#@TYPE: Machine #@NAME: {{=machine}} #@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for {{=machine}} systems {{ input type:"boolean" name:"xserver" prio:"50" msg:"Do you need support for X? (y/n)" default:"y" }} {{ if xserver == "y": }} PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver = "xserver-xorg-lite" XSERVER = "xserver-xorg-lite \ xf86-input-evdev \ xf86-input-mouse \ xf86-video-omapfb \ xf86-input-keyboard" # Ship all kernel modules by default MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS = " kernel-modules" # Allow for MMC booting (required by the NAND-less Beagleboard XM) EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS += "u-boot x-load" # Uncomment the following line to enable the hard floating point abi. Note that # this breaks some binary libraries and 3D (neither of which ship with # meta-yocto). For maximum compatibility, leave this disabled. #DEFAULTTUNE ?= "cortexa8hf-neon" {{ input type:"choicelist" name:"tunefile" prio:"40" msg:"Which machine tuning would you like to use?" default:"tune_cortexa8" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_arm1136jf_s" msg:"arm1136jf-s tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_arm920t" msg:"arm920t tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_arm926ejs" msg:"arm926ejs tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_arm9tdmi" msg:"arm9tdmi tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexa8" msg:"cortexa8 tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexa9" msg:"cortexa9 tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexm1" msg:"cortexm1 tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexm3" msg:"cortexm3 tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexr4" msg:"cortexr4 tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ep9312" msg:"ep9312 tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_iwmmxt" msg:"iwmmxt tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_strongarm1100" msg:"strongarm1100 tuning optimizations" }} {{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_xscale" msg:"xscale tuning optimizations" }} {{ if tunefile == "tune_arm1136jf_s": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-arm1136jf-s.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_arm920t": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-arm920t.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_arm926ejs": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-arm926ejs.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_arm9tdmi": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-arm9tdmi.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexa8": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa8.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexa9": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa9.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexm1": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexm1.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexm3": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexm3.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexr4": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexr4.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_ep9312": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-ep9312.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_iwmmxt": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-iwmmxt.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_strongarm1100": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-strongarm1100.inc {{ if tunefile == "tune_xscale": }} include conf/machine/include/tune-xscale.inc IMAGE_FSTYPES += "tar.bz2 jffs2" EXTRA_IMAGECMD_jffs2 = "-lnp " # 2.6.37 and later kernels use OMAP_SERIAL, ttyO2 # earlier kernels use ttyS2 SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyO2" {{ preferred_kernel = kernel_choice.split('_')[0] }} {{ preferred_kernel_version = kernel_choice.split('_')[1] }} PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}" PREFERRED_VERSION_{{=preferred_kernel}} ?= "{{=preferred_kernel_version}}%" KERNEL_IMAGETYPE = "uImage" {{ input type:"edit" name:"uboot_machine" prio:"40" msg:"Please specify a value for UBOOT_MACHINE:" default:"omap3_beagle_config" }} UBOOT_MACHINE = "{{=uboot_machine}}" {{ input type:"edit" name:"uboot_entrypoint" prio:"40" msg:"Please specify a value for UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT:" default:"0x80008000" }} UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT = "{{=uboot_entrypoint}}" {{ input type:"edit" name:"uboot_loadaddress" prio:"40" msg:"Please specify a value for UBOOT_LOADADDRESS:" default:"0x80008000" }} UBOOT_LOADADDRESS = "{{=uboot_loadaddress}}" MACHINE_FEATURES = "kernel26 apm usbgadget usbhost vfat alsa"