path: root/bin/common
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-01-13srtool: fix core update implementationDavid Reyna
Fix the data source update mechanism: * Move the update functions to "bin/common/srtool_update.py" * Remove 'lastModifiedDate' from the data source JSON files (since every restart overwrites any updated values) * Change the 'update_time' field to a dictionary of offset values e.g. "{\"weekday\":\"6\",\"hour\":\"2\"}" = day of week, hour of day * Implement the update frequency calculations * Implement data source name filters for selected manual updates * Add a log status file [YOCTO #13131] Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-12srtool: add missing environment filesDavid Reyna
Add the default environment extension files for 'bin/common' and 'bin/yp'. They are currently passive. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-12srtool: improve CVE status assignments, add CVE 2019David Reyna
1. Add the CVE 2019 data soures for MITRE and NIST. 2. Improve the CVE default status assignment system: * During the "Init" phase all CVEs default to HISTORICAL, unless they are within the CVE_INIT_NEW_DELTA date range. The value CVE_INIT_NEW_DELTA is defined in "bin/common/datasource.json", and is an out-of-box courtesy to provide some CVEs for triage in newly initialized systems. Changing the default value to '0' disabled this. * During the "Update" phase, CVEs default to NEW (and thus primed for triage) * Better separate the Init versus Update functions in "srtool_mitre.py" and "srtool_nist.py", and their respective datasource files. * Remove the post-process "preset_new()" in "srtool_common.py" in favor of directly computing the values in get_cve_default_status() in "srtool_mitre.py" and "srtool_nist.py", for speed and consistency. [YOCTO #13134] [YOCTO #13135] Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2019-01-08srtool: remove obsolete 'orm_cvereference' table checkDavid Reyna
Remove the obsolete and now empty 'orm_cvereference' table from the sanity check. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-30srtool: fix url patterns for master appDavid Reyna
Update the 'urlpatterns' processing to use the master app. Also, update the YP master app to include a url and view class, plus provide a default YP landing page, and abtract the default logo display. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-30srtool: replace 'datasource_org' with new master app codeDavid Reyna
Transition the datasource scanning from 'datasource_org' to the new master app environment variable, so that it all works off of one key. Also, add a sample logo for ACME, plus fix datasource trace details. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-29srtool: generalize the master app (yp, acme, ...) managementDavid Reyna
The SRTool allows users to substitute an alternate master application instead of the default "yp" in order to customize their instance to their organization. This is done by: (a) Creating a datasource directory under bin (b) Defining a "datasource.json" file (c) Defining 'export SRT_MAIN_APP="<app>"' in "srtool_env.sh" This environment files are scanned by 'bin/srt', and if such an alternate master app is found it pre-empts the default 'yp'. This value is set via the environment because "lib/srtmain/settings.py" is the file that sets the app (and this the URL) ordering, and it is processed before any database is attached. To disable the alternate main app, simply rename its "datasource.json" file and it will be ignored for the next start. The sample alternate app "acme" is provided to demonstrate this facility. Additionally, a development tool 'bin/dev_tools/master_app.sh' has been added to help switch between master apps, to aid testing. $ ./stop.sh $ ./master_app.sh acme $ ./start.sh ... test ... $ ./stop.sh $ ./master_app.sh yp $ ./start.sh Other included fixes: * Fix the ACME JSON files formating * Remove ACME "_sample" from all but "datasource.json_sample" * Fix tabs to spaces in "srt" * Add global contect values to views::managedcontextprocessor so that other app templates can share them Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-19srtool: fix recreate.sh and sanity test outputDavid Reyna
Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-18srtool: add sanity tool and development toolsDavid Reyna
Run 'bin/common/srtool_sanity_test.py -i' to get a quick sanity test of the database content and the running SRTool server instance. Development helper tools are provided in 'bin/dev_tools' Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-18lib: fix typo in get_name_sortRoss Burton
Ideally, these are all centralised.
2018-12-18srtool_common: use regular expressions to parse sqlite outputRoss Burton
2018-12-18srtools_utils: remove unused execute_processRoss Burton
2018-12-18srtool_common: use subprocess directly, decode UTF-8 correctlyRoss Burton
2018-12-17srtool: port to Django-2.xDavid Reyna
Support Django-2.2: Move 'django.core.urlresolvers' to 'django.urls' Disable 'register.assignment_tag' tags Move settings 'MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES' to 'MIDDLEWARE' Move urlpatterns 'include' to 'path' Move 'regex.pattern' to 'pattern.regex.pattern' Maintain Django-1.11 support General Fixes: Fix commit for notify_categories Add more error halt checks during lsupdates Add explicit 'on_delete=models.CASCADE' for all ForeignKey's Fix 'get_defect_tag' processing [YOCTO #13091] Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-14srtool: add sample organization source, add debuggingDavid Reyna
1. Create the sample "bin/acme_sample" organization data source, to assist companies in adopting and customizing SRTool. 2. Add error detection and halting to the startup datasource scripts. Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>
2018-12-13srtool: cummulative update 12/13/2018David Reyna
Changes: Repartition the data sources Reconfigure the data sources into self-contained directories under the "bin" directory. Implement dynamic data source discovery and import Remove all hard coded data source data (e.g. fixtures, data, CVE lookups) Add license files to all data sources Django User model Add "users" Django application dir Login page Self create user account page Password change page User access and delete management CVE Name sorting by hidden 'name_sort' field (CVE-nnnn-0nnnnnn) CVE Triage Auto import reserved CVEs Add MITRE CVE records where NIST missing Add data source count to triage page Easy checkbox toggle by clicking any field Triage any CVE status category (not just new) Assign to any CVE status category Object create/delete Create/Delete Vulnerablities Create/Delete Investigations from Vulnerablity page Add "Historical" CVE status When bootstraping system, all CVEs older than 60 days preset to "Historical" Add CVEs withint 60 days preset to "New" Can be overridden by defect and systaining status imports Preadd Debian data for "New" CVEs Abstraction Add generic Product mappings to defect system ("defect_tag": defect prefix) Add generic Product mappings to product system ("product_tag": product reference, related) Manage functions via "srt" script For example add superuser Normalize Vulnerability to Investigation mapping Replace orm_vulnerabilityproduct with orm_vulnerabilitytoinvestigation General Enable the 'srtool-requirements.txt' Django test Speed the CVE scoring by pre-fetching the datasources Progress display cleanup Move and update srtool_defect prototype to 'bin/yp' Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>