/* * Matchbox Window Manager - A lightweight window manager not for the * desktop. * * Authored By Matthew Allum * * Copyright (c) 2008 OpenedHand Ltd - http://o-hand.com * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MB_CMD_SET_THEME 1 #define MB_CMD_EXIT 2 #define MB_CMD_DESKTOP 3 #define MB_CMD_NEXT 4 #define MB_CMD_PREV 5 #define MB_CMD_SHOW_EXT_MENU 6 #define MB_CMD_MISC 7 #define MB_CMD_COMPOSITE 8 #define MB_CMB_KEYS_RELOAD 9 #define MB_CMD_PANEL_TOGGLE_VISIBILITY 1 #define MB_CMD_PANEL_SIZE 2 #define MB_CMD_PANEL_ORIENTATION 3 #define MB_PANEL_ORIENTATION_NORTH 1 #define MB_PANEL_ORIENTATION_EAST 2 #define MB_PANEL_ORIENTATION_SOUTH 3 #define MB_PANEL_ORIENTATION_WEST 4 Display* dpy; static void getRootProperty(char * name, Bool delete) { Atom prop; Atom realType; unsigned long n; unsigned long extra; int format; int status; char * value; prop = XInternAtom(dpy, name, True); if (prop == None) { fprintf(stderr, "mbcontrol: Unable to find theme name\n"); return; } status = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), prop, 0L, 512L, delete, AnyPropertyType, &realType, &format, &n, &extra, (unsigned char **) &value); if (status != Success) { // || value == 0 || *value == 0 || n == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find theme name\n"); return; } if (value) printf("%s\n", value); } static void mbpanelcommand(int cmd_id, int panel_id) { XEvent ev; Window root, panel; Atom cmd_prop, system_tray_atom; char atomName[64]; root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy); snprintf(atomName, 64, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S%d", panel_id); system_tray_atom = XInternAtom(dpy, atomName, False); cmd_prop = XInternAtom(dpy, "_MB_COMMAND", False); if (cmd_id == MB_CMD_PANEL_TOGGLE_VISIBILITY) { panel = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, system_tray_atom); if (panel != None) { memset(&ev, '\0', sizeof ev); ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ev.xclient.window = root; ev.xclient.message_type = cmd_prop; ev.xclient.format = 8; ev.xclient.data.l[0] = cmd_id; XSendEvent(dpy, panel,False, SubstructureRedirectMask|SubstructureNotifyMask, &ev); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cant find panel %i\n", panel_id); exit(1); } } } static void mbcommand(int cmd_id, char *data) { XEvent ev; Window root; Atom theme_prop, cmd_prop, desktop_manager_atom; desktop_manager_atom = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_DESKTOP_MANAGER",False); root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy); if (cmd_id == MB_CMD_SET_THEME) { theme_prop = XInternAtom(dpy, "_MB_THEME", False); XChangeProperty(dpy, root, theme_prop, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)data, strlen(data)); } if (cmd_id == MB_CMD_DESKTOP) { /* Check if desktop is running */ if (!XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, desktop_manager_atom)) { fprintf(stderr, "Desktop not running, exiting...\n"); switch (fork()) { case 0: execvp ("mbdesktop", NULL); break; case -1: fprintf(stderr, "failed to exec mbdesktop"); break; } exit(0); } } cmd_prop = XInternAtom(dpy, "_MB_COMMAND", False); memset(&ev, '\0', sizeof ev); ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ev.xclient.window = root; /* we send it _from_ root as we have no win */ ev.xclient.message_type = cmd_prop; ev.xclient.format = 8; ev.xclient.data.l[0] = cmd_id; XSendEvent(dpy, root, False, SubstructureRedirectMask|SubstructureNotifyMask, &ev); } static void select_desktop (int desktop) { XEvent ev; Window root; Atom atom; atom = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP",False); root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy); memset(&ev, '\0', sizeof ev); ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ev.xclient.window = root; /* we send it _from_ root as we have no win */ ev.xclient.message_type = atom; ev.xclient.format = 32; ev.xclient.data.l[0] = desktop; XSendEvent(dpy, root, False, SubstructureRedirectMask|SubstructureNotifyMask, &ev); } void send_input_manager_request(int show) { XEvent ev; Window root; Atom atom_input; atom_input = XInternAtom(dpy, "_MB_INPUT_REQUEST",False); root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy); memset(&ev, '\0', sizeof ev); ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ev.xclient.window = root; /* we send it _from_ root as we have no win */ ev.xclient.message_type = atom_input; ev.xclient.format = 8; ev.xclient.data.l[0] = show; printf("valie : %i\n", show); XSendEvent(dpy, root, False, SubstructureRedirectMask|SubstructureNotifyMask, &ev); } static void usage(char *progname) { printf("Usage: %s [options...]\n", progname); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -t switch matchbox theme\n"); printf(" -r Print current matchbox theme to stdout \n"); printf(" -exit Request matchbox to exit \n"); printf(" -next Page to next window \n"); printf(" -prev Page to previous window \n"); printf(" -desktop Toggle desktop visibility\n"); printf(" -menu Activate mb-applet-menu-launcher\n"); printf(" -panel-toggle [panel id] Toogle panel visibility\n"); printf(" -input-toggle [1|0] Toggle Input method ( requires input-manager )\n"); printf(" -composite-toggle Toggle Compositing Engine ( if enabled )\n"); printf(" -keys-reload Reload key shortcut config ( if enabled )\n"); printf(" -select-desktop [id] Select current desktop\n"); /* printf(" -panel-size \n"); printf(" -panel-orientate \n"); */ printf(" -h this help\n\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *display_name = (char *)getenv("DISPLAY"); int i; if (argc < 2) usage(argv[0]); dpy = XOpenDisplay(display_name); if (dpy == NULL) { printf("Cant connect to display: %s\n", display_name); exit(1); } /* pass command line */ for (i=1; argv[i]; i++) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (*arg=='-') { switch (arg[1]) { case 't' : if (argv[i+1] != NULL) mbcommand(MB_CMD_SET_THEME, argv[i+1]); i++; break; case 'r' : getRootProperty("_MB_THEME", False); i++; break; case 'e': mbcommand(MB_CMD_EXIT, NULL); break; case 'd': mbcommand(MB_CMD_DESKTOP, NULL); break; case 'n': mbcommand(MB_CMD_NEXT, NULL); break; case 'c': mbcommand(MB_CMD_COMPOSITE, NULL); break; case 'k': mbcommand(MB_CMB_KEYS_RELOAD, NULL); break; case 'p': if (!strcmp(arg+1,"panel-toggle")) { int panel_id = 0; if (argc > i+1) panel_id = atoi(argv[i+1]); mbpanelcommand(MB_CMD_PANEL_TOGGLE_VISIBILITY, panel_id); } else if (strcmp(arg+1,"prev") == 0 || strlen(arg+1) == 1) { mbcommand(MB_CMD_PREV, NULL); } else usage(argv[0]); break; case 'm': mbcommand(MB_CMD_SHOW_EXT_MENU, NULL); break; case 'x': mbcommand(MB_CMD_MISC, NULL); break; case 'i': if (argv[i+1] != NULL) send_input_manager_request(atoi(argv[i+1])); else usage(argv[0]); break; case 's': if (argv[i+1] != NULL) select_desktop (atoi(argv[i+1])); else usage(argv[0]); break; default: usage(argv[0]); break; } } } XSync(dpy, False); XCloseDisplay(dpy); return 0; }