path: root/dockerfiles
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-19crops: Archive crops repositoryHEADmasterEilís Ní Fhlannagáin
2016-04-26dockerfiles: upgrade the base image before installing packagesTodor Minchev
2016-04-26dockerfiles: set build context to parent directoryTodor Minchev
2016-04-22 dockerfiles: Dockerfile.ostrobrian avery
2016-04-22 dockerfiles: Dockerfile.ostro.depsbrian avery
2016-04-13 dockerfiles: major changes to ostro builderbrian avery
2016-04-13 dockerfiles: add sudo and don't make user from dockerfilebrian avery
2016-04-13 Dockerfile: ostro checks for git cve fix so move to jessiebavery
2016-04-01dockerfiles: add soft links to gdb for all target architecturesbavery
2016-04-01dockerfiles: add Dockerfile for building ostro-os bitbake builder imageTodor Minchev
2016-04-01dockerfiles: add Dockerfile for building ostro-os bitbake dependenciesTodor Minchev
2016-02-26tests: add a codi debug container (testdebug)bavery
2016-02-24ceed: add linux target to ceed MakefileTodor Minchev
2016-02-23tests: add Zephyr X86, ARM and ARC build testsTodor Minchev
2016-02-19dockerfile: add Dockerfile for cross compiling ceed with mingw on LinuxTodor Minchev
2016-02-19dockerfiles: add support for Zephyr toolchain containersTodor Minchev
2016-02-04dockerfiles: use debian:wheezy as base image instead of ubuntu:14.04Todor Minchev
2016-01-22fix the copy util.* which fails for mac/windowsbrian avery
2016-01-22make the dockerfiles less verbosebrian avery
2016-01-08dockerfiles: use local git repository to build CROPS binariesTodor Minchev
2015-12-18codi: add a socket listener threadTodor Minchev
2015-12-16Dockerfile.codi.dep: upgrade all packages from upstreamTodor Minchev
2015-12-14dockerfiles: split CODI build dependencies into separate DockerfilesTodor Minchev
2015-12-09dockerfiles: improve build instructionsTodor Minchev
2015-12-08Dockerfile.toolchain: do not use sudo to run turff_launcherTodor Minchev
2015-12-07add Dockerfile.toolchain which builds a TURFF imageTodor Minchev
2015-12-04Dockerfile.codi: expose default port and restart on exitTodor Minchev
2015-12-03add Dockerfile.codi which builds a CODI imageTodor Minchev