Representing flash partitions in devicetree Partitions can be represented by sub-nodes of an mtd device. This can be used on platforms which have strong conventions about which portions of a flash are used for what purposes, but which don't use an on-flash partition table such as RedBoot. #address-cells & #size-cells must both be present in the mtd device and be equal to 1. Required properties: - reg : The partition's offset and size within the mtd bank. Optional properties: - label : The label / name for this partition. If omitted, the label is taken from the node name (excluding the unit address). - read-only : This parameter, if present, is a hint to Linux that this partition should only be mounted read-only. This is usually used for flash partitions containing early-boot firmware images or data which should not be clobbered. Examples: flash@0 { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>; partition@0 { label = "u-boot"; reg = <0x0000000 0x100000>; read-only; }; uimage@100000 { reg = <0x0100000 0x200000>; }; ];