/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Microchip Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries * All rights reserved. */ #ifndef HOST_INT_H #define HOST_INT_H #include #include "coreconfigurator.h" #define IP_ALEN 4 #define IDLE_MODE 0x00 #define AP_MODE 0x01 #define STATION_MODE 0x02 #define GO_MODE 0x03 #define CLIENT_MODE 0x04 #define ACTION 0xD0 #define PROBE_REQ 0x40 #define PROBE_RESP 0x50 #define ACTION_FRM_IDX 0 #define PROBE_REQ_IDX 1 #define MAX_NUM_STA 9 #define ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME 10 #define PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME 1200 #define MIN_SCAN_TIME 10 #define MAX_SCAN_TIME 1200 #define DEFAULT_SCAN 0 #define USER_SCAN BIT(0) #define OBSS_PERIODIC_SCAN BIT(1) #define OBSS_ONETIME_SCAN BIT(2) #define GTK_RX_KEY_BUFF_LEN 24 #define ADDKEY 0x1 #define REMOVEKEY 0x2 #define DEFAULTKEY 0x4 #define ADDKEY_AP 0x8 #define MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS 100 #define MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS_SHADOW 130 #define MAX_NUM_PROBED_SSID 10 #define CHANNEL_SCAN_TIME 250 #define TX_MIC_KEY_LEN 8 #define RX_MIC_KEY_LEN 8 #define PTK_KEY_LEN 16 #define TX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN 26 #define RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN 48 #define PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN 39 #define PMKSA_KEY_LEN 22 #define ETH_ALEN 6 #define PMKID_LEN 16 #define WILC_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS 16 #define WILC_ADD_STA_LENGTH 40 #define NUM_CONCURRENT_IFC 2 #define DRV_HANDLER_SIZE 5 #define DRV_HANDLER_MASK 0x000000FF struct rf_info { u8 link_speed; s8 rssi; u32 tx_cnt; u32 rx_cnt; u32 tx_fail_cnt; }; enum host_if_state { HOST_IF_IDLE = 0, HOST_IF_SCANNING = 1, HOST_IF_CONNECTING = 2, HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP = 3, HOST_IF_CONNECTED = 4, HOST_IF_P2P_LISTEN = 5, HOST_IF_FORCE_32BIT = 0xFFFFFFFF }; struct host_if_pmkid { u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; u8 pmkid[PMKID_LEN]; }; struct host_if_pmkid_attr { u8 numpmkid; struct host_if_pmkid pmkidlist[WILC_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS]; }; enum current_tx_rate { AUTORATE = 0, MBPS_1 = 1, MBPS_2 = 2, MBPS_5_5 = 5, MBPS_11 = 11, MBPS_6 = 6, MBPS_9 = 9, MBPS_12 = 12, MBPS_18 = 18, MBPS_24 = 24, MBPS_36 = 36, MBPS_48 = 48, MBPS_54 = 54 }; struct cfg_param_attr { u32 flag; u8 ht_enable; u8 bss_type; u8 auth_type; u16 auth_timeout; u8 power_mgmt_mode; u16 short_retry_limit; u16 long_retry_limit; u16 frag_threshold; u16 rts_threshold; u16 preamble_type; u8 short_slot_allowed; u8 txop_prot_disabled; u16 beacon_interval; u16 dtim_period; enum site_survey site_survey_enabled; u16 site_survey_scan_time; u8 scan_source; u16 active_scan_time; u16 passive_scan_time; enum current_tx_rate curr_tx_rate; }; enum cfg_param { RETRY_SHORT = BIT(0), RETRY_LONG = BIT(1), FRAG_THRESHOLD = BIT(2), RTS_THRESHOLD = BIT(3), BSS_TYPE = BIT(4), AUTH_TYPE = BIT(5), AUTHEN_TIMEOUT = BIT(6), POWER_MANAGEMENT = BIT(7), PREAMBLE = BIT(8), SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED = BIT(9), TXOP_PROT_DISABLE = BIT(10), BEACON_INTERVAL = BIT(11), DTIM_PERIOD = BIT(12), SITE_SURVEY = BIT(13), SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME = BIT(14), ACTIVE_SCANTIME = BIT(15), PASSIVE_SCANTIME = BIT(16), CURRENT_TX_RATE = BIT(17), HT_ENABLE = BIT(18), }; struct found_net_info { u8 bssid[6]; s8 rssi; }; enum scan_event { SCAN_EVENT_NETWORK_FOUND = 0, SCAN_EVENT_DONE = 1, SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED = 2, SCAN_EVENT_FORCE_32BIT = 0xFFFFFFFF }; enum conn_event { CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP = 0, CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_DISCONN_NOTIF = 1, CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_FORCE_32BIT = 0xFFFFFFFF }; enum KEY_TYPE { WEP, WPA_RX_GTK, WPA_PTK, PMKSA, }; typedef void (*wilc_scan_result)(enum scan_event, struct network_info *, void *, void *); typedef void (*wilc_connect_result)(enum conn_event, struct connect_info *, u8, struct disconnect_info *, void *); typedef void (*wilc_remain_on_chan_expired)(void *, u32); typedef void (*wilc_remain_on_chan_ready)(void *); struct rcvd_net_info { u8 *buffer; u32 len; }; struct hidden_net_info { u8 *ssid; u8 ssid_len; }; struct hidden_network { struct hidden_net_info *net_info; u8 n_ssids; }; struct user_scan_req { wilc_scan_result scan_result; void *arg; u32 ch_cnt; struct found_net_info net_info[MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS]; }; struct user_conn_req { u8 *bssid; u8 *ssid; u8 security; enum authtype auth_type; size_t ssid_len; u8 *ies; size_t ies_len; wilc_connect_result conn_result; bool ht_capable; void *arg; }; struct drv_handler { u32 handler; u8 mode; u8 name; }; struct op_mode { u32 mode; }; struct get_mac_addr { u8 *mac_addr; }; struct ba_session_info { u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; u8 tid; u16 buf_size; u16 time_out; }; struct remain_ch { u16 ch; u32 duration; wilc_remain_on_chan_expired expired; wilc_remain_on_chan_ready ready; void *arg; u32 id; }; struct reg_frame { bool reg; u16 frame_type; u8 reg_id; }; struct wilc; struct host_if_drv { struct user_scan_req usr_scan_req; struct user_conn_req usr_conn_req; struct remain_ch remain_on_ch; u8 remain_on_ch_pending; u64 p2p_timeout; u8 p2p_connect; enum host_if_state hif_state; u8 assoc_bssid[ETH_ALEN]; struct cfg_param_attr cfg_values; /*lock to protect concurrent setting of cfg params*/ struct mutex cfg_values_lock; struct timer_list scan_timer; struct wilc_vif *scan_timer_vif; struct timer_list connect_timer; struct wilc_vif *connect_timer_vif; struct timer_list remain_on_ch_timer; struct wilc_vif *remain_on_ch_timer_vif; bool ifc_up; int driver_handler_id; }; struct add_sta_param { u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; u16 aid; u8 rates_len; const u8 *rates; bool ht_supported; struct ieee80211_ht_cap ht_capa; u16 flags_mask; u16 flags_set; }; struct wilc_vif; int wilc_remove_wep_key(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 index); int wilc_set_wep_default_keyid(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 index); int wilc_add_wep_key_bss_sta(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *key, u8 len, u8 index); int wilc_add_wep_key_bss_ap(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *key, u8 len, u8 index, u8 mode, enum authtype auth_type); int wilc_add_ptk(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *ptk, u8 ptk_key_len, const u8 *mac_addr, const u8 *rx_mic, const u8 *tx_mic, u8 mode, u8 cipher_mode, u8 index); s32 wilc_get_inactive_time(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac, u32 *out_val); int wilc_add_rx_gtk(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *rx_gtk, u8 gtk_key_len, u8 index, u32 key_rsc_len, const u8 *key_rsc, const u8 *rx_mic, const u8 *tx_mic, u8 mode, u8 cipher_mode); int wilc_set_pmkid_info(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct host_if_pmkid_attr *pmkid); int wilc_get_mac_address(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *mac_addr); int wilc_set_join_req(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *bssid, const u8 *ssid, size_t ssid_len, const u8 *ies, size_t ies_len, wilc_connect_result connect_result, void *user_arg, u8 security, enum authtype auth_type, u8 channel, void *join_params); int wilc_disconnect(struct wilc_vif *vif, u16 reason_code); int wilc_set_mac_chnl_num(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 channel); int wilc_get_rssi(struct wilc_vif *vif, s8 *rssi_level); int wilc_scan(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 scan_source, u8 scan_type, u8 *ch_freq_list, u8 ch_list_len, const u8 *ies, size_t ies_len, wilc_scan_result scan_result, void *user_arg, struct hidden_network *hidden_network); int wilc_hif_set_cfg(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct cfg_param_attr *cfg_param); int wilc_init(struct net_device *dev, struct host_if_drv **hif_drv_handler); int wilc_deinit(struct wilc_vif *vif); int wilc_add_beacon(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 interval, u32 dtim_period, u32 head_len, u8 *head, u32 tail_len, u8 *tail); int wilc_del_beacon(struct wilc_vif *vif); int wilc_add_station(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct add_sta_param *sta_param); int wilc_del_allstation(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 mac_addr[][ETH_ALEN]); int wilc_del_station(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac_addr); int wilc_edit_station(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct add_sta_param *sta_param); int wilc_set_power_mgmt(struct wilc_vif *vif, bool enabled, u32 timeout); int wilc_setup_multicast_filter(struct wilc_vif *vif, bool enabled, u32 count); int wilc_setup_ipaddress(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *ip_addr, u8 idx); int wilc_remain_on_channel(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 session_id, u32 duration, u16 chan, wilc_remain_on_chan_expired expired, wilc_remain_on_chan_ready ready, void *user_arg); int wilc_listen_state_expired(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 session_id); int wilc_frame_register(struct wilc_vif *vif, u16 frame_type, bool reg); int wilc_set_wfi_drv_handler(struct wilc_vif *vif, int index, u8 mode, u8 ifc_id); int wilc_set_operation_mode(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 mode); int wilc_get_statistics(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct rf_info *stats, bool is_sync); void wilc_resolve_disconnect_aberration(struct wilc_vif *vif); int wilc_get_vif_idx(struct wilc_vif *vif); int wilc_set_tx_power(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 tx_power); int wilc_get_tx_power(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *tx_power); extern bool wilc_optaining_ip; extern u8 wilc_connected_ssid[6]; extern u8 wilc_multicast_mac_addr_list[WILC_MULTICAST_TABLE_SIZE][ETH_ALEN]; extern int wilc_connecting; extern struct timer_list wilc_during_ip_timer; #endif