AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Improve header colorselliot/toaster/new_theme-8417Vitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Fix styling for 'Run again' buttonVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Adjust all font-weights from 300 to 400Vitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove 'override.css' link from base templateVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui: Fix hidden save and cancel buttonsVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Move input styling to theme CSSTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Move logo adjustments to theme CSSTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove adjustment for dropdown overflow in overrides.cssTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Drop CSS code for the non-existent new build dropdownTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove icons styling from overrides.cssTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove search field from overrides.cssTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove headings declarations from overrides.cssTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove latest builds stylingTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove select dropdown styling from overrides.cssTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Amend the alerts stylingVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Merge CSS from overrides into toaster-themeTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Search field icon alignmentVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Move sorted style to table column headingsElliot Smith
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Update dependencies table stylingVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Merge button declarations to toaster-theme.cssVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Tooltip, Side Menu and Buttons component fixesVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Button sharpening and related fixesVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Table fixes, including column sort visual design updateVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui New style for badgesVitor Levi
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui CSS update to fix remaining issues in new themeElliot Smith
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove comments from the HTMLTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Change Toaster landing page imageTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Fix show rows heightTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Tabs flickering fixTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Adjust "latest builds" to the new themeTiago Ramos
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Add missing svg iconsBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Override top vertical align in tablesBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Set right margin in variables tableBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Apply the pagination styles from the new themeBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove the fix width of the "Build" inputBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Remove absolute positioning of .build-button-formBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Change tabs background colourBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: Add (temporary) scripts to assist with working on the new themeElliot Smith
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Separate the sorting caret from table headingBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Fix the 'cancel' links in our 'change' formsBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Separate the alert from the machine formBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Tidy up the table controlsBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui reduce the max-width of tooltip-innerBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Fix the .input-append buttonsBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Change project created notification styleBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Small fixes to new project pageBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Align h1 to main contentBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Heading style in landing pageBelen Barros Pena
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Fix mis-aligned project name change cancel buttonElliot Smith
2015-12-22toaster: toastergui Make text in the version info (debug mode window) elideElliot Smith