Overview: The pseudo program and library combine to provide an environment which provides the illusion of root permissions with respect to file creation, ownership, and related functions. At this time, this does not extend to emulating chroot functions or a virtual password database, but these features may be added. The underlying mechanism of pseudo is a library inserted using LD_PRELOAD, which provides replacement symbols for core C library functions. At this time, the implementation is specific to modern glibc. Support for other systems is certainly possible, but not currently implemented or immediately planned. The symbols wrapped are generally those that are documented in section 2 of the manual -- the ones which are essentially system calls. The library works by replacing each real function with a wrapper function which obtains the addresses of "real" functions (those in the next library down in the chain, typically glibc) and then calls custom-written wrappers which alter the behavior of these functions and return results corresponding to the virtual environment. Underlying this is access to a server process, which is automatically spawned by the library if one is not available. The server process maintains a UNIX domain socket while it is active, and maintains a database (using sqlite) of files known to the system. Files are recorded in the database only if they are created within the virtualized environment or have been altered by it; files merely read are not added. There are four layers of logic for performing or wrapping any function, although not all functions involve all four layers: 1. The generic wrapper, which handles details such as thread-synchronization. This function handles the mutex used to keep multiple threads from trying to write to the same socket at once, and also disables wrappers when a value called "antimagic" is set. The antimagic value is set internally by the pseudo client code, and the check for whether or not to use it is controlled by the mutex (actually by the mutex owner variable, which is protected by the mutex.) Without that, read operations in another thread during the "antimagic" part of an operation would bypass pseudo, yielding erratically wrong results! 2. The wrapper function itself. This function may translate a single operation into two or more logical operations. This function has no awareness of the database, but can send queries to the general client code. 3. The general client code. This code maintains additional data, such as a mapping of file descriptors to paths. In most cases, this code also forwards requests to the server code. (If the server is unavailable, the client can restart it.) 4. The server code. This code is fairly simple; all it does is maintain the database of file information. Operations consist either of a request for information (e.g., a stat(2) call) or notification of a change. The server sends back failure or success notices. As a fairly typical example, the progress of a stat(2) call is: * The __xstat() wrapper is called. This wrapper checks the version argument against the _STAT_VER constant in case we some day run into a system where programs call stat with different versions of struct stat. (Hasn't happened yet.) * The __xstat() wrapper calls the __fxstatat() wrapper, which in turn calls the __fxstatat64() wrapper (this allows us to have only one copy of the logic shared among all the path-based stat syscalls). * The __fxstatat64() wrapper calls the underlying __fxstatat64() function, which has been mapped to the name real___fxstatat64(). (If this fails, the wrapper function returns immediately.) * The __fxstatat64() wrapper passes the resulting stat buffer and path to the client code and asks for a response. * The client code converts the stat buffer into a pseudo_msg_t message object, and canonicalizes the path (resolving symlinks and eliminating extra slashes, as well as references to . and ..). * The client code now sends the pseudo_msg_t object and converted path to the server as a message. * The server receives the message. Since this is a stat() operation (using a path, not a dev/inode pair, for identification), the server searches its database for existing entries with the corresponding name. * If the server finds an object, it updates the contents of the pseudo_msg_t with the recorded values for uid, gid, mode, and raw device number, and sends the message back with status SUCCEED. * The server also performs sanity checks to see whether there may be other suspiciously-similar entries in the database, in which case it emits diagnostics. (Usually to pseudo.log.) * If the server finds no object, it sends the message back with status FAIL. * The client code returns the message to the wrapper function. * If the status was SUCCEED, the wrapper function copies the modified fields back into its stat buffer; otherwise, it does not. * The wrapper function returns the original exit status from stat. Most of the functions wrapped are syscalls. There are a few exceptions, such as mkstemp, fopen, and freopen. These are wrapped because, in glibc, they call internal functions which make inline assembly syscalls, rather than calling the syscall entry points. In each case, the wrapper makes the real call without intervention, then snoops the results for a file descriptor to path mapping. (This would be done to opendir/fdopendir/closedir as well, but the DIR * is opaque and can't be snooped practically. This is why some versions of 'rm -r' can, at higher diagnostic levels, generate a slew of warnings about file descriptors being reopened when no close was observed.)