path: root/recipes-core
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes-core')
6 files changed, 408 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/recipes-core/juci/juci/0001-juci-pin-grunt-to-0.4.1-for-grunt-angular-gettext.patch b/recipes-core/juci/juci/0001-juci-pin-grunt-to-0.4.1-for-grunt-angular-gettext.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b21982a1e37..00000000000
--- a/recipes-core/juci/juci/0001-juci-pin-grunt-to-0.4.1-for-grunt-angular-gettext.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-From 2590abcf33efc2189ffec995d21d91ff27858ea4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
-Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 23:54:48 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] juci: pin grunt to 0.4.1 for grunt-angular-gettext
-Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
- package.json | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-Index: git/package.json
---- git.orig/package.json
-+++ git/package.json
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- "array.prototype.find": "*",
- "node-getopt": "*",
- "gettext-parser": "*",
-- "underscore": "*",
-+ "underscore": "~1.7.0",
- "ws": "*",
- "jquery-deferred": "*",
- "express-ws": "*"
diff --git a/recipes-core/juci/juci/0001-package-v5.patch b/recipes-core/juci/juci/0001-package-v5.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55d71ef2829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-core/juci/juci/0001-package-v5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+Index: git/package.json
+--- git/package.json
++++ git/package.json
+@@ -18,7 +18,346 @@
+ "gettext-parser": "*",
+ "underscore": "*",
+ "ws": "*",
+- "express-ws": "*"
++ "express-ws": "*",
++ "camel-case": "*",
++ "checkup": "*",
++ "clean-css": "*",
++ "commander": "*",
++ "source-map": "*",
++ "css-b64-images": "*",
++ "execon": "*",
++ "he": "*",
++ "html-minifier": "*",
++ "clean-css": "*",
++ "ischanged": "*",
++ "debug": "*",
++ "ms": "*",
++ "lower-case": "*",
++ "minify": "*",
++ "debug": "*",
++ "ms": "*",
++ "ncname": "*",
++ "no-case": "*",
++ "param-case": "*",
++ "readjson": "*",
++ "relateurl": "*",
++ "rendy": "*",
++ "timem": "*",
++ "tomas": "*",
++ "try-catch": "*",
++ "upper-case": "*",
++ "writejson": "*",
++ "xml-char-classes": "*",
++ "acorn": "*",
++ "acorn-jsx": "*",
++ "acorn": "*",
++ "ajv": "*",
++ "angular-gettext-tools": "*",
++ "espree": "*",
++ "asap": "*",
++ "asynckit": "*",
++ "babylon": "*",
++ "binary-search": "*",
++ "boolbase": "*",
++ "cheerio": "*",
++ "co": "*",
++ "css-select": "*",
++ "css-what": "*",
++ "dom-serializer": "*",
++ "domelementtype": "*",
++ "domelementtype": "*",
++ "domhandler": "*",
++ "domutils": "*",
++ "entities": "*",
++ "errno": "*",
++ "espree": "*",
++ "grunt-angular-gettext": "*",
++ "angular-gettext-tools": "*",
++ "lodash": "*",
++ "har-schema": "*",
++ "htmlparser2": "*",
++ "domutils": "*",
++ "entities": "*",
++ "image-size": "*",
++ "json-stable-stringify": "*",
++ "jsonify": "*",
++ "less": "*",
++ "caseless": "*",
++ "form-data": "*",
++ "mime-types": "*",
++ "har-validator": "*",
++ "mime-db": "*",
++ "qs": "*",
++ "request": "*",
++ "tough-cookie": "*",
++ "tunnel-agent": "*",
++ "uuid": "*",
++ "lodash._isnative": "*",
++ "lodash.isarray": "*",
++ "lodash.tostring": "*",
++ "lodash.unescape": "*",
++ "npm": "*",
++ "JSONStream": "*",
++ "jsonparse": "*",
++ "through": "*",
++ "abbrev": "*",
++ "ansi-regex": "*",
++ "ansicolors": "*",
++ "ansistyles": "*",
++ "aproba": "*",
++ "archy": "*",
++ "asap": "*",
++ "chownr": "*",
++ "cmd-shim": "*",
++ "columnify": "*",
++ "wcwidth": "*",
++ "defaults": "*",
++ "clone": "*",
++ "config-chain": "*",
++ "proto-list": "*",
++ "debuglog": "*",
++ "dezalgo": "*",
++ "editor": "*",
++ "fs-vacuum": "*",
++ "fs-write-stream-atomic": "*",
++ "fstream": "*",
++ "fstream-npm": "*",
++ "fstream-ignore": "*",
++ "minimatch": "*",
++ "brace-expansion": "*",
++ "balanced-match": "*",
++ "concat-map": "*",
++ "glob": "*",
++ "fs.realpath": "*",
++ "minimatch": "*",
++ "brace-expansion": "*",
++ "balanced-match": "*",
++ "concat-map": "*",
++ "path-is-absolute": "*",
++ "graceful-fs": "*",
++ "has-unicode": "*",
++ "hosted-git-info": "*",
++ "iferr": "*",
++ "imurmurhash": "*",
++ "inflight": "*",
++ "inherits": "*",
++ "ini": "*",
++ "init-package-json": "*",
++ "glob": "*",
++ "minimatch": "*",
++ "brace-expansion": "*",
++ "balanced-match": "*",
++ "concat-map": "*",
++ "path-is-absolute": "*",
++ "promzard": "*",
++ "lockfile": "*",
++ "lodash._baseindexof": "*",
++ "lodash._baseuniq": "*",
++ "lodash._createset": "*",
++ "lodash._root": "*",
++ "lodash._bindcallback": "*",
++ "lodash._cacheindexof": "*",
++ "lodash._createcache": "*",
++ "lodash._getnative": "*",
++ "lodash.clonedeep": "*",
++ "lodash.restparam": "*",
++ "lodash.union": "*",
++ "lodash.uniq": "*",
++ "lodash.without": "*",
++ "mississippi": "*",
++ "concat-stream": "*",
++ "typedarray": "*",
++ "duplexify": "*",
++ "end-of-stream": "*",
++ "once": "*",
++ "stream-shift": "*",
++ "end-of-stream": "*",
++ "once": "*",
++ "flush-write-stream": "*",
++ "from2": "*",
++ "parallel-transform": "*",
++ "cyclist": "*",
++ "pump": "*",
++ "pumpify": "*",
++ "stream-each": "*",
++ "stream-shift": "*",
++ "through2": "*",
++ "xtend": "*",
++ "mkdirp": "*",
++ "minimist": "*",
++ "node-gyp": "*",
++ "minimatch": "*",
++ "brace-expansion": "*",
++ "balanced-match": "*",
++ "concat-map": "*",
++ "nopt": "*",
++ "nopt": "*",
++ "osenv": "*",
++ "os-homedir": "*",
++ "os-tmpdir": "*",
++ "normalize-git-url": "*",
++ "normalize-package-data": "*",
++ "is-builtin-module": "*",
++ "builtin-modules": "*",
++ "npm-cache-filename": "*",
++ "npm-install-checks": "*",
++ "npm-package-arg": "*",
++ "npm-registry-client": "*",
++ "concat-stream": "*",
++ "readable-stream": "*",
++ "core-util-is": "*",
++ "isarray": "*",
++ "process-nextick-args": "*",
++ "string_decoder": "*",
++ "util-deprecate": "*",
++ "typedarray": "*",
++ "npm-user-validate": "*",
++ "npmlog": "*",
++ "are-we-there-yet": "*",
++ "delegates": "*",
++ "console-control-strings": "*",
++ "gauge": "*",
++ "object-assign": "*",
++ "signal-exit": "*",
++ "string-width": "*",
++ "code-point-at": "*",
++ "is-fullwidth-code-point": "*",
++ "number-is-nan": "*",
++ "supports-color": "*",
++ "wide-align": "*",
++ "set-blocking": "*",
++ "once": "*",
++ "opener": "*",
++ "osenv": "*",
++ "os-homedir": "*",
++ "os-tmpdir": "*",
++ "path-is-inside": "*",
++ "read": "*",
++ "mute-stream": "*",
++ "read-cmd-shim": "*",
++ "read-installed": "*",
++ "util-extend": "*",
++ "read-package-json": "*",
++ "glob": "*",
++ "minimatch": "*",
++ "brace-expansion": "*",
++ "balanced-match": "*",
++ "concat-map": "*",
++ "path-is-absolute": "*",
++ "json-parse-helpfulerror": "*",
++ "jju": "*",
++ "read-package-tree": "*",
++ "readable-stream": "*",
++ "buffer-shims": "*",
++ "core-util-is": "*",
++ "isarray": "*",
++ "process-nextick-args": "*",
++ "string_decoder": "*",
++ "util-deprecate": "*",
++ "readdir-scoped-modules": "*",
++ "realize-package-specifier": "*",
++ "request": "*",
++ "aws-sign2": "*",
++ "aws4": "*",
++ "caseless": "*",
++ "combined-stream": "*",
++ "delayed-stream": "*",
++ "extend": "*",
++ "forever-agent": "*",
++ "form-data": "*",
++ "asynckit": "*",
++ "har-validator": "*",
++ "chalk": "*",
++ "ansi-styles": "*",
++ "escape-string-regexp": "*",
++ "has-ansi": "*",
++ "supports-color": "*",
++ "commander": "*",
++ "graceful-readlink": "*",
++ "is-my-json-valid": "*",
++ "generate-function": "*",
++ "generate-object-property": "*",
++ "is-property": "*",
++ "jsonpointer": "*",
++ "xtend": "*",
++ "pinkie-promise": "*",
++ "pinkie": "*",
++ "hawk": "*",
++ "boom": "*",
++ "cryptiles": "*",
++ "hoek": "*",
++ "sntp": "*",
++ "http-signature": "*",
++ "assert-plus": "*",
++ "jsprim": "*",
++ "extsprintf": "*",
++ "json-schema": "*",
++ "verror": "*",
++ "sshpk": "*",
++ "asn1": "*",
++ "assert-plus": "*",
++ "bcrypt-pbkdf": "*",
++ "dashdash": "*",
++ "ecc-jsbn": "*",
++ "getpass": "*",
++ "jodid25519": "*",
++ "jsbn": "*",
++ "tweetnacl": "*",
++ "is-typedarray": "*",
++ "isstream": "*",
++ "json-stringify-safe": "*",
++ "mime-types": "*",
++ "mime-db": "*",
++ "oauth-sign": "*",
++ "qs": "*",
++ "stringstream": "*",
++ "tough-cookie": "*",
++ "punycode": "*",
++ "tunnel-agent": "*",
++ "retry": "*",
++ "rimraf": "*",
++ "semver": "*",
++ "sha": "*",
++ "slide": "*",
++ "sorted-object": "*",
++ "sorted-union-stream": "*",
++ "from2": "*",
++ "readable-stream": "*",
++ "core-util-is": "*",
++ "isarray": "*",
++ "string_decoder": "*",
++ "stream-iterate": "*",
++ "strip-ansi": "*",
++ "tar": "*",
++ "block-stream": "*",
++ "text-table": "*",
++ "uid-number": "*",
++ "umask": "*",
++ "unique-filename": "*",
++ "unique-slug": "*",
++ "unpipe": "*",
++ "uuid": "*",
++ "validate-npm-package-license": "*",
++ "spdx-correct": "*",
++ "spdx-license-ids": "*",
++ "spdx-expression-parse": "*",
++ "spdx-exceptions": "*",
++ "spdx-license-ids": "*",
++ "validate-npm-package-name": "*",
++ "builtins": "*",
++ "which": "*",
++ "isexe": "*",
++ "wrappy": "*",
++ "write-file-atomic": "*",
++ "nth-check": "*",
++ "performance-now": "*",
++ "pofile": "*",
++ "promise": "*",
++ "prr": "*",
++ "punycode": "*",
++ "readable-stream": "*",
++ "typescript": "*",
++ "typescript-eslint-parser": "*"
+ },
+ "engines": {
+ "node": "0.10.x",
diff --git a/recipes-core/juci/juci/0002-makefile-v2.patch b/recipes-core/juci/juci/0002-makefile-v2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..17d25cdbc26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-core/juci/juci/0002-makefile-v2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Index: git/scripts/bootstrap.sh
+--- git/scripts/bootstrap.sh
++++ git/scripts/bootstrap.sh
+@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ if [ "$(which npm)" == "" ]; then
+ ERR=1
+ fi
+-if [ "$(which yui-compressor)" == "" ] && [ "$(which yuicompressor)" == "" ]; then
+- perr "!!! yui-compressor is missing. Please install package yui-compressor or yuicompressor.";
++if [ "$(which minify)" == "" ]; then
++ perr "$(ls -al /media/rebeccas/015-juci-poky/build/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux-musl/juci/git-r0/git/node_modules) !!! $(ls -al /media/rebeccas/015-juci-poky/build/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux-musl/juci/git-r0/git/node_modules/.bin) !!! $(ls -al /media/rebeccas/015-juci-poky/build/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux-musl/juci/git-r0/git/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin) !!! minify is missing. Please install package minify.";
+ ERR=1
+ fi
+Index: git/scripts/juci-compile
+--- git/scripts/juci-compile
++++ git/scripts/juci-compile
+@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ done
+ for file in `find $BIN/www/css/ -name "*.css"`; do
+ echo "Compiling CSS ${file}.."
+- if [ "$(which yui-compressor)" != "" ]; then
+- yui-compressor ${file} > ${file}.out
+- else
+- yuicompressor ${file} > ${file}.out
+- fi
++ minify ${file} > ${file}.out
+ mv ${file}.out ${file}
+ done
diff --git a/recipes-core/juci/juci_git.bb b/recipes-core/juci/juci_git.bb
index 6d3d798bec9..d2074a852e2 100644
--- a/recipes-core/juci/juci_git.bb
+++ b/recipes-core/juci/juci_git.bb
@@ -7,19 +7,36 @@ LICENSE = "GPL-3.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=87212b5f1ae096371049a12f80034f32"
SECTION = "apps"
-SRCREV = "b173dba22fbd9891bc5e3a55f8b40ba562f38e31"
-SRC_URI = "git://github.com/mkschreder/juci"
-SRC_URI += "file://0001-juci-pin-grunt-to-0.4.1-for-grunt-angular-gettext.patch"
+#SRCREV = "b4d8961595594e0754d399bb89588622813e49f1"
+#SRC_URI = "git://github.com/mkschreder/juci"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/leopck/juci.git"
+#SRC_URI += "file://0001-juci-pin-grunt-to-0.4.1-for-grunt-angular-gettext.patch"
+#SRC_URI += "file://0001-package-4.patch"
+SRC_URI += "file://0001-package-v5.patch"
+SRC_URI += "file://0002-makefile-v2.patch"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit npm-install
-NPM_INSTALL_append = " uglify-js"
-DEPENDS += "jucid lua5.1 grunt-cli-native"
+#NPM_INSTALL_append = " uglify-js grunt-cli espree karma"
+DEPENDS += "jucid lua5.1 grunt-cli-native gettext-native"
do_compile() {
oe_runmake node_modules
+ ## Just simply workaround to create softlinks for the local node_modules to be added to the global path
+ ln -sf ${WORKDIR}/git/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt ${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/grunt
+ ln -sf ${WORKDIR}/git/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs ${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/uglifyjs
+ ln -sf ${WORKDIR}/git/node_modules/less/bin/lessc ${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/lessc
+## Workaround for the issue that this is a local node_modules and .bin directory cannot be used due to the fact that .bin is created by another user so no permission to access
+ ln -sf ${WORKDIR}/git/node_modules/minify/bin/minify.js ${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/minify
+## Workaround for the double node_modules issue, this will cause the npm shrinkwrap to flag error, it is highly believed that this issue is due to ln -sf node_modules by nodejs because it creates a softlink inside the first node_modules
+ rm ${WORKDIR}/git/node_modules/node_modules
do_install_append() {
diff --git a/recipes-core/juci/jucid_git.bb b/recipes-core/juci/jucid_git.bb
index 0fb7b264181..85df80d1f77 100644
--- a/recipes-core/juci/jucid_git.bb
+++ b/recipes-core/juci/jucid_git.bb
@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ SRC_URI = "git://github.com/mkschreder/jucid \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit autotools pkgconfig
-DEPENDS += "libblobpack libutype libusys luci uci lua5.1 libwebsockets iwinfo rpcd ubus"
+DEPENDS += "libblobpack libutype libusys luci uci lua5.1 libwebsockets iwinfo rpcd ubus luajit"
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "libutype libblobpack libusys"
diff --git a/recipes-core/luci/luci_git.bb b/recipes-core/luci/luci_git.bb
index 992b72aa9ab..6c462a4eb5e 100644
--- a/recipes-core/luci/luci_git.bb
+++ b/recipes-core/luci/luci_git.bb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/openwrt/luci"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=2b42edef8fa55315f34f2370b4715ca9"
SECTION = "base"
-DEPENDS = "json-c libubox libnl lua5.1 iwinfo"
+DEPENDS = "json-c libubox libnl lua5.1 iwinfo openssl"
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "lua5.1"
SRCREV = "d89b022b97b4516bef708212135780b818b9d4a2"