from buildbot.reporters import utils from buildbot.util import service from twisted.internet import defer, threads from twisted.python import log from buildbot.process.results import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, SKIPPED, EXCEPTION, RETRY, CANCELLED from import YPWiki import time import pprint import re class WikiLog(service.BuildbotService): name = "WikiLog" wiki = None # wantPreviousBuilds wantLogs neededDetails = dict(wantProperties=True, wantSteps=True) wikiLock = None def checkConfig(self, wiki_uri, wiki_un, wiki_pass, wiki_page, identifier=None, **kwargs): service.BuildbotService.checkConfig(self) @defer.inlineCallbacks def reconfigService(self, wiki_uri, wiki_un, wiki_pass, wiki_page, identifier=None, **kwargs): yield service.BuildbotService.reconfigService(self) self.wiki_page = wiki_page self.identifier = None self.idstring = "" if identifier: self.identifier = identifier.replace(" ", "-") self.idstring = " on " + self.identifier = YPWiki(wiki_uri, wiki_un, wiki_pass) self.wikiLock = defer.DeferredLock() @defer.inlineCallbacks def startService(self): yield service.BuildbotService.startService(self) startConsuming = self._buildCompleteConsumer = yield startConsuming( self.buildFinished, ('builds', None, 'finished')) self._buildStartedConsumer = yield startConsuming( self.buildStarted, ('builds', None, 'new')) def stopService(self): self._buildCompleteConsumer.stopConsuming() self._buildStartedConsumer.stopConsuming() @defer.inlineCallbacks def buildStarted(self, key, build): yield utils.getDetailsForBuild(self.master, build, **self.neededDetails) #log.err("wkl: buildStarted %s %s" % (key, pprint.pformat(build))) # Only place initial entries in the wiki for builds with no parents if not build['buildset']['parent_buildid']: yield self.wikiLock.acquire() try: result = yield threads.deferToThread(self.logBuild, build) finally: self.wikiLock.release() if not result: log.err("wkl: Failed to log build %s on %s" % ( build['buildid'], build['builder']['name'])) # Assume we only have a parent, doesn't handle builds nested more than one level. @defer.inlineCallbacks def buildFinished(self, key, build): yield utils.getDetailsForBuild(self.master, build, **self.neededDetails) #log.err("wkl: buildFinished %s %s" % (key, pprint.pformat(build))) parent = None if build['buildset']['parent_buildid']: parent = yield"builds", build['buildset']['parent_buildid'])) yield utils.getDetailsForBuild(self.master, parent, **self.neededDetails) entry = yield self.getEntry(build, parent) yield self.wikiLock.acquire() try: update = yield threads.deferToThread(self.updateBuild, build, parent, entry) finally: self.wikiLock.release() if not update: log.err("wkl: Failed to update wikilog with build %s failure" % build['buildid']) def logBuild(self, build): """ Extract information about 'build' and post an entry to the wiki @type build: """ log.err("wkl: logbuild %s" % (build)) builder = build['builder']['name'] reason = "No reason given" if 'reason' in build['properties'] and build['properties']['reason'][0]: reason = build['properties']['reason'][0] buildid = build['buildid'] start = build['started_at'] url = build['url'] buildbranch = build['properties']['branch_poky'][0] chash = build['properties']['commit_poky'][0] if not chash or len(chash) < 1 or chash == "HEAD": chash = "YP_CHASH" forcedby = "Unknown" if 'owner' in build['properties']: forcedby = build['properties']['owner'][0] starttime = start.ctime() sectionfmt = '==[{} {} {} - {} {}{}]==' section_title = sectionfmt.format(url, builder, buildid, buildbranch, chash, self.idstring) summaryfmt = 'Adding new BuildLog entry for build %s (%s)' summary = summaryfmt % (buildid, chash) summary = summary + self.idstring content = '
\n' content = content + "* '''Build ID''' - %s" % chash content = content + self.idstring content = content + '\n* Started at: %s\n' % starttime content = content + '* ' + forcedby + '\n* ' + reason + '\n' new_entry = '{}\n{}\n'.format(section_title, content) blurb, entries = if not blurb: log.err("wkl: Unexpected content retrieved from wiki!") return False entries = new_entry + entries cookies = if not cookies: log.err("wkl: Failed to login to wiki") return False post =, blurb+entries, summary, cookies) if not post: log.err("wkl: Failed to post entry for %s" % buildid) return False log.msg("wkl: Posting wikilog entry for %s" % buildid) return True def updateEntryBuildInfo(self, entry, title, build): """ Extract the branch and commit hash from the properties of the 'build' and update the 'entry' string with extracted values @type entry: string @type build: """ chash = None if "yp_build_revision" in build['properties']: chash = build['properties']['yp_build_revision'][0] if not chash or len(chash) < 1 or chash == "HEAD": chash = "YP_CHASH" new_entry = entry.replace("YP_CHASH", chash, 2) new_title = title.replace("YP_CHASH", chash, 2) return new_entry, new_title @defer.inlineCallbacks def getEntry(self, build, parent): """ Extract information about 'build' and update an entry in the wiki @type build: """ if not parent: parent = build url = build['url'] buildid = build['buildid'] builder = build['builder']['name'] log_entries = [] logentry = "" for s in build['steps']: # Ignore logs for steps which succeeded/cancelled result = s['results'] if result in (SUCCESS, RETRY, CANCELLED): continue if result == WARNINGS: # ignore warnings for log purposes for now continue # Log for FAILURE, SKIPPED, EXCEPTION step_name = s['name'] step_number = s['number'] logs = yield"steps", s['stepid'], 'logs')) logs = list(logs) logstring = [] for l in logs: log_url = '%s/steps/%s/logs/%s' % (url, step_number, l['name']) logstring.append('[%s %s]' % (log_url, l['name'])) logs = ' '.join(logstring) logentry = logentry + '\n* [%s %s] %s failed: %s' % (url, builder, step_name, logs) return logentry def updateBuild(self, build, parent, logentry): if not parent: parent = build buildid = build['buildid'] builder = build['builder']['name'] log.err("wkl: Starting to update entry for %s(%s)" % (buildid, parent)) blurb, entries = if not blurb: log.err("wkl: Unexpected content retrieved from wiki!") return False entry_list = re.split('\=\=\[(.+)\]\=\=', entries) entry = '' title = '' foundmatch = False # Start at the beginning of entry list and keep iterating until we find # a title which contains our url/identifier for idx, entry in enumerate(entry_list): # The matched title contents should always start with a http* # schemed URI if entry.startswith('http'): # format of the title is: # ==[url builder buildid - buildbranch commit_hash on identifier]== title_components = entry.split(None, 8) if title_components[0] == parent['url']: if self.identifier and title_components[7] == self.identifier: foundmatch = True elif not self.identifier: foundmatch = True if foundmatch: entry = entry_list[idx+1] title = entry_list[idx] break if not entry or not title: errmsg = ("wkl: Failed to update entry for {0} couldn't find a matching title containing url: {1}") log.err(errmsg.format(buildid, parent['url'])) return False new_entry = '\n' + entry.strip() + logentry + '\n\n' summary = 'Updating entry with failures in %s' % builder summary = summary + self.idstring new_entry, new_title = self.updateEntryBuildInfo(new_entry, title, parent) # If unchanged, skip the update if entry == new_entry and title == new_title: log.msg("wkl: Entry unchanged for wikilog entry %s" % buildid) return True # Find the point where the first entry's title starts and the second # entry's title begins, then replace the text between those points # with the newly generated entry. it = re.finditer('\=\=\[(.+)\]\=\=', entries) entry_title = next(it) while != title: entry_title = next(it) head = entries[:entry_title.start()] try: next_title = next(it) tail = entries[next_title.start():] except StopIteration: # There was no following entry tail = "" update = head + "==[" + new_title + "]==\n" + new_entry + tail cookies = if not cookies: log.err("wkl: Failed to login to wiki") return False post =, blurb+update, summary, cookies) if not post: log.err("wkl: Failed to update entry for %s(%s)" % (buildid, parent)) return False log.msg("wkl: Updating wikilog entry for %s(%s)" % (buildid, parent)) return True