LINUX_VERSION ?= "4.0.7" SRCREV = "151dc845f920bb8f38abc0a6fc89093a913f82f4" SRC_URI = "\ git://;protocol=git;branch=rpi-4.0.y \ file://0001-bcm2835-Added-spi0-for-OpenLabs-802.15.4-chip-in-rpi.patch \ file://0002-bcm2835-Added-spi0-for-OpenLabs-802.15.4-chip-in-rpi.patch \ file://0001-bcm2708-Added-spi0-for-OpenLabs-802.15.4-chip.patch \ file://0002-bcm2709-Added-spi0-for-OpenLabs-802.15.4-chip.patch \ file://wpan.cfg \ " do_kernel_configme_append() { # wpan.cfg does not seem to go into .config, so append wpan.cfg into # defconfig instead. This is probably not the right way to do it thou. cat ${WORKDIR}/wpan.cfg >> ${WORKDIR}/defconfig } do_install_prepend() { if [ -n "${KERNEL_DEVICETREE}" ]; then mkdir -p ${B}/arch/${ARCH}/boot/dts/overlays fi } # The file is found in meta-raspberrypi layer # which is here git:// require recipes-kernel/linux/