#include "mb-wm.h" #include static int TrappedErrorCode = 0; static int (*old_error_handler) (Display *, XErrorEvent *); static int error_handler(Display *xdpy, XErrorEvent *error) { TrappedErrorCode = error->error_code; return 0; } void mb_wm_util_trap_x_errors(void) { /* MBWM_DBG("### X Errors Trapped ###"); */ TrappedErrorCode = 0; old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(error_handler); } int mb_wm_util_untrap_x_errors(void) { /* MBWM_DBG("### X Errors Untrapped (%i) ###", TrappedErrorCode); */ XSetErrorHandler(old_error_handler); return TrappedErrorCode; } void* mb_wm_util_malloc0(int size) { void *p = NULL; p = malloc(size); if (p == NULL) { /* hook into some kind of out of memory */ } else memset(p, 0, size); return p; } Bool /* FIXME: define, inline ? */ mb_geometry_compare (MBGeometry *g1, MBGeometry *g2) { return (g1->x == g2->x && g1->y == g2->y && g1->width == g2->width && g1->height == g2->height); } Bool /* True if overlaps */ mb_geometry_intersects (MBGeometry *g1, MBGeometry *g2) { if ((g1->x > g2->x + g2->width) || (g1->y > g2->y + g2->height) || (g2->x > g1->x + g1->width) || (g2->y > g1->y + g1->height)) return False; return True; } void mb_wm_util_fatal_error (char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "matchbox-window-manager: *Error* %s\n", msg); exit(1); } void mb_wm_util_warn (const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; char *msg = NULL; va_start(ap, format); vasprintf(&msg, format, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr, "*MBWM Warning* %s\n", msg); if (msg) free(msg); } MBWMList* mb_wm_util_list_alloc_item(void) { return mb_wm_util_malloc0(sizeof(MBWMList)); } int mb_wm_util_list_length(MBWMList *list) { int result = 1; if (!list) return 0; list = mb_wm_util_list_get_first(list); while ((list = mb_wm_util_list_next(list)) != NULL) result++; return result; } MBWMList* mb_wm_util_list_get_last(MBWMList *list) { if (list == NULL) return NULL; while (list->next) list = mb_wm_util_list_next(list); return list; } MBWMList* mb_wm_util_list_get_first(MBWMList *list) { if (list == NULL) return NULL; while (list->prev) list = mb_wm_util_list_prev(list); return list; } void* mb_wm_util_list_get_nth_data(MBWMList *list, int n) { if (list == NULL) return NULL; list = mb_wm_util_list_get_first(list); while (list->next && n) { list = mb_wm_util_list_next(list); n--; } if (n) return NULL; return (void *)list->data; } MBWMList* mb_wm_util_list_prepend(MBWMList *list, void *data) { MBWMList * l = mb_wm_util_list_alloc_item(); l->data = data; l->next = list; if (list) list->prev = l; return l; } MBWMList* mb_wm_util_list_append(MBWMList *list, void *data) { if (list == NULL) { list = mb_wm_util_list_alloc_item(); list->data = data; } else { MBWMList *last; last = mb_wm_util_list_get_last(list); last->next = mb_wm_util_list_alloc_item(); last->next->prev = last; last->next->data = data; } return list; } MBWMList* mb_wm_util_list_remove(MBWMList *list, void *data) { MBWMList *prev, *start; prev = NULL; start = list = mb_wm_util_list_get_first(list); while (list) { if (list->data == data) { if (list->next) list->next->prev = prev; if (prev) prev->next = list->next; else start = list->next; free(list); return start; } prev = list; list = list->next; } return NULL; } void mb_wm_util_list_foreach (const MBWMList *list, MBWMListForEachCB func, void *userdata) { MBWMList *p = (MBWMList *) list; while (p) { func(p->data, userdata); p = mb_wm_util_list_next(p); } } void mb_wm_util_list_free (MBWMList * list) { MBWMList * l = list; while (l) { MBWMList * f = l; l = l->next; free (f); } } MBWMRgbaIcon * mb_wm_rgba_icon_new () { return mb_wm_util_malloc0 (sizeof (MBWMRgbaIcon)); } void mb_wm_rgba_icon_free (MBWMRgbaIcon *icon) { if (icon->pixels) free (icon->pixels); free (icon); }