This is a quick attempt at documenting the basic program flow for both the main pseudo executable and the pseudo wrapper library. The key thing to note is that there are key init functions. These functions are designed to be re-invoked if it becomes necessary to reset the system environment. libpseudo execution flow: # on startup # pseudo_wrappers.c: (constructor) _libpseudo_init() pseudo_util.c: pseudo_init_util() copy environment setup PSEUDO_DEBUG levels pseudo_wrappers.c: pseudo_init_wrappers() setup pseudo_functions setup pseudo_logfile pseudo_client.c: pseudo_init_client() setup PSEUDO_DISBLED setup pseudo_prefix_dir_fd setup pseudo_localstate_dir_fd setup PSEUDO_NOSYMLINKEXP setup PSEUDO_UIDS setup PSEUDO_GIDS setup PSEUDO_CHROOT setup PSEUDO_PASSWD # regular program execution # exec*() pseudo_check_wrappers(): pseudo_reinit_libpseudo if necessary call wrap_exec*() if !PSEUDO_RELOADED pseudo_setupenv() else pseudo_setupenv() pseudo_dropenv() real_exec*() fork() clone() pseudo_populate_wrappers(): pseudo_reinit_libpseudo if necessary call wrap_exec*() if !PSEUDO_RELOADED pseudo_setupenv() pseudo_reinit_libpseudo() _libpseudo_init() else pseudo_setupenv() pseudo_dropenv() real_*() ... normal function wrappers ... pseudo execution flow: pseudo.c: main() pseudo_util.c: pseudo_init_util() check LD_PRELOAD process arguments setup PSEUDO_OPTS ... startup server