path: root/maketables
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'maketables')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/maketables b/maketables
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e7d6ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maketables
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Wind River Systems, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License version 2.1 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# See the Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+# version 2.1 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+"""convert tables.in files to enums, tables, and support code.
+Inputs are a type name, prefix, and a list of columns, followed by a list of
+names with optional "= value" suffixes, plus optional additional columns.
+The names are used to create enums and a table of strings, as well as
+to/from lookups between the ids and names. If additional columns are
+defined, each column (separated by ", ") is used to create an additional
+table of the given name, and a lookup function from ids. Example:
+ foo: FFF; bar = GOZINTA
+ hello, yah
+ world, nope
+ typedef enum {
+ FFF_MIN = 0,
+ FFF_NONE = 0,
+ } foo_id_t;
+ extern const char *foo_name(foo_id_t id);
+ extern foo_id_t foo_id(const char *name);
+ extern const char *foo_bar(foo_id_t id);
+such that foo_name(1) => "hello" and foo_bar(1) => "yah". If there
+is an assigned value for a column description, missing column values
+yield that value, otherwise they yield "unknown".
+Values out of range yield "unknown", and unrecognized names yield the
+value -1. Note that the "MAX" value is one more than the highest defined
+value. (This is for consistency with C array bounds.)
+import glob
+import sys
+import re
+import datetime
+import string
+from templatefile import TemplateFile
+class DataType:
+ """a set of related DataItem objects"""
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ """read the first line of path, then make tuples of the rest"""
+ source = file(path)
+ definition = source.readline().rstrip()
+ self.name, qualifiers = string.split(definition, ': ', 2)
+ if '; ' in qualifiers:
+ self.prefix, columns = string.split(qualifiers, '; ')
+ else:
+ self.prefix = qualifiers
+ columns = []
+ if len(columns):
+ self.columns = []
+ columns = string.split(columns, ', ')
+ for col in columns:
+ if "=" in col:
+ name, default = string.split(col, ' = ')
+ else:
+ name, default = col, ""
+ self.columns.append({"name":name, "value":default})
+ else:
+ self.columns = []
+ self.data = []
+ self.comments = []
+ for line in source.readlines():
+ item = {}
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ self.comments.append(line.rstrip().replace('#', ''))
+ continue
+ # first entry on the line is the "real" name/id, following hunks
+ # are additional columns
+ cols = string.split(line.rstrip(), ', ')
+ item["name"] = cols.pop(0)
+ item["upper"] = item["name"].replace('-', '_').upper()
+ column_list = []
+ for col in self.columns:
+ if len(cols) > 0:
+ column_list.append({"name":col["name"], "value":cols.pop(0)})
+ else:
+ column_list.append({"name":col["name"], "value":col["default"]})
+ item["cols"] = column_list
+ self.data.append(item)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """Make this object look like a dict for Templates to use"""
+ attr = getattr(self, key)
+ if callable(attr):
+ return attr()
+ else:
+ return attr
+ def __repr__(self):
+ str = ""
+ str += "type: %s_t" % self.name
+ str += " %s_ENUM\n" % self.prefix
+ for col in self.columns:
+ str += "\tcol: %s (%s)\n" % (col["name"], col["value"])
+ for item in self.data:
+ str += "item: %s\n" % item["name"]
+ for col in item["cols"]:
+ str += "\t%s(%s)\n" % (col["name"], col["value"])
+ return str
+ def comment(self):
+ if len(self.comments):
+ return '/*' + '\n *'.join(self.comments) + ' */\n'
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def names(self):
+ return ',\n\t'.join('"%s"' % x["name"] for x in self.data)
+ def enums(self):
+ return ',\n\t'.join('%s_%s' % (self.prefix, x["upper"]) for x in self.data)
+ def column_names(self):
+ decl_lines = []
+ column = 0
+ for col in self.columns:
+ decl_lines.append("static const char *%s_id_to_%s[] = {" % (self.name, col["name"]))
+ decl_lines.append('\t"%s",' % col["value"])
+ for item in self.data:
+ decl_lines.append('\t"%s",' % item["cols"][column]["value"])
+ decl_lines.append('\tNULL')
+ decl_lines.append("};")
+ column = column + 1
+ return '\n'.join(decl_lines)
+ def column_funcs(self):
+ decl_lines = []
+ for col in self.columns:
+ decl_lines.append('extern const char *')
+ decl_lines.append('pseudo_%s_%s(pseudo_%s_t id) {' %
+ (self.name, col["name"], self.name))
+ decl_lines.append('\tif (id < 0 || id >= %s_MAX)' % (self.prefix))
+ decl_lines.append('\t\treturn "%s";' % col["value"])
+ decl_lines.append('\treturn %s_id_to_%s[id];' %
+ (self.name, col["name"]))
+ decl_lines.append('}')
+ return '\n'.join(decl_lines)
+ def column_protos(self):
+ decl_lines = []
+ for col in self.columns:
+ decl_lines.append('extern const char *pseudo_%s_%s(pseudo_%s_t id);' %
+ (self.name, col["name"], self.name))
+ return '\n'.join(decl_lines)
+def main():
+ """Read in function defintions, write out files based on templates."""
+ datatypes = []
+ templates = []
+ # error checking helpfully provided by the exception handler
+ copyright_file = open('guts/COPYRIGHT')
+ TemplateFile.copyright = copyright_file.read()
+ copyright_file.close()
+ for path in glob.glob('table_templates/*'):
+ try:
+ template_file = TemplateFile(path)
+ template_file.emit('copyright')
+ template_file.emit('header')
+ templates.append(template_file)
+ except IOError:
+ print "Invalid or malformed template %s. Aborting." % path
+ exit(1)
+ for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
+ # read in the datatype
+ sys.stdout.write("%s: " % filename)
+ datatype = DataType(filename)
+ datatypes.append(datatype)
+ print datatype.__repr__()
+ print ""
+ print "Writing datatypes...",
+ for datatype in datatypes:
+ # populate various tables and files with each datatype
+ for template_file in templates:
+ template_file.emit('body', datatype)
+ print "done. Cleaning up."
+ for template_file in templates:
+ # clean up files
+ template_file.emit('footer')
+ template_file.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()