# # Set to "yes" to start using the RT Kernel, please # run 'bitbake -c clean virtual/kernel' before doing so. # RT_KERNEL_AMDFALCONX86 = "no" # # Note that this will add multimedia libs/binaries to your output that have # IP issues or other restrictions. This is explicitly _not_ enabled # in the default configuration due to this. # Set to "yes" to enable these packages. # INCLUDE_COMMERCIAL_MULTIMEDIA ?= "no" COMMERCIAL_MULTIMEDIA = "${@bb.utils.contains('INCLUDE_COMMERCIAL_MULTIMEDIA', 'yes', 'packagegroup-multimedia-risky', '', d)}" LIC_WHITELIST_COMMERCIAL = "${@bb.utils.contains('INCLUDE_COMMERCIAL_MULTIMEDIA', 'yes', 'commercial_libmad \ commercial_gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \ commercial_lame \ commercial_mpeg2dec \ commercial_gstreamer1.0-libav', '', d)}" LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST += "${LIC_WHITELIST_COMMERCIAL}" IMAGE_INSTALL_append += "${COMMERCIAL_MULTIMEDIA}" # # For mplayer usage which again has IP issues and other restrictions # set INCLUDE_MPLAYER below to "yes". # INCLUDE_MPLAYER ?= "no" MPLAYER = "${@bb.utils.contains('INCLUDE_MPLAYER', 'yes', 'mplayer2', '', d)}" LIC_WHITELIST_MPLAYER = "${@bb.utils.contains('INCLUDE_MPLAYER', 'yes', 'commercial_mplayer2 \ commercial_libav \ commercial_libpostproc \ commercial_x264', '', d)}" LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST += "${LIC_WHITELIST_MPLAYER}" IMAGE_INSTALL_append += "${MPLAYER}"