/* * pseudo_db.c, sqlite3 interface * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010,2013 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License version 2.1 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Lesser GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License * version 2.1 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pseudo.h" #include "pseudo_ipc.h" #include "pseudo_db.h" /* #define NPROFILE */ #ifdef NPROFILE void xProfile(void * pArg, const char * pQuery, sqlite3_uint64 pTimeTaken) { pseudo_diag("profile: %lld %s\n", pTimeTaken, pQuery); } #endif struct log_history { int rc; unsigned long fields; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; }; struct pdb_file_list { int rc; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; }; static int file_db_dirty = 0; #ifdef USE_MEMORY_DB static sqlite3 *real_file_db = 0; #endif static sqlite3 *file_db = 0; static sqlite3 *log_db = 0; /* What's going on here, you might well ask? * This contains a template to build the database. I suppose maybe it * should have been elegantly done as a big chunk of embedded SQL, but * this looked like a good idea at the time. */ typedef struct { char *fmt; int arg; } id_row; /* So the migrations were getting to be large and complicated. Phase * one of getting rid of that is to merge their effects in and set up * a dummy migration to indicate that this was done. */ static id_row files_default_migrations[] = { { "%d, -1, 'N/A (initial setup)'", 8 }, { NULL, 0 }, }; static id_row logs_default_migrations[] = { { "%d, -1, 'N/A (initial setup)'", 7 }, { NULL, 0 }, }; /* This seemed like a really good idea at the time. The idea is that these * structures let me write semi-abstract code to "create a database" without * duplicating as much of the code. */ static struct sql_table { char *name; char *sql; char *names; id_row *values; } file_tables[] = { { "files", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " "path VARCHAR, " "dev INTEGER, " "ino INTEGER, " "uid INTEGER, " "gid INTEGER, " "mode INTEGER, " "rdev INTEGER, " "deleting INTEGER", NULL, NULL }, { "xattrs", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " "dev INTEGER, " "ino INTEGER, " "name VARCHAR, " "value VARCHAR", NULL, NULL }, { "migrations", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " "version INTEGER, " "stamp INTEGER, " "sql VARCHAR", "version, stamp, sql", files_default_migrations }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }, log_tables[] = { { "logs", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " "stamp INTEGER, " "op INTEGER, " "client INTEGER, " "fd INTEGER, " "dev INTEGER, " "ino INTEGER, " "mode INTEGER, " "path VARCHAR, " "result INTEGER, " "severity INTEGER, " "text VARCHAR, " "tag VARCHAR, " "uid INTEGER, " "gid INTEGER, " "access INTEGER, " "program VARCHAR, " "type INTEGER, " , NULL, NULL }, { "migrations", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " "version INTEGER, " "stamp INTEGER, " "sql VARCHAR", "version, stamp, sql", logs_default_migrations }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; /* similarly, this creates indexes generically. */ static struct sql_index { char *name; char *table; char *keys; } file_indexes[] = { { "files__path_dev_ino", "files", "path, dev, ino" }, { "files__dev_ino", "files", "dev, ino" }, { "migration__version", "migrations", "version" }, { "xattrs_dev_ino", "xattrs", "dev, ino" }, { "xattrs_dev_ino_name", "xattrs", "dev, ino, name" }, { NULL, NULL, NULL }, }, log_indexes[] = { { "migration__version", "migrations", "version" }, { NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; static char *file_pragmas[] = { "PRAGMA legacy_file_format = OFF;", "PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF;", /* the default page size produces painfully bad behavior * for memory databases with some versions of sqlite. */ "PRAGMA page_size = 8192;", "PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE;", /* Setting this to NORMAL makes pseudo noticably slower * than fakeroot, but is perhaps more secure. However, * note that sqlite always flushes to the OS; what is lacking * in non-synchronous mode is waiting for the OS to * confirm delivery to media, and also a bunch of cache * flushing and reloading which we probably don't really * need. */ "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;", "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;", NULL }; static char *log_pragmas[] = { "PRAGMA legacy_file_format = OFF;", "PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF;", "PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE;", "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;", NULL }; /* table migrations: */ /* If there is no migration table, we assume "version -1" -- the * version shipped with wrlinux 3.0, which had no version * number. Otherwise, we check it for the highest version recorded. * We then perform, and then record, each migration in sequence. * The first migration is the migration to create the migrations * table; this way, it'll work on existing databases. It'll also * work for new databases -- the migrations get performed in order * before the databases are considered to be set up. */ static char create_migration_table[] = "CREATE TABLE migrations (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " "version INTEGER, " "stamp INTEGER, " "sql VARCHAR" ");"; static char index_migration_table[] = "CREATE INDEX migration__version ON migrations (version)"; /* This used to be a { version, sql } pair, but version was always * the same as index into the table, so I removed it. * The first migration in each database is migration #0 -- the * creation of the migration table now being used for versioning. * The second is indexing on version -- sqlite3 can grab MAX(version) * faster if it's indexed. (Indexing this table is very cheap, since * there are very few migrations and each one produces exactly * one insert.) */ static struct sql_migration { char *sql; } file_migrations[] = { { create_migration_table }, { index_migration_table }, { "ALTER TABLE files ADD deleting INTEGER;" }, /* oops. I made a design mistake, and the table is in the wrong * format. But sqlite doesn't support modifying constraints on an * existing table, or dropping columns. Soooooo. * * Also, you can't have a foreign key relationship to data which * aren't actually unique, but the entire problem is that dev/ino * are not unique. * * Note that the name entry is not really all that useful; it's mostly * there to help with debugging, now. */ { "CREATE TABLE xattrs_new (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " "dev INTEGER, " "ino INTEGER, " "name VARCHAR, " "value VARCHAR" ");", }, { "INSERT INTO xattrs_new (dev, ino, name, value) " "SELECT " "(SELECT dev FROM files WHERE id = file_id), " "(SELECT ino FROM files WHERE id = file_id), " "name, " "value " "FROM xattrs;" }, { "DROP TABLE xattrs;" }, { "ALTER TABLE xattrs_new RENAME TO xattrs;", }, { "CREATE INDEX xattrs__dev_ino ON xattrs (dev, ino);", }, { "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xattrs__dev_ino_name ON xattrs (dev, ino, name);", }, { NULL }, }, log_migrations[] = { { create_migration_table }, { index_migration_table }, /* support for hostdeps merge -- this allows us to log "tags" * along with events. */ { "ALTER TABLE logs ADD tag VARCHAR;" }, /* the logs table was defined so early I hadn't realized I cared * about UID and GID. */ { "ALTER TABLE logs ADD uid INTEGER;" }, { "ALTER TABLE logs ADD gid INTEGER;" }, /* track access types (read/write, etc) */ { "ALTER TABLE logs ADD access INTEGER;" }, /* client program/path */ { "ALTER TABLE logs ADD program VARCHAR;" }, /* message type (ping, op) */ { "ALTER TABLE logs ADD type INTEGER;" }, { NULL }, }; /* cleanup database before getting started * * On a large build, the logs database gets GIGANTIC... And * we rarely-if-ever delete things from it. So instead of * doing the vacuum operation on it at startup, which can impose * a several-minute delay, we do it only on deletions. * * There's no setup for log database right now. */ char *file_setups[] = { "VACUUM;", NULL, }; struct database_info { char *pathname; struct sql_index *indexes; struct sql_table *tables; struct sql_migration *migrations; char **pragmas; char **setups; struct sqlite3 **db; }; static struct database_info db_infos[] = { { "logs.db", log_indexes, log_tables, log_migrations, log_pragmas, NULL, &log_db }, { "files.db", file_indexes, file_tables, file_migrations, file_pragmas, file_setups, #ifdef USE_MEMORY_DB &real_file_db }, { ":memory:", file_indexes, file_tables, file_migrations, file_pragmas, file_setups, #endif &file_db }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* pretty-print error along with the underlying SQL error. */ static void dberr(sqlite3 *db, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char debuff[8192]; int len; va_start(ap, fmt); len = vsnprintf(debuff, 8192, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); len = write(pseudo_util_debug_fd, debuff, len); if (db) { len = snprintf(debuff, 8192, ": %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); len = write(pseudo_util_debug_fd, debuff, len); } else { len = write(pseudo_util_debug_fd, " (no db)\n", 9); } } #ifdef USE_MEMORY_DB static void pdb_backup() { sqlite3_backup *pBackup; /* no point in doing this if we don't have a database to back up, * or nothing's changed. */ if (!file_db || !real_file_db || !file_db_dirty) return; pBackup = sqlite3_backup_init(real_file_db, "main", file_db, "main"); if (pBackup) { int rc; (void)sqlite3_backup_step(pBackup, -1); rc = sqlite3_backup_finish(pBackup); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { dberr(real_file_db, "error during flush to disk"); } } file_db_dirty = 0; } static void pdb_restore() { sqlite3_backup *pBackup; /* no point in doing this if we don't have a database to back up */ if (!file_db || !real_file_db) return; pBackup = sqlite3_backup_init(file_db, "main", real_file_db, "main"); if (pBackup) { int rc; (void)sqlite3_backup_step(pBackup, -1); rc = sqlite3_backup_finish(pBackup); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { dberr(file_db, "error during load from disk"); } } file_db_dirty = 0; } int pdb_maybe_backup(void) { static int occasional = 0; if (file_db && real_file_db) { occasional = (occasional + 1) % 10; if (occasional == 0) { pdb_backup(); return 1; } } return 0; } #else /* USE_MEMORY_DB */ int pdb_maybe_backup(void) { return 0; } #endif /* those who enjoy children, sausages, and databases, should not watch * them being made. */ static int make_tables(sqlite3 *db, struct sql_table *sql_tables, struct sql_index *sql_indexes, struct sql_migration *sql_migrations, char **existing, int rows) { static sqlite3_stmt *stmt; sqlite3_stmt *update_version = 0; struct sql_migration *m; int available_migrations; int version = -1; int i, j; char *sql; char *errmsg; int rc; int found = 0; for (i = 0; sql_tables[i].name; ++i) { found = 0; printf("considering table %s\n", sql_tables[i].name); for (j = 1; j <= rows; ++j) { if (!strcmp(existing[j], sql_tables[i].name)) { found = 1; break; } } if (found) continue; /* now to create the table */ sql = sqlite3_mprintf("CREATE TABLE %s ( %s );", sql_tables[i].name, sql_tables[i].sql); rc = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(sql); if (rc) { dberr(db, "error trying to create %s", sql_tables[i].name); return 1; } if (sql_tables[i].values) { for (j = 0; sql_tables[i].values[j].fmt; ++j) { char buffer[256]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sql_tables[i].values[j].fmt, sql_tables[i].values[j].arg); sql = sqlite3_mprintf("INSERT INTO %s ( %s ) VALUES ( %s );", sql_tables[i].name, sql_tables[i].names, buffer); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "data setup: %s\n", sql); rc = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(sql); if (rc) { dberr(db, "error trying to populate %s", sql_tables[i].name); return 1; } } } for (j = 0; sql_indexes[j].name; ++j) { if (strcmp(sql_indexes[j].table, sql_tables[i].name)) continue; sql = sqlite3_mprintf("CREATE INDEX %s ON %s ( %s );", sql_indexes[j].name, sql_indexes[j].table, sql_indexes[j].keys); rc = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(sql); if (rc) { dberr(db, "error trying to index %s", sql_tables[i].name); return 1; } } } /* the migrations table is assumed to exist, because we now * create it automatically; in a previous implementation, it was * only created by the first migration. */ sql = "SELECT MAX(version) FROM migrations;"; rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, strlen(sql), &stmt, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(db, "couldn't examine migrations table"); return 1; } rc = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (rc == SQLITE_ROW) { version = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 0); rc = sqlite3_step(stmt); } else { version = -1; } if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(db, "not done after the single row we expected?", rc); return 1; } pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "existing database version: %d\n", version); rc = sqlite3_finalize(stmt); if (rc) { dberr(db, "couldn't finalize version check"); return 1; } for (m = sql_migrations; m->sql; ++m) ; /* m points to the null, so available migrations is one lower */ available_migrations = m - sql_migrations - 1; /* I am pretty sure this can never happen. */ if (version < -1) version = -1; /* I hope this can never happen. */ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "version %d, available_migrations %d\n", version, available_migrations); if (version > available_migrations) version = available_migrations; for (m = sql_migrations + (version + 1); m->sql; ++m) { int migration = (m - sql_migrations); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "considering migration %d\n", migration); if (version >= migration) continue; pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "running migration %d\n", migration); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, m->sql, strlen(m->sql), &stmt, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(log_db, "couldn't prepare migration %d (%s)", migration, m->sql); return 1; } rc = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "migration %d failed", migration); return 1; } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); /* this has to occur here, because the first migration * executed CREATES the migration table, so you can't * prepare this statement if you haven't already executed * the first migration. * * Lesson learned: Yes, it actually WILL be a sort of big * deal to add versioning later. */ static char *update_sql = "INSERT INTO migrations (" "version, stamp, sql" ") VALUES (?, ?, ?);"; rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, update_sql, strlen(update_sql), &update_version, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(db, "couldn't prepare statement to update migrations"); return 1; } sqlite3_bind_int(update_version, 1, migration); sqlite3_bind_int(update_version, 2, time(NULL)); sqlite3_bind_text(update_version, 3, m->sql, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); rc = sqlite3_step(update_version); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(db, "couldn't update migrations table (after migration to version %d)", migration); sqlite3_finalize(update_version); return 1; } else { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "update of migrations (after %d) fine.\n", migration); } sqlite3_finalize(update_version); update_version = 0; version = migration; } return 0; } /* registered with atexit */ static void cleanup_db(void) { char datebuf[64]; struct tm stamp_tm; struct timeval stamp; gettimeofday(&stamp, NULL); localtime_r(&stamp.tv_sec, &stamp_tm); strftime(datebuf, 64, "%H:%M:%S", &stamp_tm); pseudo_diag("db cleanup for server shutdown, %s.%03d\n", datebuf, (int) (stamp.tv_usec / 1000)); #ifdef USE_MEMORY_DB if (real_file_db) { pdb_backup(); sqlite3_close(real_file_db); } gettimeofday(&stamp, NULL); localtime_r(&stamp.tv_sec, &stamp_tm); strftime(datebuf, 64, "%H:%M:%S", &stamp_tm); pseudo_diag("memory-to-file backup complete, %s.%03d.\n", datebuf, (int) (stamp.tv_usec / 1000)); #endif if (file_db) sqlite3_close(file_db); if (log_db) sqlite3_close(log_db); gettimeofday(&stamp, NULL); localtime_r(&stamp.tv_sec, &stamp_tm); strftime(datebuf, 64, "%H:%M:%S", &stamp_tm); pseudo_diag("db cleanup finished, %s.%03d\n", datebuf, (int) (stamp.tv_usec / 1000)); } /* This function has been rewritten and I no longer hate it. I just feel * like it's important to say that. */ static int get_db(struct database_info *dbinfo) { int rc; int i; char *sql; char **results; int rows, columns; char *errmsg; static int registered_cleanup = 0; char *dbfile; sqlite3 *db; if (!dbinfo) return 1; if (!dbinfo->db) return 1; /* this database is perhaps already initialized? */ if (*(dbinfo->db)) return 0; pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "get_db(%s)\n", dbinfo->pathname); dbfile = pseudo_localstatedir_path(dbinfo->pathname); #ifdef USE_MEMORY_DB if (!strcmp(dbinfo->pathname, ":memory:")) { rc = sqlite3_open(dbinfo->pathname, &db); } else #endif rc = sqlite3_open(dbfile, &db); free(dbfile); if (rc) { pseudo_diag("Failed: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); *(dbinfo->db) = NULL; return 1; } /* we store this in the database_info, but hereafter we'll just use * the name db, because it is shorter. */ *dbinfo->db = db; if (!registered_cleanup) { atexit(cleanup_db); registered_cleanup = 1; } if (dbinfo->pragmas) { for (i = 0; dbinfo->pragmas[i]; ++i) { rc = sqlite3_exec(db, dbinfo->pragmas[i], NULL, NULL, &errmsg); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SQL | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "executed pragma: '%s', rc %d.\n", dbinfo->pragmas[i], rc); if (rc) { dberr(db, dbinfo->pragmas[i]); } } } /* create database tables or die trying */ sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master " "WHERE type = 'table' " "ORDER BY name;"; rc = sqlite3_get_table(db, sql, &results, &rows, &columns, &errmsg); if (rc) { pseudo_diag("Failed: %s\n", errmsg); } else { rc = make_tables(db, dbinfo->tables, dbinfo->indexes, dbinfo->migrations, results, rows); sqlite3_free_table(results); } /* as of now, the only setup is a vacuum operation which we don't care about * the results of. */ if (dbinfo->setups) { for (i = 0; dbinfo->setups[i]; ++i) { sqlite3_exec(db, dbinfo->setups[i], NULL, NULL, &errmsg); } } return rc; } static int get_dbs(void) { int err = 0; int i; #ifdef USE_MEMORY_DB int already_loaded = 0; if (file_db) already_loaded = 1; #endif for (i = 0; db_infos[i].db; ++i) { if (get_db(&db_infos[i])) { pseudo_diag("Error getting '%s' database.\n", db_infos[i].pathname); err = 1; } } #ifdef USE_MEMORY_DB if (!already_loaded && file_db) pdb_restore(); #endif return err; } /* put a prepared log entry into the database */ int pdb_log_traits(pseudo_query_t *traits) { pseudo_query_t *trait; log_entry *e; int rc; if (!log_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 1; } e = calloc(sizeof(*e), 1); if (!e) { pseudo_diag("can't allocate space for log entry."); return 1; } for (trait = traits; trait; trait = trait->next) { switch (trait->field) { case PSQF_ACCESS: e->access = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_CLIENT: e->client = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_DEV: e->dev = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_FD: e->fd = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_FTYPE: e->mode |= (trait->data.ivalue & S_IFMT); break; case PSQF_GID: e->gid = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_INODE: e->ino = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_MODE: e->mode = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_OP: e->op = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_PATH: e->path = trait->data.svalue ? strdup(trait->data.svalue) : NULL; break; case PSQF_PERM: e->mode |= (trait->data.ivalue & ~(S_IFMT) & 0177777); break; case PSQF_PROGRAM: e->program = trait->data.svalue ? strdup(trait->data.svalue) : NULL; break; case PSQF_RESULT: e->result = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_SEVERITY: e->severity = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_STAMP: e->stamp = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_TAG: e->tag = trait->data.svalue ? strdup(trait->data.svalue) : NULL; break; case PSQF_TEXT: e->text = trait->data.svalue ? strdup(trait->data.svalue) : NULL; break; case PSQF_TYPE: e->type = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_UID: e->uid = trait->data.ivalue; break; case PSQF_ID: case PSQF_ORDER: default: pseudo_diag("Invalid trait %s for log creation.\n", pseudo_query_field_name(trait->field)); free(e); return 1; break; } } rc = pdb_log_entry(e); log_entry_free(e); return rc; } /* create a log from a given log entry, with tag and text */ int pdb_log_entry(log_entry *e) { char *sql = "INSERT INTO logs " "(stamp, op, access, client, dev, gid, ino, mode, path, result, severity, text, program, tag, type, uid)" " VALUES " "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"; static sqlite3_stmt *insert; int field; int rc; if (!log_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 1; } if (!insert) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(log_db, sql, strlen(sql), &insert, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(log_db, "couldn't prepare INSERT statement"); return 1; } } field = 1; if (e) { if (e->stamp) { sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->stamp); } else { sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, (unsigned long) time(NULL)); } sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->op); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->access); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->client); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->gid); sqlite3_bind_int64(insert, field++, e->ino); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->mode); if (e->path) { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, field++, e->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); } sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->result); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->severity); if (e->text) { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, field++, e->text, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); } if (e->program) { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, field++, e->program, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); } if (e->tag) { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, field++, e->tag, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); } sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->type); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, e->uid); } else { sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, (unsigned long) time(NULL)); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); } rc = sqlite3_step(insert); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(log_db, "insert may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(insert); sqlite3_clear_bindings(insert); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* create a log from a given message, with tag and text */ int pdb_log_msg(pseudo_sev_t severity, pseudo_msg_t *msg, const char *program, const char *tag, const char *text, ...) { char *sql = "INSERT INTO logs " "(stamp, op, access, client, dev, gid, ino, mode, path, result, uid, severity, text, program, tag, type)" " VALUES " "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"; static sqlite3_stmt *insert; char buffer[8192]; int field; int rc; va_list ap; if (text) { va_start(ap, text); vsnprintf(buffer, 8192, text, ap); va_end(ap); text = buffer; } if (!log_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 1; } if (!insert) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(log_db, sql, strlen(sql), &insert, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(log_db, "couldn't prepare INSERT statement"); return 1; } } field = 1; sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, (unsigned long) time(NULL)); if (msg) { sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, msg->op); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, msg->access); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, msg->client); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, msg->gid); sqlite3_bind_int64(insert, field++, msg->ino); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, msg->mode); if (msg->pathlen) { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, field++, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); } sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, msg->result); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, msg->uid); } else { sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); } sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, severity); if (text) { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, field++, text, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); } if (program) { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, field++, program, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); } if (tag) { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, field++, tag, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(insert, field++); } if (msg) { sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, msg->type); } else { sqlite3_bind_int(insert, field++, 0); } rc = sqlite3_step(insert); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(log_db, "insert may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(insert); sqlite3_clear_bindings(insert); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } #define BFSZ 8192 typedef struct { size_t buflen; char *data; char *tail; } buffer; static int frag(buffer *b, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; static size_t curlen; int rc; if (!b) { pseudo_diag("frag called without buffer.\n"); return -1; } curlen = b->tail - b->data; va_start(ap, fmt); rc = vsnprintf(b->tail, b->buflen - curlen, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if ((rc > 0) && ((size_t) rc >= (b->buflen - curlen))) { size_t newlen = b->buflen; while (newlen <= (rc + curlen)) newlen *= 2; char *newbuf = malloc(newlen); if (!newbuf) { pseudo_diag("failed to allocate SQL buffer.\n"); return -1; } memcpy(newbuf, b->data, curlen + 1); b->tail = newbuf + curlen; free(b->data); b->data = newbuf; b->buflen = newlen; /* try again */ va_start(ap, fmt); rc = vsnprintf(b->tail, b->buflen - curlen, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if ((rc > 0) && ((size_t) rc >= (b->buflen - curlen))) { pseudo_diag("tried to reallocate larger buffer, failed. giving up.\n"); return -1; } } if (rc >= 0) b->tail += rc; return rc; } sqlite3_stmt * pdb_query(char *stmt_type, pseudo_query_t *traits, unsigned long fields, int unique, int want_results) { pseudo_query_t *trait; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; int done_any = 0; int field = 0; const char *order_by = "id"; char *order_dir = "ASC"; int rc; pseudo_query_field_t f; static buffer *sql; if (!log_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return NULL; } if (!stmt_type) { pseudo_diag("can't prepare a statement without a type.\n"); } if (!sql) { sql = malloc(sizeof *sql); if (!sql) { pseudo_diag("can't allocate SQL buffer.\n"); return NULL; } sql->buflen = 512; sql->data = malloc(sql->buflen); if (!sql->data) { pseudo_diag("can't allocate SQL text buffer.\n"); free(sql); sql = 0; return NULL; } } sql->tail = sql->data; /* should be DELETE or SELECT */ frag(sql, "%s ", stmt_type); if (want_results) { if (unique) frag(sql, "DISTINCT "); done_any = 0; for (f = PSQF_NONE + 1; f < PSQF_MAX; ++f) { if (fields & (1 << f)) { frag(sql, "%s%s", done_any ? ", " : "", pseudo_query_field_name(f)); done_any = 1; } } } frag(sql, " FROM logs "); /* first, build up an SQL string with the fields and operators */ done_any = 0; for (trait = traits; trait; trait = trait->next) { if (trait->field != PSQF_ORDER) { if (done_any) { frag(sql, "AND "); } else { frag(sql, "WHERE "); done_any = 1; } } switch (trait->field) { case PSQF_PROGRAM: case PSQF_TEXT: case PSQF_TAG: case PSQF_PATH: switch (trait->type) { case PSQT_LIKE: frag(sql, "%s %s ('%' || ? || '%')", pseudo_query_field_name(trait->field), pseudo_query_type_sql(trait->type)); break; case PSQT_NOTLIKE: case PSQT_SQLPAT: frag(sql, "%s %s ?", pseudo_query_field_name(trait->field), pseudo_query_type_sql(trait->type)); break; default: frag(sql, "%s %s ? ", pseudo_query_field_name(trait->field), pseudo_query_type_sql(trait->type)); break; } break; case PSQF_PERM: switch (trait->type) { case PSQT_LIKE: case PSQT_NOTLIKE: case PSQT_SQLPAT: pseudo_diag("Error: Can't use a LIKE match on non-text fields.\n"); return 0; break; default: break; } /* mask out permission bits */ frag(sql, "(%s & %d) %s ? ", "mode", ~(S_IFMT) & 0177777, pseudo_query_type_sql(trait->type)); break; case PSQF_FTYPE: switch (trait->type) { case PSQT_LIKE: case PSQT_NOTLIKE: case PSQT_SQLPAT: pseudo_diag("Error: Can't use a LIKE match on non-text fields.\n"); return 0; break; default: break; } /* mask out permission bits */ frag(sql, "(%s & %d) %s ? ", "mode", S_IFMT, pseudo_query_type_sql(trait->type)); break; case PSQF_ORDER: order_by = pseudo_query_field_name(trait->data.ivalue); switch (trait->type) { case PSQT_LESS: order_dir = "DESC"; break; case PSQT_EXACT: /* this was already the default */ break; case PSQT_GREATER: order_dir = "ASC"; break; default: pseudo_diag("Ordering must be < or >.\n"); return 0; break; } break; default: switch (trait->type) { case PSQT_LIKE: case PSQT_NOTLIKE: case PSQT_SQLPAT: pseudo_diag("Error: Can't use a LIKE match on non-text fields.\n"); return 0; break; default: frag(sql, "%s %s ? ", pseudo_query_field_name(trait->field), pseudo_query_type_sql(trait->type)); break; } break; } } if (want_results) frag(sql, "ORDER BY %s %s;", order_by, order_dir); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SQL, "created SQL: <%s>\n", sql->data); /* second, prepare it */ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(log_db, sql->data, strlen(sql->data), &stmt, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(log_db, "couldn't prepare %s statement", stmt_type); return NULL; } /* third, bind the fields */ field = 1; for (trait = traits; trait; trait = trait->next) { switch (trait->field) { case PSQF_ORDER: /* this just creates a hunk of SQL above */ break; case PSQF_PROGRAM: case PSQF_PATH: case PSQF_TAG: case PSQF_TEXT: sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, field++, trait->data.svalue, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); break; case PSQF_ACCESS: case PSQF_CLIENT: case PSQF_DEV: case PSQF_FD: case PSQF_FTYPE: case PSQF_INODE: case PSQF_GID: case PSQF_PERM: case PSQF_MODE: case PSQF_OP: case PSQF_RESULT: case PSQF_SEVERITY: case PSQF_STAMP: case PSQF_TYPE: case PSQF_UID: sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, field++, trait->data.ivalue); break; default: pseudo_diag("Inexplicably invalid field type %d\n", trait->field); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return NULL; } } return stmt; } int pdb_delete(pseudo_query_t *traits, unsigned long fields) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt; stmt = pdb_query("DELETE", traits, fields, 0, 0); /* no need to return it, so... */ if (stmt) { file_db_dirty = 1; int rc = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(log_db, "deletion failed"); return -1; } else { pseudo_diag("Deleted records, vacuuming log database (may take a while).\n"); /* we can't do anything about it if this fails... */ sqlite3_exec(log_db, "VACUUM;", NULL, NULL, NULL); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return 0; } return -1; } log_history pdb_history(pseudo_query_t *traits, unsigned long fields, int unique) { log_history h = NULL; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; stmt = pdb_query("SELECT", traits, fields, unique, 1); if (stmt) { /* fourth, return the statement, now ready to be stepped through */ h = malloc(sizeof(*h)); if (h) { h->rc = 0; h->fields = fields; h->stmt = stmt; } else { pseudo_diag("failed to allocate memory for log_history\n"); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } return h; } else { return NULL; } } log_entry * pdb_history_entry(log_history h) { log_entry *l; const unsigned char *s; int column; pseudo_query_field_t f; if (!h || !h->stmt) return 0; /* in case someone tries again after we're already done */ if (h->rc == SQLITE_DONE) { return 0; } h->rc = sqlite3_step(h->stmt); if (h->rc == SQLITE_DONE) { return 0; } else if (h->rc != SQLITE_ROW) { dberr(log_db, "statement failed"); return 0; } l = calloc(sizeof(log_entry), 1); if (!l) { pseudo_diag("couldn't allocate log entry.\n"); return 0; } column = 0; for (f = PSQF_NONE + 1; f < PSQF_MAX; ++f) { if (!(h->fields & (1 << f))) continue; switch (f) { case PSQF_ACCESS: l->access = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_CLIENT: l->client = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_DEV: l->dev = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_FD: l->fd = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_GID: l->gid = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_INODE: l->ino = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_MODE: l->mode = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_OP: l->op = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_PATH: s = sqlite3_column_text(h->stmt, column++); if (s) l->path = strdup((char *) s); break; case PSQF_PROGRAM: s = sqlite3_column_text(h->stmt, column++); if (s) l->program = strdup((char *) s); break; case PSQF_RESULT: l->result = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_SEVERITY: l->severity = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_STAMP: l->stamp = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_TAG: s = sqlite3_column_text(h->stmt, column++); if (s) l->tag = strdup((char *) s); break; case PSQF_TEXT: s = sqlite3_column_text(h->stmt, column++); if (s) l->text = strdup((char *) s); break; case PSQF_TYPE: l->type = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_UID: l->uid = sqlite3_column_int64(h->stmt, column++); break; case PSQF_ORDER: case PSQF_FTYPE: case PSQF_PERM: pseudo_diag("field %s should not be in the fields list.\n", pseudo_query_field_name(f)); return 0; break; default: pseudo_diag("unknown field %d\n", f); return 0; break; } } return l; } void pdb_history_free(log_history h) { if (!h) return; if (h->stmt) { sqlite3_reset(h->stmt); sqlite3_finalize(h->stmt); } free(h); } void log_entry_free(log_entry *e) { if (!e) return; free(e->text); free(e->path); free(e->program); free(e->tag); free(e); } /* Now for the actual file handling code! */ /* nuke any unlinked xattrs. Only used from the rare case where we try * to nuke a whole bunch of "deleting" files. */ static void pdb_clear_unused_xattrs(void) { static sqlite3_stmt *delete; char *delete_sql = "DELETE FROM xattrs WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files WHERE dev = xattrs.dev AND ino = xattrs.ino) = 0;"; int rc; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return; } if (!delete) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, delete_sql, strlen(delete_sql), &delete, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement for unused xattrs"); return; } } rc = sqlite3_step(delete); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "delete of unused xattrs may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(delete); sqlite3_clear_bindings(delete); } /* we want to delete extended attributes for a device/inode if there * are no longer any links with it. Anything that deletes at least one * link for a given device/inode should then call this. */ static void pdb_clear_xattrs(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *delete; char *delete_sql = "DELETE FROM xattrs WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ?;"; int rc; if (!msg) return; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return; } if (!delete) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, delete_sql, strlen(delete_sql), &delete, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement for unused xattrs"); return; } } sqlite3_bind_int(delete, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(delete, 2, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_step(delete); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "delete of unused xattrs may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(delete); sqlite3_clear_bindings(delete); } static void pdb_copy_xattrs(pseudo_msg_t *oldmsg, pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *copy; char *copy_sql = "INSERT INTO xattrs (dev, ino, name, value) " "SELECT " "?, " "?, " "name, " "value " "FROM xattrs WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ?;"; int rc; if (!oldmsg || !msg) return; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return; } if (!copy) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, copy_sql, strlen(copy_sql), ©, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare INSERT statement for copying xattrs"); return; } } sqlite3_bind_int(copy, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(copy, 2, msg->ino); sqlite3_bind_int(copy, 3, oldmsg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(copy, 4, oldmsg->ino); rc = sqlite3_step(copy); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "copy of xattrs may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(copy); sqlite3_clear_bindings(copy); } static void pdb_check_xattrs(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *scan; char *scan_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ?;"; int rc; if (!msg) return; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return; } if (!scan) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, scan_sql, strlen(scan_sql), &scan, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare SELECT statement for checking for existing files"); return; } } int existing; sqlite3_bind_int(scan, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(scan, 2, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_step(scan); if (rc == SQLITE_ROW) { existing = (int) sqlite3_column_int64(scan, 0); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "scan for existing files: %d\n", existing); rc = sqlite3_step(scan); } else { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "scan for existing files: no count?\n"); existing = 0; } if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "not done after the single row we expected?", rc); } rc = sqlite3_finalize(scan); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't finalize existing file"); } sqlite3_reset(scan); sqlite3_clear_bindings(scan); /* if there are any matching entries, don't delete xattrs */ if (existing == 0) pdb_clear_xattrs(msg); } /* pdb_link_file: Creates a new file from msg, using the provided path * or 'NAMELESS FILE'. */ int pdb_link_file(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *insert; int rc; char *sql = "INSERT INTO files " " ( path, dev, ino, uid, gid, mode, rdev, deleting ) " " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0);"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!insert) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &insert, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare INSERT statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } if (msg->pathlen) { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, 1, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_text(insert, 1, "NAMELESS FILE", -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } sqlite3_bind_int(insert, 2, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int64(insert, 3, msg->ino); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, 4, msg->uid); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, 5, msg->gid); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, 6, msg->mode); sqlite3_bind_int(insert, 7, msg->rdev); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB | PDBGF_FILE, "linking %s: dev %llu, ino %llu, mode %o, owner %d\n", (msg->pathlen ? msg->path : " (as NAMELESS FILE)"), (unsigned long long) msg->dev, (unsigned long long) msg->ino, (int) msg->mode, msg->uid); file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(insert); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "insert may have failed (rc %d)", rc); } sqlite3_reset(insert); sqlite3_clear_bindings(insert); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* pdb_unlink_file_dev: Delete every instance of a dev/inode pair. */ int pdb_unlink_file_dev(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *sql_delete; int rc; char *sql = "DELETE FROM files WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!sql_delete) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &sql_delete, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } sqlite3_bind_int(sql_delete, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int64(sql_delete, 2, msg->ino); file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(sql_delete); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "delete by inode may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(sql_delete); sqlite3_clear_bindings(sql_delete); pdb_clear_xattrs(msg); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* provide a path for a 'NAMELESS FILE' entry */ int pdb_update_file_path(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *update; int rc; char *sql = "UPDATE files SET path = ? " "WHERE path = 'NAMELESS FILE' and dev = ? AND ino = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!update) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &update, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare UPDATE statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg || !msg->pathlen) { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "can't update a file without a message or path.\n"); return 1; } sqlite3_bind_text(update, 1, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_int(update, 2, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int64(update, 3, msg->ino); file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(update); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "update path by inode may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(update); sqlite3_clear_bindings(update); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* mark a file for pending deletion by a given client */ int pdb_may_unlink_file(pseudo_msg_t *msg, int deleting) { static sqlite3_stmt *mark_file; int rc, exact; char *sql_mark_file = "UPDATE files SET deleting = ? WHERE path = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!mark_file) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql_mark_file, strlen(sql_mark_file), &mark_file, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } if (msg->pathlen) { sqlite3_bind_int(mark_file, 1, deleting); sqlite3_bind_text(mark_file, 2, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "cannot mark a file for pending deletion without a path."); return 1; } file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(mark_file); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "mark for deletion may have failed"); return 1; } exact = sqlite3_changes(file_db); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "(exact %d) ", exact); sqlite3_reset(mark_file); sqlite3_clear_bindings(mark_file); /* indicate whether we marked something */ if (exact > 0) return 0; else return 1; } /* unmark a file for pending deletion */ int pdb_cancel_unlink_file(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *mark_file; int rc, exact; char *sql_mark_file = "UPDATE files SET deleting = 0 WHERE path = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!mark_file) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql_mark_file, strlen(sql_mark_file), &mark_file, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } if (msg->pathlen) { sqlite3_bind_text(mark_file, 1, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "cannot unmark a file for pending deletion without a path."); return 1; } file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(mark_file); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "unmark for deletion may have failed"); } exact = sqlite3_changes(file_db); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "(exact %d) ", exact); sqlite3_reset(mark_file); sqlite3_clear_bindings(mark_file); pdb_check_xattrs(msg); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* delete all files attached to a given cookie; * used for database fixup passes. */ int pdb_did_unlink_files(int deleting) { static sqlite3_stmt *delete_exact; int rc, exact; char *sql_delete_exact = "DELETE FROM files WHERE deleting = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!delete_exact) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql_delete_exact, strlen(sql_delete_exact), &delete_exact, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement"); return 1; } } if (deleting == 0) { pseudo_diag("did_unlink_files: deleting must be non-zero.\n"); return 0; } sqlite3_bind_int(delete_exact, 1, deleting); file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(delete_exact); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "cleanup of files marked for deletion may have failed"); } exact = sqlite3_changes(file_db); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "(exact %d)\n", exact); sqlite3_reset(delete_exact); sqlite3_clear_bindings(delete_exact); pdb_clear_unused_xattrs(); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* confirm deletion of a specific file by a given client */ int pdb_did_unlink_file(char *path, int deleting) { static sqlite3_stmt *delete_exact; int rc, exact; char *sql_delete_exact = "DELETE FROM files WHERE path = ? AND deleting = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!delete_exact) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql_delete_exact, strlen(sql_delete_exact), &delete_exact, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement"); return 1; } } if (!path) { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "cannot unlink a file without a path."); return 1; } sqlite3_bind_text(delete_exact, 1, path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_int(delete_exact, 2, deleting); file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(delete_exact); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "cleanup of file marked for deletion may have failed"); } exact = sqlite3_changes(file_db); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "(exact %d)\n", exact); sqlite3_reset(delete_exact); sqlite3_clear_bindings(delete_exact); /* we have to clean everything because we don't know for sure the * device/inode... */ pdb_clear_unused_xattrs(); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* unlink a file, by path */ int pdb_unlink_file(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *delete_exact; int rc, exact; char *sql_delete_exact = "DELETE FROM files WHERE path = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!delete_exact) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql_delete_exact, strlen(sql_delete_exact), &delete_exact, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } if (msg->pathlen) { sqlite3_bind_text(delete_exact, 1, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "cannot unlink a file without a path."); return 1; } file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(delete_exact); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "delete exact by path may have failed"); } exact = sqlite3_changes(file_db); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "(exact %d) ", exact); sqlite3_reset(delete_exact); sqlite3_clear_bindings(delete_exact); pdb_check_xattrs(msg); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* Unlink all the contents of directory * SQLite performance limitations: * path LIKE foo '/%' -> can't use index * path = A OR path = B -> can't use index * Solution: * 1. From web http://web.utk.edu/~jplyon/sqlite/SQLite_optimization_FAQ.html * Use > and < instead of a glob at the end. */ int pdb_unlink_contents(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *delete_sub; int rc, sub; char *sql_delete_sub = "DELETE FROM files WHERE " "(path > (? || '/') AND path < (? || '0'));"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!delete_sub) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql_delete_sub, strlen(sql_delete_sub), &delete_sub, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } if (msg->pathlen) { sqlite3_bind_text(delete_sub, 1, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_text(delete_sub, 2, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } else { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "cannot unlink a file without a path."); return 1; } file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(delete_sub); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "delete sub by path may have failed"); } sub = sqlite3_changes(file_db); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "(sub %d) ", sub); sqlite3_reset(delete_sub); sqlite3_clear_bindings(delete_sub); /* we have no idea how many things might have been affected, so. */ pdb_clear_unused_xattrs(); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* rename a file. * If there are any other files with paths that are rooted in "file", then * file must really be a directory, and they should be renamed. * * This is tricky: * You have to rename everything starting with "path/", but also "path" itself * with no slash. Luckily for us, SQL can replace the old path with the * new path. */ int pdb_rename_file(const char *oldpath, pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *update_exact, *update_sub; int rc; char *sql_update_exact = "UPDATE files SET path = ? WHERE path = ?;"; char *sql_update_sub = "UPDATE files SET path = replace(path, ?, ?) " "WHERE (path > (? || '/') AND path < (? || '0'));"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!update_exact) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql_update_exact, strlen(sql_update_exact), &update_exact, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare UPDATE statement"); return 1; } } if (!update_sub) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql_update_sub, strlen(sql_update_sub), &update_sub, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare UPDATE statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } if (!msg->pathlen) { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "rename: No path provided (ino %llu)\n", (unsigned long long) msg->ino); return 1; } if (!oldpath) { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "rename: No old path for %s\n", msg->path); return 1; } pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "rename: Changing %s to %s\n", oldpath, msg->path); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(update_exact, 1, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(update_exact, 2, oldpath, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(update_sub, 1, oldpath, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(update_sub, 2, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(update_sub, 3, oldpath, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(update_sub, 4, oldpath, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); rc = sqlite3_exec(file_db, "BEGIN;", NULL, NULL, NULL); file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(update_exact); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "update exact may have failed: rc %d", rc); } rc = sqlite3_step(update_sub); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "update sub may have failed: rc %d", rc); } sqlite3_reset(update_exact); sqlite3_reset(update_sub); rc = sqlite3_exec(file_db, "END;", NULL, NULL, NULL); sqlite3_clear_bindings(update_exact); sqlite3_clear_bindings(update_sub); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* renumber device only. * this is used if the filesystem moves to a new device, without changing * inode allocations. */ int pdb_renumber_all(dev_t from, dev_t to) { static sqlite3_stmt *files_update, *xattrs_update; int rc; char *files_sql = "UPDATE files " " SET dev = ? " " WHERE dev = ?;"; char *xattrs_sql = "UPDATE xattrs " " SET dev = ? " " WHERE dev = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!files_update) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, files_sql, strlen(files_sql), &files_update, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare UPDATE statement"); return 1; } } if (!xattrs_update) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, xattrs_sql, strlen(xattrs_sql), &xattrs_update, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare UPDATE statement"); return 1; } } rc = sqlite3_bind_int(files_update, 1, to); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "error binding device numbers to update"); } rc = sqlite3_bind_int(files_update, 2, from); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "error binding device numbers to update"); } rc = sqlite3_bind_int(xattrs_update, 1, to); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "error binding device numbers to update"); } rc = sqlite3_bind_int(xattrs_update, 2, from); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "error binding device numbers to update"); } file_db_dirty = 1; pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "updating device dev %llu to %llu\n", (unsigned long long) from, (unsigned long long) to); rc = sqlite3_step(files_update); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "update may have failed: rc %d", rc); } sqlite3_reset(files_update); sqlite3_clear_bindings(files_update); rc = sqlite3_step(xattrs_update); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "update may have failed: rc %d", rc); } sqlite3_reset(xattrs_update); sqlite3_clear_bindings(xattrs_update); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* change dev/inode for a given path -- used only by RENAME for now. * So, if you rename something with xattrs, we want to keep the xattrs. * But. If you renamed one of multiple hard links, we may end up wanting * to keep the xattrs on both the old name and the new one. But if there's * only one link, we want to drop the xattrs from the old one. Eww. */ int pdb_update_inode(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *update; int rc; static pseudo_msg_t *oldmsg; int found_existing; if (!oldmsg) { oldmsg = malloc(pseudo_path_max()); } char *sql = "UPDATE files " " SET dev = ?, ino = ? " " WHERE path = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!update) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &update, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare UPDATE statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } if (!msg->pathlen) { pseudo_diag("Can't update the inode of a file without its path.\n"); return 1; } memcpy(oldmsg, msg, sizeof(msg) + msg->pathlen); found_existing = !pdb_find_file_path(oldmsg); if (found_existing) { /* we have an existing file entry */ pdb_copy_xattrs(oldmsg, msg); } sqlite3_bind_int(update, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int64(update, 2, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(update, 3, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); if (rc) { /* msg->path can never be null, and if msg didn't * have a non-zero pathlen, we'd already have exited * above */ dberr(file_db, "error binding %s to select", msg->path); } file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(update); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "update may have failed: rc %d", rc); } sqlite3_reset(update); sqlite3_clear_bindings(update); if (found_existing) { /* possibly delete old message's xattrs */ pdb_check_xattrs(oldmsg); } pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "updating path %s to dev %llu, ino %llu\n", msg->path, (unsigned long long) msg->dev, (unsigned long long) msg->ino); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* change uid/gid/mode/rdev in any existing entries matching a given * dev/inode pair. */ int pdb_update_file(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *update; int rc; char *sql = "UPDATE files " " SET uid = ?, gid = ?, mode = ?, rdev = ? " " WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!update) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &update, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare UPDATE statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } sqlite3_bind_int(update, 1, msg->uid); sqlite3_bind_int(update, 2, msg->gid); sqlite3_bind_int(update, 3, msg->mode); sqlite3_bind_int(update, 4, msg->rdev); sqlite3_bind_int(update, 5, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int64(update, 6, msg->ino); file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(update); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "update may have failed: rc %d", rc); } sqlite3_reset(update); sqlite3_clear_bindings(update); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "updating dev %llu, ino %llu, new mode %o, owner %d\n", (unsigned long long) msg->dev, (unsigned long long) msg->ino, (int) msg->mode, msg->uid); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } /* find file using both path AND dev/inode as key */ int pdb_find_file_exact(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *select; int rc; char *sql = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE path = ? AND dev = ? AND ino = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!select) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &select, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare SELECT statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } rc = sqlite3_bind_text(select, 1, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "error binding %s to select", msg->pathlen ? msg->path : ""); } sqlite3_bind_int(select, 2, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int64(select, 3, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_step(select); switch (rc) { case SQLITE_ROW: msg->uid = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 4); msg->gid = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 5); msg->mode = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 6); msg->rdev = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 7); msg->deleting = (int) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 8); rc = 0; break; case SQLITE_DONE: pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "find_exact: sqlite_done on first row\n"); rc = 1; break; default: dberr(file_db, "find_exact: select returned neither a row nor done"); rc = 1; break; } sqlite3_reset(select); sqlite3_clear_bindings(select); return rc; } /* find file using path as a key */ int pdb_find_file_path(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *select; int rc; char *sql = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE path = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 1; } if (!select) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &select, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare SELECT statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } if (!msg->pathlen) { return 1; } rc = sqlite3_bind_text(select, 1, msg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "error binding %s to select", msg->pathlen ? msg->path : ""); } rc = sqlite3_column_count(select); rc = sqlite3_step(select); switch (rc) { case SQLITE_ROW: msg->dev = sqlite3_column_int64(select, 2); msg->ino = sqlite3_column_int64(select, 3); msg->uid = sqlite3_column_int64(select, 4); msg->gid = sqlite3_column_int64(select, 5); msg->mode = sqlite3_column_int64(select, 6); msg->rdev = sqlite3_column_int64(select, 7); msg->deleting = (int) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 8); rc = 0; break; case SQLITE_DONE: pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "find_path: sqlite_done on first row\n"); rc = 1; break; default: dberr(file_db, "find_path: select returned neither a row nor done"); rc = 1; break; } sqlite3_reset(select); sqlite3_clear_bindings(select); return rc; } /* find path for a file, given dev and inode as keys */ char * pdb_get_file_path(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *select; int rc; char *sql = "SELECT path FROM files WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ?;"; char *response; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!select) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &select, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare SELECT statement"); return 0; } } if (!msg) { return 0; } sqlite3_bind_int(select, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int64(select, 2, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_step(select); switch (rc) { case SQLITE_ROW: response = (char *) sqlite3_column_text(select, 0); if (response) { if (strcmp(response, "NAMELESS FILE")) { response = strdup(response); } else { response = 0; } } break; case SQLITE_DONE: pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "find_dev: sqlite_done on first row\n"); response = 0; break; default: dberr(file_db, "find_dev: select returned neither a row nor done"); response = 0; break; } sqlite3_reset(select); sqlite3_clear_bindings(select); return response; } /* find file using dev/inode as key */ int pdb_find_file_dev(pseudo_msg_t *msg, char **path) { static sqlite3_stmt *select; int rc; char *sql = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!select) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &select, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare SELECT statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } sqlite3_bind_int(select, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int64(select, 2, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_step(select); switch (rc) { case SQLITE_ROW: msg->uid = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 4); msg->gid = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 5); msg->mode = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 6); msg->rdev = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 7); msg->deleting = (int) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 8); /* stash path */ if (path) { *path = strdup((char *) sqlite3_column_text(select, 1)); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_FILE, "find_file_dev: path %s\n", *path ? *path : ""); } rc = 0; break; case SQLITE_DONE: pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "find_dev: sqlite_done on first row\n"); rc = 1; break; default: dberr(file_db, "find_dev: select returned neither a row nor done"); rc = 1; break; } sqlite3_reset(select); sqlite3_clear_bindings(select); return rc; } int pdb_get_xattr(pseudo_msg_t *msg, char **value, size_t *len) { static sqlite3_stmt *select; int rc; char *response; size_t length; char *sql = "SELECT value FROM xattrs WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ? AND name = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!select) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &select, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare SELECT statement"); return 1; } } pseudo_debug(PDBGF_XATTR, "requested xattr named '%s' for ino %lld\n", *value, (long long) msg->ino); sqlite3_bind_int(select, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(select, 2, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(select, 3, *value, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't bind xattr name to SELECT."); return 1; } rc = sqlite3_step(select); switch (rc) { case SQLITE_ROW: response = (char *) sqlite3_column_text(select, 0); length = sqlite3_column_bytes(select, 0); pseudo_debug(PDBGF_XATTR, "got %d-byte results: '%s'\n", (int) length, response); if (response && length >= 1) { /* not a strdup because the values can contain * arbitrary bytes. */ *value = malloc(length); memcpy(*value, response, length); *len = length; rc = 0; } else { *value = NULL; *len = 0; rc = 1; } break; case SQLITE_DONE: pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "find_exact: sqlite_done on first row\n"); rc = 1; break; default: dberr(file_db, "find_exact: select returned neither a row nor done"); rc = 1; break; } sqlite3_reset(select); sqlite3_clear_bindings(select); return rc; } int pdb_list_xattr(pseudo_msg_t *msg, char **value, size_t *len) { static sqlite3_stmt *select; size_t allocated = 0; size_t used = 0; char *buffer = 0; int rc; char *sql = "SELECT name FROM xattrs WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ? ORDER BY name;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!select) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &select, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare SELECT statement"); return 1; } } sqlite3_bind_int(select, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(select, 2, msg->ino); do { rc = sqlite3_step(select); if (rc == SQLITE_ROW) { char *value = (char *) sqlite3_column_text(select, 0); size_t len = sqlite3_column_bytes(select, 0); if (!buffer) { allocated = round_up(len, 256); buffer = malloc(allocated); } if (used + len + 2 > allocated) { size_t new_allocated = round_up(used + len + 2, 256); char *new_buffer = malloc(new_allocated); memcpy(new_buffer, buffer, used); free(buffer); allocated = new_allocated; buffer = new_buffer; } memcpy(buffer + used, value, len); buffer[used + len] = '\0'; used = used + len + 1; } else if (rc == SQLITE_DONE) { *value = buffer; *len = used; } else { dberr(file_db, "non-row response from select?"); free(buffer); *value = NULL; *len = 0; } } while (rc == SQLITE_ROW); sqlite3_reset(select); sqlite3_clear_bindings(select); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } int pdb_remove_xattr(pseudo_msg_t *msg, char *value, size_t len) { static sqlite3_stmt *delete; int rc; char *sql = "DELETE FROM xattrs WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ? AND name = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!delete) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &delete, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare DELETE statement"); return 1; } } sqlite3_bind_int(delete, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(delete, 2, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(delete, 3, value, len, SQLITE_STATIC); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't bind xattr name to DELETE."); return 1; } file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(delete); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "delete xattr may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(delete); sqlite3_clear_bindings(delete); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } int pdb_set_xattr(pseudo_msg_t *msg, char *value, size_t len, int flags) { static sqlite3_stmt *select, *update, *insert; int rc; long long existing_row = -1; char *select_sql = "SELECT id FROM xattrs WHERE dev = ? AND ino = ? AND name = ?;"; char *insert_sql = "INSERT INTO xattrs " " ( dev, ino, name, value ) " " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);"; char *update_sql = "UPDATE xattrs SET value = ? WHERE id = ?;"; char *vname = value; size_t vlen; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!select) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, select_sql, strlen(select_sql), &select, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare SELECT statement"); return 1; } } sqlite3_bind_int(select, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int(select, 2, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(select, 3, value, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't bind xattr name to SELECT."); return 1; } rc = sqlite3_step(select); switch (rc) { case SQLITE_ROW: existing_row = sqlite3_column_int64(select, 0); break; case SQLITE_DONE: pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "find_exact: sqlite_done on first row\n"); existing_row = -1; break; default: dberr(file_db, "set_xattr: select returned neither a row nor done"); rc = 1; break; } sqlite3_reset(select); sqlite3_clear_bindings(select); if (flags == XATTR_CREATE && existing_row != -1) { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "XATTR_CREATE with an existing row, failing."); return 1; } if (flags == XATTR_REPLACE && existing_row == -1) { pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "XATTR_REPLACE with no existing row, failing."); return 1; } /* the material after the name is the value */ vlen = strlen(value); len = len - (vlen + 1); value = value + vlen + 1; pseudo_debug(PDBGF_XATTR, "trying to set a value for ino %lld: name is '%s' [%d/%d bytes], value is '%s' [%d bytes]. Existing row %lld.\n", (long long) msg->ino, vname, (int) vlen, (int) (len + vlen + 1), value, (int) len, existing_row); if (existing_row != -1) { /* update */ if (!update) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, update_sql, strlen(update_sql), &update, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare UPDATE statement"); return 1; } } rc = sqlite3_bind_text(update, 1, value, len, SQLITE_STATIC); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't bind xattr value to UPDATE."); return 1; } sqlite3_bind_int(update, 2, existing_row); file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(update); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "update xattr may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(update); sqlite3_clear_bindings(update); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } else { /* insert */ if (!insert) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, insert_sql, strlen(insert_sql), &insert, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare INSERT statement"); return 1; } } sqlite3_bind_int64(insert, 1, msg->dev); sqlite3_bind_int64(insert, 2, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_bind_text(insert, 3, vname, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't bind xattr name to INSERT statement"); return 1; } rc = sqlite3_bind_text(insert, 4, value, len, SQLITE_STATIC); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't bind xattr value to INSERT statement"); return 1; } file_db_dirty = 1; rc = sqlite3_step(insert); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { dberr(file_db, "insert xattr may have failed"); } sqlite3_reset(insert); sqlite3_clear_bindings(insert); return rc != SQLITE_DONE; } return rc; } /* find file using only inode as key. Unused for now, planned to come * in for NFS usage. */ int pdb_find_file_ino(pseudo_msg_t *msg) { static sqlite3_stmt *select; int rc; char *sql = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE ino = ?;"; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!select) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, sql, strlen(sql), &select, NULL); if (rc) { dberr(file_db, "couldn't prepare SELECT statement"); return 1; } } if (!msg) { return 1; } sqlite3_bind_int64(select, 1, msg->ino); rc = sqlite3_step(select); switch (rc) { case SQLITE_ROW: msg->dev = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 2); msg->uid = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 4); msg->gid = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 5); msg->mode = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 6); msg->rdev = (unsigned long) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 7); msg->deleting = (int) sqlite3_column_int64(select, 8); rc = 0; break; case SQLITE_DONE: pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "find_ino: sqlite_done on first row\n"); rc = 1; break; default: dberr(file_db, "find_ino: select returned neither a row nor done"); rc = 1; break; } sqlite3_reset(select); sqlite3_clear_bindings(select); return rc; } pdb_file_list pdb_files(void) { pdb_file_list l; if (!file_db && get_dbs()) { pseudo_diag("%s: database error.\n", __func__); return 0; } l = malloc(sizeof(*l)); if (!l) return NULL; l->rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(file_db, "SELECT path, dev, ino, uid, gid, mode, rdev FROM files", -1, &l->stmt, NULL); if (l->rc) { dberr(file_db, "Couldn't start SELECT from files.\n"); free(l); return NULL; } return l; } pseudo_msg_t * pdb_file(pdb_file_list l) { const unsigned char *s; pseudo_msg_t *m; int column = 0; if (!l || !l->stmt) return 0; /* in case someone tries again after we're already done */ if (l->rc == SQLITE_DONE) { return 0; } l->rc = sqlite3_step(l->stmt); if (l->rc == SQLITE_DONE) { return 0; } else if (l->rc != SQLITE_ROW) { dberr(log_db, "statement failed"); return 0; } s = sqlite3_column_text(l->stmt, column++); m = pseudo_msg_new(0, (const char *) s); if (!m) { pseudo_diag("couldn't allocate file message.\n"); return NULL; } pseudo_debug(PDBGF_DB, "pdb_file: '%s'\n", s ? (const char *) s : ""); m->dev = sqlite3_column_int64(l->stmt, column++); m->ino = sqlite3_column_int64(l->stmt, column++); m->uid = sqlite3_column_int64(l->stmt, column++); m->gid = sqlite3_column_int64(l->stmt, column++); m->mode = sqlite3_column_int64(l->stmt, column++); m->rdev = sqlite3_column_int64(l->stmt, column++); return m; } void pdb_files_done(pdb_file_list l) { if (!l) return; if (l->stmt) { sqlite3_reset(l->stmt); sqlite3_finalize(l->stmt); } free(l); }