###################################################################### # Installing buildbot without ability to edit UI ###################################################################### sudo adduser pokybuild sudo -iu pokybuild pip3 install buildbot PATH=$PATH:/.local/bin [FIXME] ###################################################################### # To edit/rebuild UI Plugin ###################################################################### # Ensure prereqs are installed apt install sudo git build-essential python3-pip virtualenv enchant npm # Create a new user sudo adduser pokybuild sudo -iu pokybuild # Clone the buildbot UI git clone http://github.com/buildbot/buildbot.git # Build up the right virtualenv cd buildbot make virtualenv VENV_PY_VERSION=python3.6 VENV_NAME=testenv . testenv/bin/activate # Build the web frontend components make frontend VENV_PY_VERSION=python3.6 VENV_NAME=testenv # Clone our plugin and rebuild it cd ~ git clone https://git.yoctoproject.org/git/yocto-autobuilder2 yoctoabb cd ~/yoctoabb/yocto_console_view python3 setup.py build ###################################################################### # To build/run/edit a test autobuilder ###################################################################### # Create a new user sudo adduser pokybuild sudo -iu pokybuild # Clone the buildbot UI git clone http://github.com/buildbot/buildbot.git # Build up the right virtualenv cd buildbot make virtualenv VENV_PY_VERSION=python3.6 VENV_NAME=testenv . testenv/bin/activate # Build the web frontend components pip install --editable pkg pip install --editable master/ pip install --editable www/waterfall_view/ pip install --editable www/grid_view/ make frontend VENV_PY_VERSION=python3.6 VENV_NAME=testenv # Create controller and worker buildbot create-master ~/yocto-controller buildbot-worker create-worker ~/yocto-worker localhost example-worker pass --umask=0o22 # Setup the controller cd ~/yocto-controller git clone https://git.yoctoproject.org/git/yocto-autobuilder2 yoctoabb ln -rs yoctoabb/master.cfg master.cfg { "BASE_HOMEDIR" : "/home/pokybuild", "BASE_SHAREDDIR" : "/home/pokybuild/shareddir" } export ABHELPER_JSON="config.json /home/pokybuild/config-local.json" (or set env in config.py for builders) # Rebuild our plugin cd ~/yocto-controller/yoctoabb/yocto_console_view python3 setup.py build # Setup the helper cd ~ git clone https://git.yoctoproject.org/git/yocto-autobuilder-helper # Startup commands (janitor, controller, worker) ~/yocto-autobuilder-helper/janitor/ab-janitor & cd buildbot . testenv/bin/activate buildbot start ~/yocto-controller buildbot-worker start ~/yocto-worker