The current implmentaion is based on TCF contribution 0.3.0(SVN revision 998). (svn:// I. Build ================================ 1. Check out the TCF contribution code version 0.3.0 from TCF SVN repository. svn co svn:// tcf_local/ To use SVN inside Intel firewall, please use tsocks. ( 2. Apply the patches. cd tcf_local patch -p0 < ../terminals_agent.patch patch -p0 < ../terminals_plugin.patch patch -p0 < ../lke_rse_tcf.patch After the successful patch, only the following components are useful for CDT remote debug. Other plugins are not required. plugins/ TCF plugin for Eclipse integration. plugins/ TCF Java framework and intefaces for standard services. plugins/ RSE plugin using TCF. plugins/ TCF Java interfaces & eclipse integration for terminal service. agent/ TCF reference agent for standard services. TCF reference agent with addtional terminal service. 3. Build the agent on remote target side. (This step can be skipped if the agent is already included in the poky generated image) 1) copy the directories "agent/" or "" to the remote target machine. 2) cd "" 3) make 4. Import the eclipse plugins on host side. 1) In eclipse, choose from menu File->Import->General->"Existing projects into workspace", browse to the "tcf_local/plugins" direcotry, and click "OK". 2) Check the following plugins: 3) Click "Finish" to import the eclipse plugins. 4) Select Project->"Build All" to build the plugins. If the build process complains about missing dependent plugin, please see Note 2 below. II. Usage ================================ On remote target side 1. Build & run tcf agent on target. (This step can be skipped if the agent is already included in the poky generated iamge) - cd to direcotry "". - type "make" to build the tcf agent. - run the tcf agent with root privilege on target. e.g. sudo obj/GNU/Linux/x86_64/Debug/agent -Llog.txt On Host side 2. Launch the RSE plugin for TCF( Make sure the plugin is launched along with that plugin. 3. CDT remote debug. 1) Choose from menu Run->"Debug Configurations..."-> "C/C++ Remote Application", and click the "New launch configuration" button. 2) In the "Main" tab, click "New..." button and it will launch a "New Connection" wizard. 3) In the "New Connection" dialogue, choose "TCF" as system type and click "Next". 4) Input the ip address of the remote target machine in "Host name:", choose an arbitary unique name for "Connection name:", and click "Next". 5) Make sure "" is checked, make sure you have input the correct TCF session properties in the TCF Connector Service and click "Next". (See Note 3 below) 6) Make sure "" is checked and click "Next". 7) Make sure "" is checked and click "Next". 8) Make sure "" is checked, make sure you have input the correct TCF session properties in the TCF Connector Service. (See Note 3 below) 9) Click "Finish" to close the "New Connection" dialogue. 10) In the "Main" tab, choose the connection just created from the "Connection" drop-list. 11) In the "Main" tab, enter the "Remote Absolute File Path for C/C++ Application". This is where the debugged application to be downloaded to the remote target side. e.g. "/tmp/helloworld". 12) In the "Debugger" tab, please choose the correct "GDB debugger". Usually you should choose the cross-gdb which matches the host and target machine. (see Known limitations 2.) 13) Click "Debug". 14) In the popped up "Enter Password" dialogue, enter the correct "User ID" and "Password" and click "OK". It will be used to login to the remote target machine. III. Note ================================ 1. Sometimes the eclispe would report a exception of "Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" and the application hangs. This is because the JVM garbage collection doesn't clean the permenant generation space, which is used to store meta-data descriptions of classes. To fix this problem, please add "-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" to the "VM arguements" when launching the plug-ins. 2. The following eclipse plugins should be installed before building TCF related plugins. CDT v6.0.2: RSE v3.1.2: 3. TCF Connector Service Properties. The TCF connector service properties are used for the TCF based RSE terminals and shells subsystems. To change these properties, click the "TCF Connection Settings" under the "Available Services" in the wizard, in the right, a list of properties is shown and ready for change. Here is a list of the properties: - Command.Prompt This is a string of which the shell/terminal prompt string on the remote target system will end with. The default value is "# "(Pay attention there is a space after the '#'). - Login.Prompt This is a string of which the login prompt string on the remote target system will end with. The default value is "ogin: "(Pay attention there is a space after the ':'). - Login.Required Set to "true" if the remote target system requires the user to input login user name for terminal/shell services. Otherwise set to "false". The default value is "true". - Password.Prompt This is a string of which the password prompt string on the remote target system will end with. The default value is "assword: ".(Pay attention there is a space after the ':') - Pwd.Required Setting to "true" if the remote target system requires the user to input password for terminal/shell services. Otherwise set to "false". The default value is "false". IV. Known limitations ================================ 1. Authentication retry is not implemented. The user only has one chance to input the correct password. If it fails, the user needs to re-launch shell/terminal. If the user has checked the "Save password" in the prompt dialogue, it needs to be disconnected and re-connected. 2. Users have to set the correct cross-gdb debugger manually in the "Debugger" tab in the remote debug configuration.