#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 ret=0 sin="" sout="" cin="" cout="" ksft_skip=4 timeout=30 capture=0 TEST_COUNT=0 init() { capout=$(mktemp) rndh=$(printf %x $sec)-$(mktemp -u XXXXXX) ns1="ns1-$rndh" ns2="ns2-$rndh" for netns in "$ns1" "$ns2";do ip netns add $netns || exit $ksft_skip ip -net $netns link set lo up ip netns exec $netns sysctl -q net.mptcp.enabled=1 ip netns exec $netns sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0 ip netns exec $netns sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0 done # ns1 ns2 # ns1eth1 ns2eth1 # ns1eth2 ns2eth2 # ns1eth3 ns2eth3 # ns1eth4 ns2eth4 for i in `seq 1 4`; do ip link add ns1eth$i netns "$ns1" type veth peer name ns2eth$i netns "$ns2" ip -net "$ns1" addr add 10.0.$i.1/24 dev ns1eth$i ip -net "$ns1" addr add dead:beef:$i::1/64 dev ns1eth$i nodad ip -net "$ns1" link set ns1eth$i up ip -net "$ns2" addr add 10.0.$i.2/24 dev ns2eth$i ip -net "$ns2" addr add dead:beef:$i::2/64 dev ns2eth$i nodad ip -net "$ns2" link set ns2eth$i up # let $ns2 reach any $ns1 address from any interface ip -net "$ns2" route add default via 10.0.$i.1 dev ns2eth$i metric 10$i done } cleanup_partial() { rm -f "$capout" for netns in "$ns1" "$ns2"; do ip netns del $netns done } cleanup() { rm -f "$cin" "$cout" rm -f "$sin" "$sout" cleanup_partial } reset() { cleanup_partial init } for arg in "$@"; do if [ "$arg" = "-c" ]; then capture=1 fi done ip -Version > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "SKIP: Could not run test without ip tool" exit $ksft_skip fi check_transfer() { in=$1 out=$2 what=$3 cmp "$in" "$out" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ;then echo "[ FAIL ] $what does not match (in, out):" print_file_err "$in" print_file_err "$out" return 1 fi return 0 } do_ping() { listener_ns="$1" connector_ns="$2" connect_addr="$3" ip netns exec ${connector_ns} ping -q -c 1 $connect_addr >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "$listener_ns -> $connect_addr connectivity [ FAIL ]" 1>&2 ret=1 fi } do_transfer() { listener_ns="$1" connector_ns="$2" cl_proto="$3" srv_proto="$4" connect_addr="$5" port=$((10000+$TEST_COUNT)) TEST_COUNT=$((TEST_COUNT+1)) :> "$cout" :> "$sout" :> "$capout" if [ $capture -eq 1 ]; then if [ -z $SUDO_USER ] ; then capuser="" else capuser="-Z $SUDO_USER" fi capfile="mp_join-${listener_ns}.pcap" echo "Capturing traffic for test $TEST_COUNT into $capfile" ip netns exec ${listener_ns} tcpdump -i any -s 65535 -B 32768 $capuser -w $capfile > "$capout" 2>&1 & cappid=$! sleep 1 fi ip netns exec ${listener_ns} ./mptcp_connect -j -t $timeout -l -p $port -s ${srv_proto} < "$sin" > "$sout" & spid=$! sleep 1 ip netns exec ${connector_ns} ./mptcp_connect -j -t $timeout -p $port -s ${cl_proto} $connect_addr < "$cin" > "$cout" & cpid=$! wait $cpid retc=$? wait $spid rets=$? if [ $capture -eq 1 ]; then sleep 1 kill $cappid fi if [ ${rets} -ne 0 ] || [ ${retc} -ne 0 ]; then echo " client exit code $retc, server $rets" 1>&2 echo "\nnetns ${listener_ns} socket stat for $port:" 1>&2 ip netns exec ${listener_ns} ss -nita 1>&2 -o "sport = :$port" echo "\nnetns ${connector_ns} socket stat for $port:" 1>&2 ip netns exec ${connector_ns} ss -nita 1>&2 -o "dport = :$port" cat "$capout" return 1 fi check_transfer $sin $cout "file received by client" retc=$? check_transfer $cin $sout "file received by server" rets=$? if [ $retc -eq 0 ] && [ $rets -eq 0 ];then cat "$capout" return 0 fi cat "$capout" return 1 } make_file() { name=$1 who=$2 SIZE=1 dd if=/dev/urandom of="$name" bs=1024 count=$SIZE 2> /dev/null echo -e "\nMPTCP_TEST_FILE_END_MARKER" >> "$name" echo "Created $name (size $SIZE KB) containing data sent by $who" } run_tests() { listener_ns="$1" connector_ns="$2" connect_addr="$3" lret=0 do_transfer ${listener_ns} ${connector_ns} MPTCP MPTCP ${connect_addr} lret=$? if [ $lret -ne 0 ]; then ret=$lret return fi } chk_join_nr() { local msg="$1" local syn_nr=$2 local syn_ack_nr=$3 local ack_nr=$4 local count local dump_stats printf "%-36s %s" "$msg" "syn" count=`ip netns exec $ns1 nstat -as | grep MPTcpExtMPJoinSynRx | awk '{print $2}'` [ -z "$count" ] && count=0 if [ "$count" != "$syn_nr" ]; then echo "[fail] got $count JOIN[s] syn expected $syn_nr" ret=1 dump_stats=1 else echo -n "[ ok ]" fi echo -n " - synack" count=`ip netns exec $ns2 nstat -as | grep MPTcpExtMPJoinSynAckRx | awk '{print $2}'` [ -z "$count" ] && count=0 if [ "$count" != "$syn_ack_nr" ]; then echo "[fail] got $count JOIN[s] synack expected $syn_ack_nr" ret=1 dump_stats=1 else echo -n "[ ok ]" fi echo -n " - ack" count=`ip netns exec $ns1 nstat -as | grep MPTcpExtMPJoinAckRx | awk '{print $2}'` [ -z "$count" ] && count=0 if [ "$count" != "$ack_nr" ]; then echo "[fail] got $count JOIN[s] ack expected $ack_nr" ret=1 dump_stats=1 else echo "[ ok ]" fi if [ "${dump_stats}" = 1 ]; then echo Server ns stats ip netns exec $ns1 nstat -as | grep MPTcp echo Client ns stats ip netns exec $ns2 nstat -as | grep MPTcp fi } sin=$(mktemp) sout=$(mktemp) cin=$(mktemp) cout=$(mktemp) init make_file "$cin" "client" make_file "$sin" "server" trap cleanup EXIT run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "no JOIN" "0" "0" "0" # subflow limted by client reset ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "single subflow, limited by client" 0 0 0 # subflow limted by server reset ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "single subflow, limited by server" 1 1 0 # subflow reset ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "single subflow" 1 1 1 # multiple subflows reset ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 2 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 2 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "multiple subflows" 2 2 2 # multiple subflows limited by serverf reset ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 2 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "multiple subflows, limited by server" 2 2 1 # add_address, unused reset ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags signal run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "unused signal address" 0 0 0 # accept and use add_addr reset ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 1 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 1 1 ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags signal run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "signal address" 1 1 1 # accept and use add_addr with an additional subflow # note: signal address in server ns and local addresses in client ns must # belong to different subnets or one of the listed local address could be # used for 'add_addr' subflow reset ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags signal ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 2 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 1 2 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "subflow and signal" 2 2 2 # accept and use add_addr with additional subflows reset ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 0 3 ip netns exec $ns1 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags signal ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl limits 1 3 ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow ip netns exec $ns2 ./pm_nl_ctl add flags subflow run_tests $ns1 $ns2 chk_join_nr "multiple subflows and signal" 3 3 3 exit $ret