path: root/recipes-core/swupd-client/oe-swupd-helpers/kernel_updater.sh~
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes-core/swupd-client/oe-swupd-helpers/kernel_updater.sh~')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/recipes-core/swupd-client/oe-swupd-helpers/kernel_updater.sh~ b/recipes-core/swupd-client/oe-swupd-helpers/kernel_updater.sh~
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0060be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-core/swupd-client/oe-swupd-helpers/kernel_updater.sh~
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+# Clear Linux Kernel update script
+# Author Brad Peters <brad.t.peters@intel.com>
+# kernel_updater.sh: Provides a minimal-copy wrapper which finesses
+# the VFAT /boot fs to minimize writes, while implementing Clear Linux
+# update/install and fix policies
+function printUsage()
+ echo "kernel_updater.sh [--path <path to chroot>]"
+ echo " -v | --version : Prints version of kernel_updater.sh"
+ echo " -h | --help : Prints usage"
+ echo " -p | --path : Optional. Used when creating new image "
+ echo " in a subdir. Should be absolute path"
+function cleanDuplicates()
+ # Move duplicate kernels out of the way in /boot, if necessary.
+ # Kernels in /usr are considered 'correct'
+ SRCFILES=org.clearlinux.*
+ for f in $SRCFILES
+ do
+ destfile="$SUBDIR/boot/$f"
+ if [ ! -f $destfile ]
+ then
+ continue
+ fi
+ srcsha=$(sha1sum $f)
+ destsha=$(sha1sum $destfile)
+ srcsha=$(echo $srcsha | awk '{print $1}')
+ destsha=$(echo $destsha | awk '{print $1}')
+ if [ "$srcsha" != "$destsha" ]
+ then
+ newname="${destfile/clearlinux/clearTMP}"
+# echo "Renaming $destfile to $newname prior to replacement"
+ mv $destfile $newname
+ fi
+ done
+function cleanDuplicatesEFI()
+ # Move duplicate kernels out of the way in /boot, if necessary.
+ # Kernels in /usr are considered 'correct'
+ SRCFILES=*.efi
+ for f in $SRCFILES
+ do
+ destfile="$SUBDIR/boot/EFI/Linux/$f"
+ if [ ! -f $destfile ]
+ then
+ continue
+ fi
+ srcsha=$(sha1sum $f)
+ destsha=$(sha1sum $destfile)
+ srcsha=$(echo $srcsha | awk '{print $1}')
+ destsha=$(echo $destsha | awk '{print $1}')
+ if [ "$srcsha" != "$destsha" ]
+ then
+ newname="${destfile/clearlinux/clearTMP}"
+# echo "Renaming $destfile to $newname prior to replacement"
+ mv $destfile $newname
+ fi
+ done
+function cleanOldEFI()
+ # Clean up old kernels
+ # Get list of all kernels in reverse sorted order (based only on release ID)
+ LS_KERNELS_SORTED=$(ls org.clearlinux*.efi | sort --field-separator=- -n -k3 -r)
+ i=0
+ do
+ if [[ "$i" -ge 3 ]]
+ then
+ cur_kernel=$(uname -r | cut -f1,2,3 -d.)
+ ls_kernel=$(echo $k | cut -f4,5,6 -d.)
+ #Do not clean up currently running kernel
+ if [[ $ls_kernel = $cur_kernel ]]
+ then
+ echo "Keeping $k. Is currently running kernel"
+ continue;
+ fi
+ echo "Clean up old kernel: $k"
+ echo "Clean up modules $SUBDIR/lib/modules/$ls_kernel"
+ rm "$k"
+ rm -Rf "$SUBDIR/lib/modules/$ls_kernel"
+ fi
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
+function cleanOld()
+ # Clean up old kernels
+ # Get list of all kernels in reverse sorted order (based only on release ID)
+ LS_KERNELS_SORTED=($(ls org.clearlinux.* | sort --field-separator=- -n -k3 -r))
+ i=0
+ for k in $LS_KERNELS_SORTED[*]
+ do
+ if [[ "$i" -ge 3 ]]
+ then
+ cur_kernel=$(uname -r | cut -f1,2,3 -d.)
+ ls_kernel=$(echo $k | cut -f4,5,6 -d.)
+ #Do not clean up currently running kernel
+ if [[ $ls_kernel = $cur_kernel ]]
+ then
+ echo "Keeping $k. Is currently running kernel"
+ continue;
+ fi
+ echo "Clean up old kernel: $k"
+ if [[ -z "${SUBDIR}" ]]; then
+ ${KINSTALL} remove "${ls_kernel}"
+ else
+ ${KINSTALL} --root "${SUBDIR}" remove "${ls_kernel}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
+#Set the "default" entry option in file /boot/loader/loader.conf
+#requires /boot partition mounted
+function updateDefaultEntry()
+ LOADER_CONF_FILE="/boot/loader/loader.conf"
+ if [ ! -f "$SUBDIR""$LOADER_CONF_FILE" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$SUBDIR""$LOADER_CONF_FILE" )"
+ fi
+ for typename in "native" "kvm" "container" ; do
+ TPATH="${SUBDIR}/usr/lib/kernel/default-${typename}"
+ if [[ -e "${TPATH}" ]] ; then
+ kfile="$(basename $(readlink ${TPATH}))"
+ ktype="$(echo $kfile|cut -d. -f 3)"
+ kversion="$(echo $kfile|cut -f4,5,6 -d.|cut -d - -f 1)"
+ krelease="$(echo $kfile|cut -d - -f 2)"
+ defaultConf="Clear-linux-${ktype}-${kversion}-${krelease}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ -z "${defaultConf}" ]]; then
+ echo "Default loader cannot be found"
+ return
+ fi
+ hashFile="${configFile}.sha256sum"
+ sync
+ echo "default ${defaultConf}" > "${configFile}"
+ sync
+ echo "Updated default to: ${defaultConf}"
+ if [[ -e "${hashFile}" ]]; then
+ echo "Removing legacy file: ${hashFile}"
+ rm -v "${hashFile}"
+ sync
+ fi
+# Copies kernel from /usr to /boot. Checks each kernel to
+# ensure modules are installed, and only copies if so
+function copyKernelBlobs()
+ pushd "$SUBDIR/usr/lib/kernel" > /dev/null
+ LS_KERNELS_SORTED=$(ls org.clearlinux.* | sort --field-separator=- -n -k3 -r)
+ popd > /dev/null
+ do
+ kernel_version=$(echo "$k" | cut -f4,5,6 -d.)
+ kernel_file="${SUBDIR}/usr/lib/kernel/$(basename ${k})"
+ kernel_blob=$(echo "$k" | cut -f5 -d/)
+ echo "Kernel version = $kernel_version , blob = $kernel_blob"
+ kmods=$(ls $SUBDIR/lib/modules | sed -n "/$kernel_version/p")
+ kmods_len=${#kmods}
+ # Proceed with cp if kernel modules are present and kernel is not
+ # already installed
+ if [ $kmods_len -gt 0 ] && [ ! -e "$SUBDIR/boot/$kernel_blob" ]
+ then
+ echo " Installing $k to $SUBDIR/boot/"
+ if [[ -z "${SUBDIR}" ]]; then
+ ${KINSTALL} add "${kernel_version}" "${kernel_file}"
+ else
+ ${KINSTALL} --root "${SUBDIR}" add "${kernel_version}" "${kernel_file}"
+ fi
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Installed $k to /boot/"
+ else
+ echo "Failed to copy $k to /boot"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ ! $kmods_len -gt 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Skipping kernel $kernel_version - No modules found."
+ fi
+ if [ -e "$SUBDIR/boot/$kernel_blob" ]
+ then
+ echo "Skipping kernel $kernel_version - Already installed."
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+##################### Main #####################
+if [[ $# > 2 ]]
+ printUsage
+# Parse cmdline
+if [[ $# > 0 ]]
+ case "$1" in
+ -h|--help)
+ printUsage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -v|--version)
+ echo "kernel_updater.sh version $VERSION"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -p|--path)
+ if [[ $# = 1 ]]
+ then
+ echo "Invalid arguments. --path requires a second argument."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ SUBDIR="$2"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized argument ($1). Try again"
+ printUsage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Must be root to execute kernel_updater.sh"
+ exit 1
+# Clean up /usr/lib/kernel to the minimal 3 kernels we want to install
+pushd "$SUBDIR/usr/lib/kernel/" > /dev/null
+for test in org.clearlinux.*; do
+ have_blobs=1
+ if [[ "${test}" == *.efi ]] ; then
+ have_legacy=1
+ fi
+ break;
+if [[ "$have_blobs" -eq 1 ]]; then
+ cleanOld
+ if [[ "$have_legacy" -eq 1 ]]; then
+ cleanOldEFI
+ fi
+ echo "No kernel blobs found."
+ echo "kernel update complete."
+ exit 0
+# Note that if we are given a --SUBDIR or if there are no org.clearlinux blobs
+# in /usr/lib/kernel, we do not attempt a mount of /boot
+if [ -z "${SUBDIR}" ]; then
+ # Get boot partition UUID
+ BOOTUUIDENTRY=$(ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/LoaderDevicePartUUID*)
+ if [[ -e $BOOTUUIDENTRY ]]; then
+ UUID=$(cat $BOOTUUIDENTRY | tr -cd '[[:alnum:]]._-' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+ fi
+ strlen=${#UUID}
+ IS_MOUNTED=$(mount | sed -n '/boot/p' | sed -n '/vfat/p')
+ if [[ -z "$IS_MOUNTED" ]];
+ then
+ if [ "$strlen" -gt 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Mounting boot partition with UUID=$UUID"
+ mount /dev/disk/by-partuuid/$UUID /boot -o rw -t vfat
+ else
+ echo "Failed to identify boot partition using /sys/firmware/efi/efivars."
+ echo " Attempting to mount by-partlabel"
+ mount /dev/disk/by-partlabel/ESP /boot -o rw -t vfat
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "$strlen" -gt 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Mounting boot partition with UUID=$UUID"
+ mount -o remount,rw /dev/disk/by-partuuid/$UUID /boot -t vfat
+ else
+ echo "Failed to identify boot partition using /sys/firmware/efi/efivars."
+ echo " Attempting to remount by-partlabel"
+ mount -o remount,rw /dev/disk/by-partlabel/ESP /boot -t vfat
+ fi
+ fi
+ IS_MOUNTED=$(mount | sed -n '/boot/p' | sed -n '/vfat/p')
+ if [[ -z "$IS_MOUNTED" ]];
+ then
+ echo "/boot partition was not found. Unable to continue"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "Updating kernel... please wait..."
+# Identify kernels in /boot/EFI/Linux which are different from those
+# in /usr. Assume /usr is 'correct', and remove those in /boot
+# Sync after cleanup to protect against VFAT corruption
+pushd "$SUBDIR/boot" > /dev/null
+popd > /dev/null
+# Copy new kernels from /usr/lib/kernel into /boot/
+# Step 3 - Cleanup kernels which were repaired, then sync
+if [[ -e "$SUBDIR/boot/EFI/Linux/" ]]; then
+ pushd "$SUBDIR/boot/EFI/Linux/" > /dev/null
+ rm -f *clearTMP* 2>/dev/null
+ sync
+ popd > /dev/null
+pushd "$SUBDIR/boot/" > /dev/null
+rm -f *clearTMP* 2>/dev/null
+popd > /dev/null
+# Clean up legacy EFI blobs which are no longer needed
+if [[ -e "$SUBDIR/boot/EFI/Linux" ]]; then
+ pushd "$SUBDIR/boot/EFI/Linux" > /dev/null
+ cleanOldEFI
+ sync
+ popd > /dev/null
+# Finally, clean up kernels which are no longer needed
+pushd "$SUBDIR/boot" > /dev/null
+popd > /dev/null
+#Update default kernel with the latest version
+if [ -z "${SUBDIR}" ]; then
+ umount /boot
+popd > /dev/null
+echo "kernel update complete."