from twisted.python import log from buildbot.process import logobserver from buildbot.process.results import FAILURE from buildbot.process.results import SKIPPED from buildbot.process.results import SUCCESS from buildbot.process.results import WARNINGS from import ShellCommand # # Monitor the step 1-X logs and stdio, collecting up any warnings and errors seen # and publish them at the end in their own 'logfile' for ease of access to the user # class RunConfigLogObserver(ShellCommand): warnOnWarnings = True warnOnFailure = True warnings = 0 errors = 0 def __init__(self, python=None, maxsteps=10, *args, **kwargs): ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.python = python self.warningLines = [] self.errorLines = [] self.addLogObserver('stdio', logobserver.LineConsumerLogObserver(self.logConsumer)) for i in range(1, maxsteps): for j in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']: self.addLogObserver('step' + str(i) + str(j), logobserver.LineConsumerLogObserver(self.logConsumer)) def logConsumer(self): while True: stream, line = yield if line.startswith("WARNING:"): self.warnings += 1 self.warningLines.append(line) if line.startswith("ERROR:"): self.errors += 1 self.errorLines.append(line) def commandComplete(self, cmd): self.addCompleteLog('warnings', '\n'.join(self.warningLines)) self.addCompleteLog('errors', '\n'.join(self.errorLines)) def evaluateCommand(self, cmd): if cmd.didFail() or self.errors: return FAILURE if self.warnings: return WARNINGS return SUCCESS