AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-07-18toaster-tests: add tasks and recipes sub-page testselliot/toaster/9833-remove_columnsElliot Smith
Add tests for the tasks and recipes sub-pages of the build dashboard. [YOCTO #9833] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-18toaster: set non-hideable columns for built recipes tableElliot Smith
None of the columns in the built recipes table are marked as not hideable, so it is possible to remove all the columns and make the table disappear. Set the recipe name and version columns as not hideable. Also rename the "Name" column to "Recipe", for consistency with the design and with other recipe tables. [YOCTO #9833] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-18toaster: set non-hideable columns for build tasks tableElliot Smith
The task, recipe and order columns in the build tasks table should not be hideable. If they are, it's possible for the table to have all of its columns hidden so that it no longer displays. Set the hideable property to prevent these columns from being hidden. [YOCTO #9833] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster-tests: package count/size shouldn't show for non-image buildsElliot Smith
If a build doesn't produce any image files, the package count and size shouldn't be shown. Also add some metadata to build dashboard elements so it is clear what they're for, and so they can be queried by the tests. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster-tests: add tests for build artifact display on build dashboardElliot Smith
Add tests for display of image, kernel and SDK artifacts on the build dashboard, checking that the "Images" option in the left-hand menu and the "Build artifacts" section display correctly for different types of build. Also add metadata to elements on the build dashboard so it's clearer what they represent, and to assist in finding them in the tests. Add a method to the test helper to make it more convenient to check whether a single element matching a selector exists. [YOCTO #8556] [YOCTO #8563] [YOCTO #9500] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: the customise image button shouldn't rely on targetsElliot Smith
The build dashboard customise image button (for creating a new custom image based on an image recipe used by a build) shouldn't rely on targets: whether a new custom image can be created or not depends on whether any of the recipes used by the build are image recipes. Modify the method used to determine whether a build has customisable images to look at the image recipes used during the build, rather than whether the targets run by the build refer to image recipes. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: add package manifest path to Target objectsElliot Smith
Store the path to the *.rootfs.manifest file for targets which generate images. A link to the package manifest is displayed in the build dashboard for targets which produce image files. Like the license manifest path, if a target would have produced the package manifest (but didn't, because it already existed), that path is copied from the target which did produce the package manifest. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: better display of targets which produced no imagesElliot Smith
SDK targets (populate_sdk) produce SDK artifacts but no image files. Currently, these targets appear under the "Images" heading in the build dashboard, even though they aren't strictly image targets. Change the heading to "Build artifacts". Also remove the section which states that a build produced no image files: this is not correct for populate_sdk targets (those targets don't produce image files under any circumstances); and other changes mean that all targets which do produce images will now show those files. The check for whether to display the "Build artifacts" section also needs to change, as we show targets here which didn't produce any images but did produce SDK artifacts. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: show manifests in their own section of the build dashboardElliot Smith
In the build dashboard, add a section for manifests to each target, which will contain the license and package manifests for a target. As we don't record the package manifest (yet), just move the license manifest link to that section for now. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: only show "New custom image" button for builds with image targetsElliot Smith
Add a has_image_targets() method to Build, and use that to hide the "New custom image" button on the build dashboard if a build has no targets which build images. [YOCTO #9514] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: use has_images() methods to display images correctlyElliot Smith
In the build dashboard, we had issues with showing images correctly, as we were using the is_image property of targets to determine whether a target would have image files. This property can be set to True if a target refers to an image recipe (e.g. "core-image-minimal"), even if the task used in the build didn't produce any image files. By adding has_images() methods to the Target and Build objects, which count associated Target_Image_File objects, we can correctly determine whether a target has image files associated with it, and if any of the targets for a build has image files. This means that we can screen out the left-hand "Images" menu options for builds which contained image-related targets (e.g. "core-image-minimal") but which didn't produce any images (e.g. "rootfs" task). [YOCTO #9500] [YOCTO #9784] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: improve scan for SDK artifactsElliot Smith
SDK artifacts were previously picked up by toaster.bbclass and notified to buildinfohelper (via toasterui). The artifacts were then added to the Build object, so that it wasn't clear which artifact went with which target; we were also unable to attach SDK artifacts to a Build if they had already been attached to a previous build. Now, toaster.bbclass just notifies the TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME when a populate_sdk* target completes. The scan is moved to buildinfohelper, where we search the SDK deploy directory for files matching TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME and attach them to targets (not builds). If an SDK file is not produced by a target, we now look for a similar, previously-run target which did produce artifacts. If there is one, we clone the SDK artifacts from that target onto the current one. This all means that we can show SDK artifacts by target, and should always get artifacts associated with a target, regardless of whether it really build them. This requires an additional model, TargetSDKFile, which tracks the size and path of SDK artifact files with respect to Target objects. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: attach kernel artifacts to targetsElliot Smith
The bzImage and modules files were previously attached to a build, rather than to the target which produced them. This meant it was not possible to determine which kernel artifact produced by a build came from which target; which in turn made it difficult to associate existing kernel artifact with targets when those targets didn't produce artifacts (e.g. if the same machine + target combination was built again and didn't produce a bzImage or modules file because those files already existed). By associating kernel artifacts with the target (via a new TargetArtifactFile model), we make it possible to find all the artifacts for a given machine + target combination. Then, in cases where a build is completed but its targets don't produce any artifacts, we can find a previous Target object with the same machine + target and copy its artifacts to the targets for a just-completed build. Note that this doesn't cover SDK artifacts yet, which are still retrieved in toaster.bbclass and show up as "Other artifacts", lumped together for the whole build rather than by target. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: improve image file suffix retrievalElliot Smith
Refactor retrieval of suffix from image file path, making it a a method on Target_Image_File. This makes it easier to use this in the build dashboard for individual images, plus reduces the complexity of the code required to get all of the image file suffixes for a build. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: do image and artifact scan on BuildCompletedElliot Smith
Move the image and artifact scan code from toaster.bbclass and consolidate its logic with the existing logic in buildinfohelper. Remove handler setup for events which used to be fired from toaster.bbclass but which are now handled directly by buildinfohelper. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: display Target targets in build dashboardElliot Smith
The build dashboard was showing the targets for the build in the page heading and title as "Target object". Add a filter which extracts the "target" from each Target object as a string so that the heading and title display correctly. Also sort the image file suffixes alphabetically. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15runqueue: improve exception loggingEd Bartosh
Runqueue errors direct the user to view the "failure below", but no additional error message is available. Log the stacktrace so that the user can see what went wrong. Also fix a typo in the log message. Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: add Layer delete front end feature to layerdetailsMichael Wood
Add the front end feature to delete a layer from the layer details page. [YOCO #9184] Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: api Add util function for returning the error responseMichael Wood
Also clean up flake8 warnings in XhrBuildRequest Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: layerdetails api Fix saving of git revision of a layerMichael Wood
Update, clean up and move the api for updating a layerversion from the views to api. Also update the layerdetails page to include the layerversion id in the url getter. [YOCTO #8952] Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15eventreplay: rewrite the scriptEd Bartosh
Rewritten toaster-eventreplay to make code working as expected, more compact and readable. [YOCTO #9585] Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15eventreplay: reorganize importsEd Bartosh
Cleaned up module imports: - Removed unused imports - Removed import of print_function - Removed duplicated imports - Splitted importing bb.lib to 2 lines Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15eventreplay: replace MockConfigParameters with namedtupleEd Bartosh
class MockConfigParameters has only one attribute and only __init__ method. Replacing it with namedtuple makes code less nested and more readable. [YOCTO #9585] Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15eventreplay: fix event loading codeEd Bartosh
Event objects are represented by base64-encoded strings in the event file and can't be loaded by existing eventreplay code. Fixed the code of loading events from file by decoding base64 strings into the binary form and loading them with pickle.load. [YOCTO #9585] Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15eventprelay: implement setEventMask commandEd Bartosh
Stored event mask list as self.eventmask for future use. Fixed Exception: Command setEventMask not implemented. [YOCTO #9585] Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15eventreplay: add MockConnection.getEventHandle methodEd Bartosh
Fixed AttributeError: 'MockConnection' object has no attribute 'getEventHandle' [YOCTO #9585] Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster-tests: define capabilities for latest Firefox driverElliot Smith
For the latest Firefox versions, WebDriver requires a download of a separate binary and an additional capability to be defined on it. Modify our tests so that when "marionette" is set as the browser, this capability is defined on the Firefox driver. Also add a note to the README about the additional installation steps required. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster-tests: add class SeleniumTestCaseBase for browser testsAníbal Limón
In order to reuse the Selenium helper outside a Django environment (for functional testing), add a new module containing the base class SeleniumTestCaseBase, which only inherits unittest.TestCase Add a class SeleniumTestCase with multiple inheritance of StaticLiveServerTestCase and SeleniumTestCaseBase to prevent existing tests from breaking. Signed-off-by: Aníbal Limón <anibal.limon@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster-tests: package count/size shouldn't show for non-image buildsElliot Smith
If a build doesn't produce any image files, the package count and size shouldn't be shown. Also add some metadata to build dashboard elements so it is clear what they're for, and so they can be queried by the tests. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster-tests: new custom image button shouldn't show for non-image buildsElliot Smith
[YOCTO #9514] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster-tests: add tests for build artifact display on build dashboardElliot Smith
Add tests for display of image, kernel and SDK artifacts on the build dashboard, checking that the "Images" option in the left-hand menu and the "Build artifacts" section display correctly for different types of build. Also add metadata to elements on the build dashboard so it's clearer what they represent, and to assist in finding them in the tests. Add a method to the test helper to make it more convenient to check whether a single element matching a selector exists. [YOCTO #8556] [YOCTO #8563] [YOCTO #9500] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: the customise image button shouldn't rely on targetsElliot Smith
The build dashboard customise image button (for creating a new custom image based on an image recipe used by a build) shouldn't rely on targets: whether a new custom image can be created or not depends on whether any of the recipes used by the build are image recipes. Modify the method used to determine whether a build has customisable images to look at the image recipes used during the build, rather than whether the targets run by the build refer to image recipes. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: add package manifest path to Target objectsElliot Smith
Store the path to the *.rootfs.manifest file for targets which generate images. A link to the package manifest is displayed in the build dashboard for targets which produce image files. Like the license manifest path, if a target would have produced the package manifest (but didn't, because it already existed), that path is copied from the target which did produce the package manifest. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: better display of targets which produced no imagesElliot Smith
SDK targets (populate_sdk) produce SDK artifacts but no image files. Currently, these targets appear under the "Images" heading in the build dashboard, even though they aren't strictly image targets. Change the heading to "Build artifacts". Also remove the section which states that a build produced no image files: this is not correct for populate_sdk targets (those targets don't produce image files under any circumstances); and other changes mean that all targets which do produce images will now show those files. The check for whether to display the "Build artifacts" section also needs to change, as we show targets here which didn't produce any images but did produce SDK artifacts. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: show manifests in their own section of the build dashboardElliot Smith
In the build dashboard, add a section for manifests to each target, which will contain the license and package manifests for a target. As we don't record the package manifest (yet), just move the license manifest link to that section for now. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: only show "New custom image" button for builds with image targetsElliot Smith
Add a has_image_targets() method to Build, and use that to hide the "New custom image" button on the build dashboard if a build has no targets which build images. [YOCTO #9514] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: use has_images() methods to display images correctlyElliot Smith
In the build dashboard, we had issues with showing images correctly, as we were using the is_image property of targets to determine whether a target would have image files. This property can be set to True if a target refers to an image recipe (e.g. "core-image-minimal"), even if the task used in the build didn't produce any image files. By adding has_images() methods to the Target and Build objects, which count associated Target_Image_File objects, we can correctly determine whether a target has image files associated with it, and if any of the targets for a build has image files. This means that we can screen out the left-hand "Images" menu options for builds which contained image-related targets (e.g. "core-image-minimal") but which didn't produce any images (e.g. "rootfs" task). [YOCTO #9500] [YOCTO #9784] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15buildinfohelper: only record image files for tasks which make imagesElliot Smith
If a target is built which is classified as an "image" target (e.g. "core-image-minimal"), Toaster reads the list of files in the image (from the files-in-image.txt file). However, Toaster continues to do this for builds which don't produce images, if the recipe providing the target is an image recipe. This can result in a list of files in the image being attached to a target which didn't produce an image (e.g. rootfs). When associating files with an image, ensure that only targets with a task which produces an image have "files in the image" associated with them. [YOCTO #9784] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster.bbclass: only scan files-in-image.txt if it existsElliot Smith
We can reach the method in toaster.bbclass which tries to read from the files-in-image.txt file via a build which doesn't create that file (e.g. "bitbake core-image-minimal -c rootfs"). This causes the build to fail with an exception. Check that this file exists before trying to read from it. [YOCTO #9784] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: improve scan for SDK artifactsElliot Smith
SDK artifacts were previously picked up by toaster.bbclass and notified to buildinfohelper (via toasterui). The artifacts were then added to the Build object, so that it wasn't clear which artifact went with which target; we were also unable to attach SDK artifacts to a Build if they had already been attached to a previous build. Now, toaster.bbclass just notifies the TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME when a populate_sdk* target completes. The scan is moved to buildinfohelper, where we search the SDK deploy directory for files matching TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME and attach them to targets (not builds). If an SDK file is not produced by a target, we now look for a similar, previously-run target which did produce artifacts. If there is one, we clone the SDK artifacts from that target onto the current one. This all means that we can show SDK artifacts by target, and should always get artifacts associated with a target, regardless of whether it really build them. This requires an additional model, TargetSDKFile, which tracks the size and path of SDK artifact files with respect to Target objects. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15buildinfohelper: fix retrieval of targetsElliot Smith
When buildinfohelper records the targets for a build, it looks up any existing targets for a build and creates them if they are not present. This is because in the case of Toaster-triggered builds, the Target objects have already been created (inside triggerBuild()) and don't need to be recreated; but in the case of cli builds, the Target objects have to be created by buildinfohelper. The issue is that the code for retrieving an existing target for a build only looks for Targets with a matching target and build, e.g. Targets for build X with target "core-image-minimal". But it is perfectly legitimate to call bitbake with a command like "bitbake core-image-minimal:do_populate_sdk core-image-minimal:do_populate_sdk_ext". In such a case, the code which looks for matching targets finds two objects, as it doesn't filter by task. Add the task into the filter for the Target so that only one Target object is be returned. Note that a command line like "bitbake recipe:task recipe:task" will still cause an error as bitbake doesn't de-duplicate the command line arguments and will run the recipe:task combination twice. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: attach kernel artifacts to targetsElliot Smith
The bzImage and modules files were previously attached to a build, rather than to the target which produced them. This meant it was not possible to determine which kernel artifact produced by a build came from which target; which in turn made it difficult to associate existing kernel artifact with targets when those targets didn't produce artifacts (e.g. if the same machine + target combination was built again and didn't produce a bzImage or modules file because those files already existed). By associating kernel artifacts with the target (via a new TargetArtifactFile model), we make it possible to find all the artifacts for a given machine + target combination. Then, in cases where a build is completed but its targets don't produce any artifacts, we can find a previous Target object with the same machine + target and copy its artifacts to the targets for a just-completed build. Note that this doesn't cover SDK artifacts yet, which are still retrieved in toaster.bbclass and show up as "Other artifacts", lumped together for the whole build rather than by target. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: improve image file suffix retrievalElliot Smith
Refactor retrieval of suffix from image file path, making it a a method on Target_Image_File. This makes it easier to use this in the build dashboard for individual images, plus reduces the complexity of the code required to get all of the image file suffixes for a build. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: do image and artifact scan on BuildCompletedElliot Smith
Move the image and artifact scan code from toaster.bbclass and consolidate its logic with the existing logic in buildinfohelper. Remove handler setup for events which used to be fired from toaster.bbclass but which are now handled directly by buildinfohelper. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: display Target targets in build dashboardElliot Smith
The build dashboard was showing the targets for the build in the page heading and title as "Target object". Add a filter which extracts the "target" from each Target object as a string so that the heading and title display correctly. Also sort the image file suffixes alphabetically. [YOCTO #8556] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster.bbclass: remove directory scan logic for detecting artifactsElliot Smith
toaster.bbclass does a scan of the image deploy and SDK directories when a build finishes. However, this brings no benefit and could be better managed and made easier to modify if moved to toasterui and carried out when the BuildCompleted event occurs. Remove the image scan code from toaster.bbclass, prior to moving it to toasterui and buildinfohelper. Also remove the license manifest update code, as this can also be done from toasterui. The postfuncs for do_populate_sdk are retained, but no longer do the directory scan for SDK artifacts. Instead, they fire an event with the value of the TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME variable, as this is only accessible at the point when the do_populate_sdk and do_populate_sdk_ext tasks are run. The value of this can then be used by buildinfohelper to find the SDK artifacts produced by a target. [YOCTO #9002] Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15runqueue: improve exception loggingEd Bartosh
Runqueue errors direct the user to view the "failure below", but no additional error message is available. Log the stacktrace so that the user can see what went wrong. Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: bavery <brian.avery@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster: fix typo in arguments for libtoaster.js functionElliot Smith
The function for flattening the targets of a previous build to a space-separated list references prev and next arguments which aren't in the function signature. This prevents the "Rebuild" buttons (in the most-recent build section) from working. Fix the typo so that the buttons work again. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster-tests: define capabilities for latest Firefox driverElliot Smith
For the latest Firefox versions, WebDriver requires a download of a separate binary and an additional capability to be defined on it. Modify our tests so that when "marionette" is set as the browser, this capability is defined on the Firefox driver. Also add a note to the README about the additional installation steps required. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2016-07-15toaster-tests: remove click on disabled element in testElliot Smith
On Firefox 47, attempting to click on the "Submit" button in the test which attempts to create a project with a duplicate name fails, as the button is not enabled if the name is a duplicate. This also causes the test to fail. Remove the call to the click() method which causes the test to fail. Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot.smith@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>