Xen --- For any issues with the xen recipes please make sure you CC cardoe@gentoo.org configuring the hypervisor -------------------------- Since 4.7.0 Xen supports using Kconfig to configure the hypervisor. Similarly to how the recipe for busybox works, you can provide a .config as a defconfig to override the default configuration of the hypervisor. The easiest way for you to take advantage of this is to create a .config for Xen and then copy it to your Yocto layer as 'defconfig' inside of 'recipes-extended/xen/files/' and then create a bbappend adding 'file://defconfig' to your SRC_URI. security patches ---------------- The base recipe does not include security fixes that the Xen community releases as XSAs (http://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/). The easiest way to include those is to drop patches in 'recipes-extened/xen/files' and create a bbappend adding those patches to SRC_URI and they will be applied. Alternatively, you can override the SRC_URI to a git repo you provide that contains the patches.