path: root/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/i18n.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/i18n.py')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/i18n.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/i18n.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8117f8d82c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/dogtail/i18n.py
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Internationalization facilities
+Authors: David Malcolm <dmalcolm@redhat.com>
+__author__ = """David Malcolm <dmalcolm@redhat.com>, Zack Cerza <zcerza@redhat.com>"""
+import config
+import os
+import re
+import gettext
+from logging import debugLogger as logger
+from __builtin__ import unicode
+def safeDecode(string):
+ try:
+ string = string.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ string = string.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ return string
+def safeEncode(string):
+ pass
+Singleton list of TranslationDb instances, to be initialized by the script with
+whatever translation databases it wants.
+translationDbs = []
+class TranslationDb(object):
+ """
+ Abstract base class representing a database of translations
+ """
+ def getTranslationsOf(self, srcName):
+ """
+ Pure virtual method to look up the translation of a string.
+ Returns a list of candidate strings (the translation), empty if not found.
+ Note that a source string can map to multiple translated strings. For
+ example, in the French translation of Evolution, the string "Forward" can
+ translate to both
+ (i) "Faire suivre" for forwarding an email, and
+ (ii) "Suivant" for the next page in a wizard.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class GettextTranslationDb(TranslationDb):
+ """
+ Implementation of TranslationDb which leverages gettext, using a single
+ translation mo-file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, moFile):
+ self.__moFile = moFile
+ self.__gnutranslations = gettext.GNUTranslations(open(moFile))
+ def getTranslationsOf(self, srcName):
+ srcName = safeDecode(srcName)
+ # print "searching for translations of %s"%srcName
+ # Use a dict to get uniqueness:
+ results = {}
+ result = self.__gnutranslations.ugettext(srcName)
+ if result != srcName:
+ results[result] = None
+ # Hack alert:
+ #
+ # Note that typical UI definition in GTK etc contains strings with
+ # underscores to denote accelerators.
+ # For example, the stock GTK "Add" item has text "_Add" which e.g.
+ # translates to "A_jouter" in French
+ #
+ # Since these underscores have been stripped out before we see these strings,
+ # we are looking for a translation of "Add" into "Ajouter" in this case, so
+ # we need to fake it, by looking up the string multiple times, with underscores
+ # inserted in all possible positions, stripping underscores out of the result.
+ # Ugly, but it works.
+ for index in range(len(srcName)):
+ candidate = srcName[:index] + "_" + srcName[index:]
+ result = self.__gnutranslations.ugettext(candidate)
+ if result != candidate:
+ # Strip out the underscore, and add to the result:
+ results[result.replace('_', '')] = True
+ return results.keys()
+def translate(srcString):
+ """
+ Look up srcString in the various translation databases (if any), returning
+ a list of all matches found (potentially the empty list)
+ """
+ # Use a dict to get uniqueness:
+ results = {}
+ # Try to translate the string:
+ for translationDb in translationDbs:
+ for result in translationDb.getTranslationsOf(srcString):
+ result = safeDecode(result)
+ results[result] = True
+ # No translations found:
+ if len(results) == 0:
+ if config.config.debugTranslation:
+ logger.log('Translation not found for "%s"' % srcString)
+ return results.keys()
+class TranslatableString(object):
+ """
+ Class representing a string that we want to match strings against, handling
+ translation for us, by looking it up once at construction time.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, untranslatedString):
+ """
+ Constructor looks up the string in all of the translation databases, storing
+ the various translations it finds.
+ """
+ untranslatedString = safeDecode(untranslatedString)
+ self.untranslatedString = untranslatedString
+ self.translatedStrings = translate(untranslatedString)
+ def matchedBy(self, string):
+ """
+ Compare the test string against either the translation of the original
+ string (or simply the original string, if no translation was found).
+ """
+ # print "comparing %s against %s"%(string, self)
+ def stringsMatch(inS, outS):
+ """
+ Compares a regular expression to a string
+ inS: the regular expression (or normal string)
+ outS: the normal string to be compared against
+ """
+ inString = str(inS)
+ outString = outS
+ if inString == outString:
+ return True
+ inString = inString + '$'
+ inString = safeDecode(inString)
+ outString = safeDecode(outString)
+ if inString[0] == '*':
+ inString = "\\" + inString
+ # Escape all parentheses, since grouping will never be needed here
+ inString = re.sub('([\(\)])', r'\\\1', inString)
+ match = re.match(inString, outString)
+ matched = match is not None
+ return matched
+ matched = False
+ # the 'ts' variable keeps track of whether we're working with
+ # translated strings. it's only used for debugging purposes.
+ #ts = 0
+ # print string, str(self)
+ for translatedString in self.translatedStrings:
+ #ts = ts + 1
+ matched = stringsMatch(translatedString, string)
+ if not matched:
+ matched = translatedString == string
+ if matched:
+ return matched
+ # ts=0
+ return stringsMatch(self.untranslatedString, string)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ Provide a meaningful debug version of the string (and the translation in
+ use)
+ """
+ if len(self.translatedStrings) > 0:
+ # build an output string, with commas in the correct places
+ translations = ""
+ for tString in self.translatedStrings:
+ translations += u'"%s", ' % safeDecode(tString)
+ result = u'"%s" (%s)' % (
+ safeDecode(self.untranslatedString), translations)
+ return safeDecode(result)
+ else:
+ return '"%s"' % (self.untranslatedString)
+def isMoFile(filename, language=''):
+ """
+ Does the given filename look like a gettext mo file?
+ Optionally: Does the file also contain translations for a certain language,
+ for example 'ja'?
+ """
+ if re.match('(.*)\\.mo$', filename):
+ if not language:
+ return True
+ elif re.match('/usr/share/locale(.*)/%s(.*)/LC_MESSAGES/(.*)\\.mo$' %
+ language, filename):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
+def loadAllTranslationsForLanguage(language):
+ import distro
+ for moFile in distro.packageDb.getMoFiles(language):
+ translationDbs.append(GettextTranslationDb(moFile))
+def getMoFilesForPackage(packageName, language='', getDependencies=True):
+ """
+ Look up the named package and find all gettext mo files within it and its
+ dependencies. It is possible to restrict the results to those of a certain
+ language, for example 'ja'.
+ """
+ import distro
+ result = []
+ for filename in distro.packageDb.getFiles(packageName):
+ if isMoFile(filename, language):
+ result.append(filename)
+ if getDependencies:
+ # Recurse:
+ for dep in distro.packageDb.getDependencies(packageName):
+ # We pass False to the inner call because getDependencies has already
+ # walked the full tree
+ result.extend(getMoFilesForPackage(dep, language, False))
+ return result
+def loadTranslationsFromPackageMoFiles(packageName, getDependencies=True):
+ """
+ Helper function which appends all of the gettext translation mo-files used by
+ the package (and its dependencies) to the translation database list.
+ """
+ # Keep a list of mo-files that are already in use to avoid duplicates.
+ moFiles = {}
+ def load(packageName, language='', getDependencies=True):
+ for moFile in getMoFilesForPackage(packageName, language, getDependencies):
+ # Searching the popt mo-files for translations makes gettext bail out,
+ # so we ignore them here. This is
+ # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=172155 .
+ if not('popt.mo' in moFile or moFile in moFiles):
+ try:
+ translationDbs.append(GettextTranslationDb(moFile))
+ moFiles[moFile] = None
+ except (AttributeError, IndexError):
+ if config.config.debugTranslation:
+ #import traceback
+ # logger.log(traceback.format_exc())
+ logger.log(
+ "Warning: Failed to load mo-file for translation: " + moFile)
+ # Hack alert:
+ #
+ # The following special-case is necessary for Ubuntu, since their
+ # translations are shipped in a single huge package. The downside to
+ # this special case, aside from the simple fact that there is one,
+ # is that it makes automatic translations much slower.
+ import distro
+ language = os.environ.get('LANGUAGE', os.environ['LANG'])[0:2]
+ if isinstance(distro.distro, distro.Ubuntu):
+ load('language-pack-gnome-%s' % language, language)
+ load(packageName, language, getDependencies)