{% extends "package_detail_base.html" %} {% load projecttags %} {% block mainheading %}

{{package.fullpackagespec}} ({{target.target}})

{% endblock %} {% block tabcontent %} {% with packageFileCount=package.buildfilelist_package.count %} {% include "package_included_tabs.html" with active_tab="dependencies" %}
{% if runtime_deps|length != 0 %} {% for runtime_dep in runtime_deps %} {% if runtime_dep.size != -1 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Package Version Size
{{runtime_dep.name}} {{runtime_dep.name|format_vpackage_namehelp}} {{runtime_dep.version}}  {{runtime_dep.size|filtered_filesizeformat}} 
{% else %}
{{package.fullpackagespec}} has no runtime dependencies.
{% endif %} {% if other_deps|length != 0 %}

Other runtime relationships

{% for other_dep in other_deps %} {% if other_dep.installed %} {% if other_dep.size != -1 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Package Version Size Relationship type
{{other_dep.name}} {{other_dep.name|format_vpackage_namehelp}} {{other_dep.version}}  {{other_dep.size|filtered_filesizeformat}}  {{other_dep.dep_type_display}}
{{other_dep.name}} {{other_dep.version}} {{other_dep.dep_type_display}}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %} {% endblock tabcontent %}