# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT(Sato/matchbox/theme.xml) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(matchbox-theme-sato, 0.2) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_ARG_ENABLE(matchbox-1, [ --enable-matchbox-1 Enable Matchbox 1 theme], [matchbox1=$enableval], [matchbox1=yes]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(matchbox-2, [ --enable-matchbox-2 Enable Matchbox 2 theme], [matchbox2=$enableval], [matchbox2=no]) AM_CONDITIONAL(MATCHBOX1, [test "x$matchbox1" = "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(MATCHBOX2, [test "x$matchbox2" = "xyes"]) AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile Sato/Makefile Sato/matchbox/Makefile Sato/matchbox2/Makefile ]) echo " Sato theme for Matchbox Window Manager ========================== Matchbox WM 1 theme : ${matchbox1} Matchbox WM 2 theme : ${matchbox2} "