BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterlayer.conf: Move from nanbield to scarthgapMark Hatle4 weeks
nanbield.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle6 months
mickledore.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle6 months
langdale.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle6 months
kirkstone-nextxilinx-standalone.inc: Move to xlnx specific versions of libmetal and open-ampMark Hatle18 months
honisterxlnx-embeddedsw: Move PV to appendMark Hatle18 months
gatesgarthbinutils/gdb: Disable hunk from microblaze patchMark Hatle3 years
master-oldu-boot-xlnx.inc: Explicitly set builddir pathSai Hari Chandana Kalluri4 years
zeuslibmali-xlnx: Provide single shlib provider for libMali.so.9Sai Hari Chandana Kalluri4 years
thudxf86-video-armsoc: Remove the recipe for xf86-video-armsocMadhurkiran Harikrishnan4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2015-05-04COPYING.MIT: Re-add missing licensedizzyNathan Rossi
2015-04-24zynq7-base.dtsi: Update bindings for PHYs attached to ethernet nodesNathan Rossi
2015-04-24qemuzynq: Add fixed-clock to device tree for ethernetNathan Rossi
2015-04-02openssl: Update MicroBlaze patchNathan Rossi
2014-12-05boards/*microblaze*: Override udev max-childrenNathan Rossi
2014-12-05microblaze/feature-microblaze-endian.inc: Fix MBPKGENDIANNathan Rossi
2014-12-05linux/config/xilinx-base: Refactor standard.cfgNathan Rossi
2014-12-05linux/configs: Update config fragmentsNathan Rossi
2014-12-03microblaze: Add USE_VT="" to microblaze machine configsNathan Rossi
2014-12-03Documentation UpdatesNathan Rossi