This file contains the maintainership information. Otherwise please post questions or updates to the Yocto Project General list ( - look through recent entries of the Yocto mailing list archives ( to see if other people have run into similar problems or had similar questions answered. Descriptions of section entries: M: Mail patches to: FullName F: Files and directories with wildcard patterns. A trailing slash includes all files and subdirectory files. F: meta-kvm/ all files in and below meta-crownbay F: meta-crownbay/* all files in meta-crownbay, but not below One pattern per line. Multiple F: lines acceptable. Please keep this list in alphabetical order. Maintainers List (try to look for most precise areas first) ----------------------------------- meta-guacamayo M: Ross 'burtonator' Burton M: Tomas 'tf' Frydrych F: meta-guacamayo meta-kvm M: Saul Wold F: meta-kvm