Atmel NAND flash Required properties: - compatible : "atmel,at91rm9200-nand". - reg : should specify localbus address and size used for the chip, and if availlable the ECC. - atmel,nand-addr-offset : offset for the address latch. - atmel,nand-cmd-offset : offset for the command latch. - #address-cells, #size-cells : Must be present if the device has sub-nodes representing partitions. - gpios : specifies the gpio pins to control the NAND device. detect is an optional gpio and may be set to 0 if not present. Optional properties: - nand-ecc-mode : String, operation mode of the NAND ecc mode, soft by default. Supported values are: "none", "soft", "hw", "hw_syndrome", "hw_oob_first", "soft_bch". - nand-bus-width : 8 or 16 bus width if not present 8 - nand-on-flash-bbt: boolean to enable on flash bbt option if not present false Examples: nand0: nand@40000000,0 { compatible = "atmel,at91rm9200-nand"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>; reg = <0x40000000 0x10000000 0xffffe800 0x200 >; atmel,nand-addr-offset = <21>; atmel,nand-cmd-offset = <22>; nand-on-flash-bbt; nand-ecc-mode = "soft"; gpios = <&pioC 13 0 &pioC 14 0 0 >; partition@0 { ... }; };