Introduction ------------ Prior versions of the yocto-autobuilder required an extensive knowledge of buildbot as well as basic python. Over the years, as more targets were added the main configuation file had become hard to maintain, harder to read and, frankly, was not utilizing the power of buildbot. This document will explain some of the rational behind the refactor, introduce end users to the new configuration language, introduce the concept of customized buildsteps and give some basic instruction on how to modify an autobuilder setup. TODO ------------ - buildhistory is not functional - still missing some needed build targets - oe-core - fsl - p1022ds - bunch of meta-intel - - minor UI cleanup for toggling of triggered layers - bbpriority needs to work - verify buildappsrcrev - deploy stuff - killing triggers. this has been a long standing issue. look into Setup ------------ Nothing here has changed much. git clone git:// cd yocto-autobuilder git checkout eflanagan/yocto-autobuilder-refactor . ./yocto-setup-autobuilder yocto-start-autobuilder both Configuration ------------- In the bad old days, the yocto-autobuilder configuration was stored in a single file. This file contained both build target definitions as well as helper code/ custom buildsteps. This was obviously a "bad thing". We've now removed all build target configuration out into the config/* directory Files ----- There are two needed files in this directory. One file, autobuilder.conf, is a global definition file which sets various globals that slaves and master need to know about. This hasn't really changed from prior versions. One new file is yoctoAB.conf. This is the only required file needed for build target definitions. However, as it would be a bad practice to have all build targets within a single file, you may define build targets in other *.conf files. As long as those conf files live within the config directory, the yocto-autobuilder will automatically load them. This allows us to keep things nice and neat. yoctoAB.conf: ------------- The main BuildSets section required for the configuration contains a single property: [BuildSets] order: ['nightly', 'nightly-x86'] The order property tells buildbot what order you wish to display build targets in on the waterfall page. This can not be used with vanilla buildbot as there is a small patch required to utilize this functionality. buildset configuration ------------- Each buildset must start with a section name followed by at three to four properties: builders: A string or list of builders used to build the buildset repos: A list of dicts. Each item will contain a dict entry: 'name_of_repo': {'repourl':'git://', 'bbpriority':'1', 'branch':'master'}} NOTE: bbpriority is currently not used props: A list of dicts. This is used when you need to add properties to a builder. An example of this would be build-appliance which needs to have a buildappsrcrev property passed so it knows which version from the poky repo to pull. prop_type is basically buildbot scheduler properties with the args sent as dict pairs. See: steps: A list of dicts. These steps can be either custom buildsteps or basic buildbot buildsteps with args passed as dict pairs. Custom buildsteps that we utilize are in lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps Example: [nightly-x86] builders: 'builder1' repos: [{'poky': {'repourl':'git://', 'bbpriority':'1', 'branch':'master'}}, {'meta-qt3': {'repourl':'git://', 'bbpriority':'2', 'branch':'master'}}] steps: [{'SetDest':{}}, {'CheckOutLayers': {}}, {'RunPreamble': {}}, {'CreateAutoConf': {'machine': 'qemux86', 'SDKMACHINE' : 'i686', 'distro': 'poky'}}, {'CreateBBLayersConf': {'buildprovider' : 'yocto'}}, {'BuildImages': {'images': 'core-image-sato core-image-sato-dev'}}, {'RunSanityTests': {'images': 'core-image-minimal core-image-sato'}}, {'PublishArtifacts': {'artifacts': ['qemux86', 'atom-pc']}}] Adding Buildsteps ------------- I've included the basic buildsteps required to do general building as well as an example buildstep called from import ShellCommand class HelloWorld(ShellCommand): haltOnFailure = True flunkOnFailure = True name = "Hello World" def __init__(self, factory, argdict=None, **kwargs): self.firstname="" self.lastname="" self.factory = factory for k, v in argdict.iteritems(): if k=="name": self.firstname=v elif k=="lastname": self.lastname=v else: setattr(self, k, v) self.description = "Hello World" self.command = "echo 'Hello World " + self.firstname + " " + self.lastname + "'" ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs) def describe(self, done=False): description = ShellCommand.describe(self,done) return description We see that this is an inherited class (from ShellCommand) that overrides the __init__ and describe methods of ShellCommand. All custom buildsteps MUST override __init__ of the inherited class, adding the argdict and kwargs properties to the class. This allows us to pass arguments specific to the custom buildstep in via an argument dictionary while allowing us to pass arguments in that will get passed up to the inherited class as a keyworded, variable length argument list. We do this so that adding buildsteps is essentially drag and drop. By adding a custom buildstep to lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps you can just reference it within your config file without making any changes to the core Autobuilder codebase.