ARGS) argv[nargs++] = g_strdup (buf); bufp = buf; } break; default: *bufp++ = *p; break; } } } if (bufp != buf) { *bufp = 0; if (nargs < MAX_ARGS) argv[nargs++] = g_strdup (buf); } argv[nargs] = NULL; return argv; } /* Button pressed on event box */ static gboolean button_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *event_box, GdkEventButton *event, LauncherApplet *applet) { if (event->button != 1) return TRUE; applet->button_down = TRUE; return TRUE; } /* Button released on event box */ static gboolean button_release_event_cb (GtkWidget *event_box, GdkEventButton *event, LauncherApplet *applet) { int x, y; pid_t child_pid = 0; #ifdef USE_LIBSN SnLauncherContext *context; #endif if (event->button != 1 || !applet->button_down) return TRUE; applet->button_down = FALSE; /* Only process if the button was released inside the button */ gtk_widget_translate_coordinates (event_box, event_box->parent, event->x, event->y, &x, &y); if (x < event_box->allocation.x || x > event_box->allocation.x + event_box->allocation.width || y < event_box->allocation.y || y > event_box->allocation.y + event_box->allocation.height) return TRUE; #ifdef USE_LIBSN context = NULL; if (applet->use_sn) { SnDisplay *sn_dpy; Display *display; int screen; display = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (event_box))); sn_dpy = sn_display_new (display, NULL, NULL); screen = gdk_screen_get_number (gtk_widget_get_screen (GTK_WIDGET (event_box))); context = sn_launcher_context_new (sn_dpy, screen); sn_display_unref (sn_dpy); sn_launcher_context_set_name (context, applet->name); sn_launcher_context_set_binary_name (context, applet->argv[0]); sn_launcher_context_initiate (context, "matchbox-panel", applet->argv[0], CurrentTime); } #endif switch ((child_pid = fork ())) { case -1: g_warning ("Fork failed"); break; case 0: #ifdef USE_LIBSN if (applet->use_sn) sn_launcher_context_setup_child_process (context); #endif execvp (applet->argv[0], applet->argv); g_warning ("Failed to execvp() %s", applet->argv[0]); _exit (1); break; } #ifdef USE_LIBSN if (applet->use_sn) sn_launcher_context_unref (context); #endif return TRUE; } /* Someone took or released the GTK+ grab */ static void grab_notify_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gboolean was_grabbed, LauncherApplet *applet) { if (!was_grabbed) { /* It wasn't us. Reset press state */ applet->button_down = FALSE; } } G_MODULE_EXPORT GtkWidget * mb_panel_applet_create (const char *id, GtkOrientation orientation) { char *filename; GKeyFile *key_file; GtkWidget *event_box, *image; GError *error; char *icon, *exec, *name; gboolean use_sn; LauncherApplet *applet; /* Try to find a .desktop file for @id */ key_file = g_key_file_new (); filename = g_strdup_printf ("applications/%s.desktop", id); error = NULL; if (!g_key_file_load_from_data_dirs (key_file, filename, NULL, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error)) { /* An error occured */ g_warning ("%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); g_free (filename); g_key_file_free (key_file); return NULL; } g_free (filename); /* Found and opened keyfile. Read the values we want. */ /* Icon */ error = NULL; icon = g_key_file_get_string (key_file, "Desktop Entry", "Icon", &error); icon = icon ? g_strstrip (icon) : NULL; if (!icon || icon[0] == 0) { if (error) { g_warning ("%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } else g_warning ("No icon specified"); g_key_file_free (key_file); return NULL; } /* Exec */ error = NULL; exec = g_key_file_get_string (key_file, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", &error); exec = exec ? g_strstrip (exec) : NULL; if (!exec || exec[0] == 0) { if (error) { g_warning ("%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } else g_warning ("No exec specified"); g_free (icon); g_key_file_free (key_file); return NULL; } /* Name */ name = g_key_file_get_string (key_file, "Desktop Entry", "Name", NULL); /* StartupNotify */ use_sn = g_key_file_get_boolean (key_file, "Desktop Entry", "StartupNotify", NULL); /* Close key file */ g_key_file_free (key_file); /* Create widgets */ event_box = gtk_event_box_new (); gtk_widget_set_name (event_box, "MatchboxPanelLauncher"); image = mb_panel_scaling_image_new (icon); g_free (icon); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (event_box), image); /* Set up applet structure */ applet = g_slice_new (LauncherApplet); applet->image = GTK_IMAGE (image); applet->button_down = FALSE; applet->use_sn = use_sn; applet->name = name; applet->argv = exec_to_argv (exec); g_free (exec); g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (event_box), (GWeakNotify) launcher_applet_free, applet); /* Listen to events */ g_signal_connect (event_box, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK (button_press_event_cb), applet); g_signal_connect (event_box, "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK (button_release_event_cb), applet); g_signal_connect (event_box, "grab-notify", G_CALLBACK (grab_notify_cb), applet); /* Show! */ gtk_widget_show_all (event_box); return event_box; };