path: root/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/tc.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/tc.py')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/tc.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/tc.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c7ef9f5bc23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/tc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Test Case magic
+Author: Ed Rousseau <rousseau@redhat.com>"""
+__author__ = "Ed Rousseau <rousseau@redhat.com>"
+import os
+import os.path
+from config import config
+from logging import ResultsLogger, TimeStamp
+from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageStat
+from __builtin__ import unicode, long
+class TC(object): # pragma: no cover
+ """
+ The Test Case Superclass
+ """
+ logger = ResultsLogger()
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.encoding = config.encoding
+ # ascii + unicode. 8 bit extended char has been ripped out
+ self.supportedtypes = (
+ "ascii", "utf-8", "utf-16", "utf-16-be", "utf-16-le", "unicode-escape", "raw-unicode-escape",
+ "big5", "gb18030", "eucJP", "eucKR", "shiftJIS")
+ # String comparison function
+ def compare(self, label, baseline, undertest, encoding=config.encoding):
+ """
+ Compares 2 strings to see if they are the same. The user may specify
+ the encoding to which the two strings are to be normalized for the
+ comparison. Default encoding is the default system encoding.
+ Normalization to extended 8 bit charactersets is not supported.
+ When the origin of either baseline or undertest is a text file whose
+ encoding is something other than ASCII, it is necessary to use
+ codecs.open() instead of open(), so the file's encoding may be
+ specified.
+ """
+ self.label = label.strip()
+ self.baseline = baseline
+ self.undertest = undertest
+ for string in [self.baseline, self.undertest]:
+ try:
+ string = unicode(string, 'utf-8')
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ self.encoding = encoding
+ # Normalize the encoding type for the comparaison based on
+ # self.encoding
+ if self.encoding in self.supportedtypes:
+ self.baseline = (self.baseline).encode(self.encoding)
+ self.undertest = (self.undertest).encode(self.encoding)
+ # Compare the strings
+ if self.baseline == self.undertest:
+ self.result = {self.label: "Passed"}
+ else:
+ self.result = {self.label: "Failed - " + self.encoding +
+ " strings do not match. " + self.baseline + " expected: Got " + self.undertest}
+ # Pass the test result to the ResultsLogger for writing
+ TC.logger.log(self.result)
+ return self.result
+ else:
+ # We should probably raise an exception here
+ self.result = {
+ self.label: "ERROR - " + self.encoding + " is not a supported encoding type"}
+ TC.logger.log(self.result)
+ return self.result
+# String Test Case subclass
+class TCString(TC): # pragma: no cover
+ """
+ String Test Case Class
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ TC.__init__(self)
+# Image test case subclass
+class TCImage(TC): # pragma: no cover
+ """
+ Image Test Case Class.
+ """
+ def compare(self, label, baseline, undertest):
+ for _file in (baseline, undertest):
+ if type(_file) is not unicode and type(_file) is not str:
+ raise TypeError("Need filenames!")
+ self.label = label.strip()
+ self.baseline = baseline.strip()
+ self.undertest = undertest.strip()
+ diffName = TimeStamp().fileStamp("diff") + ".png"
+ self.diff = os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.sep.join((config.scratchDir, diffName)))
+ self.baseImage = Image.open(self.baseline)
+ self.testImage = Image.open(self.undertest)
+ try:
+ if self.baseImage.size != self.testImage.size:
+ self.result = {
+ self.label: "Failed - images are different sizes"}
+ raise StopIteration
+ self.diffImage = ImageChops.difference(self.baseImage,
+ self.testImage)
+ self.diffImage.save(self.diff)
+ result = False
+ for stat in ('stddev', 'mean', 'sum2'):
+ for item in getattr(ImageStat.Stat(self.diffImage), stat):
+ if item:
+ self.result = {self.label: "Failed - see %s" %
+ self.diff}
+ raise StopIteration
+ else:
+ result = True
+ except StopIteration:
+ result = False
+ if result:
+ self.result = {self.label: "Passed"}
+ TC.logger.log(self.result)
+ return self.result
+class TCNumber(TC): # pragma: no cover
+ """
+ Number Comparaison Test Case Class
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ TC.__init__(self)
+ self.supportedtypes = ("int", "long", "float", "complex", "oct", "hex")
+ # Compare 2 numbers by the type provided in the type arg
+ def compare(self, label, baseline, undertest, type):
+ """
+ Compares 2 numbers to see if they are the same. The user may specify
+ how to normalize mixed type comparisons via the type argument.
+ """
+ self.label = label.strip()
+ self.baseline = baseline
+ self.undertest = undertest
+ self.type = type.strip()
+ # If we get a valid type, convert to that type and compare
+ if self.type in self.supportedtypes:
+ # Normalize for comparison
+ if self.type == "int":
+ self.baseline = int(self.baseline)
+ self.undertest = int(self.undertest)
+ elif self.type == "long":
+ self.baseline = long(self.baseline)
+ self.undertest = long(self.undertest)
+ elif self.type == "float":
+ self.baseline = float(self.baseline)
+ self.undertest = float(self.undertest)
+ else:
+ self.baseline = complex(self.baseline)
+ self.undertest = complex(self.undertest)
+ # compare
+ if self.baseline == self.undertest:
+ self.result = {self.label: "Passed - numbers are the same"}
+ else:
+ self.result = {self.label: "Failed - " + str(
+ self.baseline) + " expected: Got " + str(self.undertest)}
+ TC.logger.log(self.result)
+ return self.result
+ else:
+ self.result = {
+ self.label: "Failed - " + self.type + " is not in list of supported types"}
+ TC.logger.log(self.result)
+ return self.result
+class TCBool(TC): # pragma: no cover
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def compare(self, label, _bool):
+ """
+ If _bool is True, pass.
+ If _bool is False, fail.
+ """
+ if type(_bool) is not bool:
+ raise TypeError
+ if _bool:
+ result = {label: "Passed"}
+ else:
+ result = {label: "Failed"}
+ TC.logger.log(result)
+from tree import Node
+class TCNode(TC): # pragma: no cover
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def compare(self, label, baseline, undertest):
+ """
+ If baseline is None, simply check that undertest is a Node.
+ If baseline is a Node, check that it is equal to undertest.
+ """
+ if baseline is not None and not isinstance(baseline, Node):
+ raise TypeError
+ if not isinstance(undertest, Node):
+ result = {label: "Failed - %s is not a Node" % undertest}
+ elif baseline is None:
+ result = {label: "Passed - %s is a Node" % undertest}
+ elif isinstance(baseline, Node):
+ if baseline == undertest:
+ result = {label: "Passed - %s == %s" % (baseline, undertest)}
+ else:
+ result = {label: "Failed - %s != %s" % (baseline, undertest)}
+ TC.logger.log(result)