/* Copyright (C) 2001, 2005 Red Hat, Inc. Written by Jakub Jelinek , 2001. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "prelink.h" #define N_ZERO 0x00 #define N_GSYM 0x20 #define N_FNAME 0x22 #define N_FUN 0x24 #define N_STSYM 0x26 #define N_LCSYM 0x28 #define N_MAIN 0x2a #define N_PC 0x30 #define N_NSYMS 0x32 #define N_NOMAP 0x34 #define N_OBJ 0x38 #define N_OPT 0x3c #define N_RSYM 0x40 #define N_M2C 0x42 #define N_SLINE 0x44 #define N_DSLINE 0x46 #define N_BSLINE 0x48 #define N_BROWS 0x48 #define N_DEFD 0x4a #define N_EHDECL 0x50 #define N_MOD2 0x50 #define N_CATCH 0x54 #define N_SSYM 0x60 #define N_SO 0x64 #define N_LSYM 0x80 #define N_BINCL 0x82 #define N_SOL 0x84 #define N_PSYM 0xa0 #define N_EINCL 0xa2 #define N_ENTRY 0xa4 #define N_LBRAC 0xc0 #define N_EXCL 0xc2 #define N_SCOPE 0xc4 #define N_RBRAC 0xe0 #define N_BCOMM 0xe2 #define N_ECOMM 0xe4 #define N_ECOML 0xe8 #define N_LENG 0xfe static uint32_t read_native (char *p) { return *(uint32_t *)p; } static uint32_t read_swap (char *p) { return bswap_32 (*(uint32_t *)p); } static void write_native (char *p, uint32_t v) { *(uint32_t *)p = v; } static void write_swap (char *p, uint32_t v) { *(uint32_t *)p = bswap_32 (v); } int adjust_stabs (DSO *dso, int n, GElf_Addr start, GElf_Addr adjust) { Elf_Data *data = NULL; Elf_Scn *scn = dso->scn[n]; off_t off; uint32_t (*read_32) (char *p); void (*write_32) (char *p, uint32_t v); uint32_t value; int sec, type; assert (dso->shdr[n].sh_entsize == 12); data = elf_getdata (scn, NULL); assert (data != NULL && data->d_buf != NULL); assert (elf_getdata (scn, data) == NULL); assert (data->d_off == 0 && data->d_size == dso->shdr[n].sh_size); #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN if (dso->ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2MSB) #elif __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN if (dso->ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2LSB) #else # error Not supported host endianess #endif { read_32 = read_native; write_32 = write_native; } #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN else if (dso->ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2LSB) #elif __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN else if (dso->ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2MSB) #endif { read_32 = read_swap; write_32 = write_swap; } else { error (0, 0, "%s: Wrong ELF data enconding", dso->filename); return 1; } for (off = 0; off < data->d_size; off += 12) { switch ((type = *(uint8_t *)(data->d_buf + off + 4))) { case N_FUN: /* If string is "", N_FUN is function length, otherwise it is function start address. */ if (read_32 (data->d_buf + off) == 0) break; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case N_STSYM: case N_LCSYM: case N_CATCH: case N_SO: case N_SOL: value = read_32 (data->d_buf + off + 8); sec = addr_to_sec (dso, value); if (sec != -1) { addr_adjust (value, start, adjust); write_32 (data->d_buf + off + 8, value); } break; /* These should be always 0. */ case N_GSYM: case N_BINCL: case N_EINCL: case N_EXCL: case N_BCOMM: case N_ECOMM: /* These contain other values. */ case N_ZERO: case N_NSYMS: case N_NOMAP: case N_RSYM: case N_LSYM: case N_PSYM: case N_OPT: /* These are relative. */ case N_LBRAC: case N_RBRAC: case N_SLINE: case N_BSLINE: case N_DSLINE: break; default: error (0, 0, "%s: Unknown stabs code 0x%02x\n", dso->filename, type); return 1; } } elf_flagscn (scn, ELF_C_SET, ELF_F_DIRTY); return 0; }