What is Puppet ------------------------ Puppet is a configuration management system that allows you to define the state of your IT infrastructure, then automatically enforces the correct state. Basic Requirements ------------------------ Ruby 2.4 or later Facter 3.10.0 or later Hiera 5 or later [1] The json gem (any modern version) [1] Hiera isn’t separate from Puppet anymore Hiera began as an independent Ruby library that worked with Puppet. Over time, it became a requirement and was even included in the puppet-agent package, but it was limited by its original design. https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/4.10/hiera_intro.html Simple Demo ------------------------ In this simple demo, we have a CA master server named 'master' and ip is and an agent node named 'agent', ip is On master server, file 'test.cfg' is under /etc/puppet/files/, puppet will sync this file to /opt/ folder on agent node. Step 1: Configure Puppet CA Master Server 1) create a puppet group and user $ puppet resource group puppet ensure=presnt $ puppet resource user puppet ensure=present gid=puppet shell='/sbin/nologin' 2) create the CA certificate and the puppet master certificate $ puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize (Once it says Notice: Starting Puppet master version , type ctrl-C to kill the process) 3) $ vi /etc/hosts add new line: agent 4) start puppet master $ puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize & Step 2: Config Puppet Agent Node 1) Edit puppet.conf $ echo "[main] server = master" >> /etc/puppet/puppet.conf 2) $ vi /etc/hosts add new line: master 3) Request certificates $ puppet agent --test --ca_server=t2080qds -w 60 (Accept the request on master server by this command: puppet cert sign --all) Step 3: Add site map on master 1) Edit /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf to make /etc/puppet/files available $ mkdir /etc/puppet/files $ touch /etc/puppet/files/test.cfg $ vi /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf add following lines: [extra_files] path /etc/puppet/files allow * 2) Add a new sitemap $ vi /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp add follwing lines: file { "/opt/test.cfg": source => "puppet:///extra_files/test.cfg", } Step 4: Run puppet on agent $ puppet agent --test $ ls /opt/