# error-reporting-tool - view definitions # # Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the MIT license, see COPYING.MIT for details # Create your views here. # vi: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 from __future__ import division from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse, render from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.shortcuts import redirect from Post.models import BuildFailure from parser import Parser from django.conf import settings from createStatistics import Statistics from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage from django.core.exceptions import FieldError from django.http import JsonResponse from django.db.models import Q import json import urllib class results_mode(): LATEST = 0 SPECIAL_SUBMITTER = 1 SEARCH = 2 BUILD = 3 # Any items here are added to the context for all pages def common_context(request): #Make the initial mode state -1 to indicate unset for use in the base template ret = { 'mode' : -1, } if hasattr(settings, "SPECIAL_SUBMITTER"): ret['special_submitter'] = settings.SPECIAL_SUBMITTER return ret @csrf_exempt def addData(request, return_json=False): response = '' if request.method == 'POST': # Backward compatibility with current send-error-report # The data is now in the request body in new django as it's # understandingand the data is application/json. # The json is url encoded so we need to undo this here. # [YOCTO #7245] data = request.body[len('data='):] data = urllib.unquote_plus(data) p = Parser(data) result = p.parse(request.META['HTTP_HOST']) if return_json: response = JsonResponse(result) else: if not result.has_key('error'): response = HttpResponse("Your entry can be found here: "+result['build_url']) else: response = HttpResponse(result['error']) if result.has_key('error'): response.status_code=500 else: if return_json: response = JsonResponse({ 'error' : 'No valid data provided' },status=500) else: response = HttpResponse("No valid data provided", status=500) return response def apply_filter(context, items, name, value): # Look up the field name for filtering # e.g. filter_pair = (RECIPE, value) filter_pair = None for col in context['tablecols']: if col['clclass'] == name: filter_pair = (col['field'], value) if not filter_pair: return items items = items.filter(filter_pair) return items def default(request): if hasattr(settings, "SPECIAL_SUBMITTER"): return redirect(search, mode=results_mode.SPECIAL_SUBMITTER) else: return redirect(search, mode=results_mode.LATEST) def search(request, mode=results_mode.LATEST, build_id=None): # Default page limit limit = 25 items = BuildFailure.objects.all() if request.GET.has_key("limit"): try: n_limit = int(request.GET['limit']) if n_limit > 0: limit = n_limit except ValueError: # just use the Default page limit pass request.session['limit'] = limit # Default page = 1 page = request.GET.get('page', 1) # Default order_by -BUILD__DATE order_by = request.GET.get("order_by", '-BUILD__DATE') context = { 'results_mode' : results_mode, 'mode' : mode, 'build_id' : build_id, 'tablecols' : [ {'name': 'Submitted on', 'clclass' : 'submitted_on', 'field' : 'BUILD__DATE', 'disable_toggle' : True, }, {'name': 'Recipe', 'clclass' : 'recipe', 'field' : 'RECIPE', 'disable_toggle' : True, }, {'name': 'Recipe version', 'clclass': 'recipe_version', 'field' : 'RECIPE_VERSION', }, {'name': 'Task', 'clclass': 'task', 'field' : 'TASK', 'disable_toggle' : True, }, {'name': 'Machine', 'clclass': 'machine', 'field': 'BUILD__MACHINE', 'disable_toggle' : True, }, {'name': 'Distro', 'clclass': 'distro', 'field': 'BUILD__DISTRO', 'disable_toggle' : True, }, {'name': 'Build system', 'clclass': 'build_sys', 'field': 'BUILD__BUILD_SYS', }, {'name': 'Target system', 'clclass': 'target_sys', 'field': 'BUILD__TARGET_SYS', }, {'name': 'Host distro', 'clclass': 'nativelsbstring', 'field': 'BUILD__NATIVELSBSTRING', }, {'name': 'Branch', 'clclass': 'branch', 'field': 'BUILD__BRANCH', }, {'name': 'Commit', 'clclass': 'commit', 'field': 'BUILD__COMMIT', }, {'name': 'Submitter', 'clclass': 'submitter', 'field': 'BUILD__NAME', }], } if request.GET.has_key("filter") and request.GET.has_key("type"): items = apply_filter(context, items, request.GET['type'], request.GET['filter']) if mode == results_mode.SPECIAL_SUBMITTER and hasattr(settings,"SPECIAL_SUBMITTER"): #Special submitter mode see settings.py to enable name = settings.SPECIAL_SUBMITTER['name'] items = items.filter(BUILD__NAME__istartswith=name) elif mode == results_mode.SEARCH and request.GET.has_key("query"): query = request.GET["query"] items = items.filter( Q(BUILD__NAME__icontains=query) | Q(BUILD__DISTRO__icontains=query) | Q(BUILD__MACHINE__icontains=query) | Q(RECIPE__icontains=query) | Q(BUILD__NATIVELSBSTRING__icontains=query) | Q(BUILD__COMMIT__icontains=query) | Q(BUILD__BRANCH__icontains=query) | Q(TASK__icontains=query) | Q(ERROR_DETAILS__icontains=query)) elif mode == results_mode.BUILD and build_id: items = items.filter(BUILD=build_id) # Do some special filtering to reduce the QuerySet to a manageable size # reversing or ordering the whole queryset is very expensive so we use # a range instead and then feed that to the paginator. elif mode == results_mode.LATEST and not request.GET.has_key('filter'): total = items.count() # Get an extra two pages worth to populate the paginator try: total_from = total - limit*(int(page)+2) except: total_from = total - limit items = items.filter(id__range=(total_from,total)) # Make sure we get django to do an inner join on our foreign key rather # than a query for each item items = items.select_related("BUILD").order_by(order_by) build_failures = Paginator(items, limit) try: build_failures = build_failures.page(page) except: build_failures = build_failures.page(build_failures.num_pages) context['build_failures'] = build_failures # We don't know if the order_by will be valid right up until the sql # query is executed during render so we have to catch an invalid order_by # here try: return render(request, "latest-errors.html", context) except FieldError: items = items.order_by() return render(request, "latest-errors.html", context) def details(request, fail_id): build_failure = BuildFailure.objects.filter(id=fail_id) build_failure = build_failure.select_related("BUILD") context = {'details' : build_failure } return render(request, "error-details.html", context) @csrf_exempt def chart(request, template_name, key): data="" s = Statistics() alldata = s.chart_statistics(key) if (alldata == {}): return HttpResponse("") data = json.dumps([{ 'values': list(alldata)}]) # Replace MACHINE with x and dcount with value # We do this in the string as it's more efficient data = data.replace(key, "x") data = data.replace("dcount", "y") context = { 'data' : data, 'chart_id': key, } return render(request, "discretebarchart.html", context)