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2 files changed, 173 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/classes/swupd-image.bbclass b/classes/swupd-image.bbclass
index 94daafb..466aa46 100644
--- a/classes/swupd-image.bbclass
+++ b/classes/swupd-image.bbclass
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " swupd-client-format${SWUPD_FORMAT}"
# The version URL determines what the client picks as the version that it updates to.
# The content URL must have all builds ever produced and is expected to also
# have the corresponding version information.
+# To build the very first version of an image, set these to empty.
+# Errors while accessing the server (as the non-existent download.example.com)
+# or not having any previous build on that server are fatal. The latter
+# is necessary to detect misconfiguration.
SWUPD_VERSION_URL ??= "http://download.example.com/updates/my-distro/milestone/${MACHINE}/${SWUPD_IMAGE_PN}"
SWUPD_CONTENT_URL ??= "http://download.example.com/updates/my-distro/builds/${MACHINE}/${SWUPD_IMAGE_PN}"
@@ -192,6 +197,7 @@ python () {
ctime = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_ctime
bb.parse.mark_dependency(d, stampfile)
d.setVar('REDO_SWUPD', ctime)
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_fetch_swupd_inputs', 'vardeps', ' REDO_SWUPD')
d.appendVarFlag('do_stage_swupd_inputs', 'vardeps', ' REDO_SWUPD')
d.appendVarFlag('do_swupd_update', 'vardeps', ' REDO_SWUPD')
@@ -254,12 +260,28 @@ fakeroot python do_stage_swupd_inputs () {
- swupd.bundles.copy_old_versions(d)
addtask stage_swupd_inputs after do_image before do_swupd_update
do_stage_swupd_inputs[dirs] = "${SWUPDIMAGEDIR} ${SWUPDMANIFESTDIR} ${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD}/maps/"
do_stage_swupd_inputs[depends] += "virtual/fakeroot-native:do_populate_sysroot"
+python do_fetch_swupd_inputs () {
+ import swupd.bundles
+ if d.getVar('PN_BASE', True):
+ bb.debug(2, 'Skipping update input staging for non-base image %s' % d.getVar('PN', True))
+ return
+ # Get information from remote update repo.
+ swupd.bundles.download_old_versions(d)
+ # Stage locally cached information about previous builds
+ # (corresponds to the "archive the files of the current build"
+ # step in do_swupd_update).
+ swupd.bundles.copy_old_versions(d)
+do_fetch_swupd_inputs[dirs] = "${SWUPDIMAGEDIR}"
+addtask do_fetch_swupd_inputs before do_swupd_update
# do_swupd_update uses its own pseudo database, for several reasons:
# - Performance is better when the pseudo instance is not shared
# with the do_image tasks of other virtual swupd image recipes (those
@@ -328,15 +350,12 @@ outputdir=${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD}/www/
+ # do_fetch_swupd_inputs() creates this file when a content
+ # URL was set, so creating an empty file shouldn't be necessary
+ # in most cases.
if [ -e ${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD}/image/latest.version ]; then
PREVREL=`cat ${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD}/image/latest.version`
- # TODO: locate information about latest version from online www update repo
- # and download the relevant files. That makes swupd_create_fullfiles
- # a lot faster because it allows reusing existing, unmodified files.
- # Saves a lot of space, too, because the new Manifest files then merely
- # point to the older version (no entry in ${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD}/www/${OS_VERSION}/files,
- # not even a link).
bbdebug 2 "Stubbing out empty latest.version file"
touch ${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD}/image/latest.version
@@ -383,11 +402,23 @@ END
# env $PSEUDO bsdtar -acf ${DEPLOY_DIR}/swupd-before-make-fullfiles.tar.gz -C ${DEPLOY_DIR} swupd
invoke_swupd ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/swupd_make_fullfiles --log-stdout -S ${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD} ${OS_VERSION}
+ if [ "${SWUPD_CONTENT_URL}" ]; then
+ content_url_parameter="--content-url ${SWUPD_CONTENT_URL}"
+ else
+ content_url_parameter=""
+ fi
${SWUPD_LOG_FN} "Generating zero packs, this can take some time."
# env $PSEUDO bsdtar -acf ${DEPLOY_DIR}/swupd-before-make-zero-pack.tar.gz -C ${DEPLOY_DIR} swupd
for bndl in ${ALL_BUNDLES}; do
${SWUPD_LOG_FN} "Generating zero pack for $bndl"
invoke_swupd ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/swupd_make_pack --log-stdout -S ${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD} 0 ${OS_VERSION} $bndl
+ # The zero packs are used by the swupd client when adding bundles.
+ # The zero pack for os-core is not needed by the swupd client itself;
+ # in Clear Linux OS it is used by the installer. We could use some
+ # space by skipping the os-core zero bundle, but for now it gets
+ # generated, just in case that it has some future use.
+ invoke_swupd ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/swupd_make_pack --log-stdout $content_url_parameter -S ${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD} 0 ${OS_VERSION} $bndl | sed -u -e "s/^/$bndl: /"
# Generate delta-packs against previous versions chosen by our caller.
diff --git a/lib/swupd/bundles.py b/lib/swupd/bundles.py
index 611f59d..78ffaa5 100644
--- a/lib/swupd/bundles.py
+++ b/lib/swupd/bundles.py
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
import glob
+import re
import subprocess
import shutil
+import urllib.request
+import urllib.error
+from bb.utils import export_proxies
from oe.package_manager import RpmPM
from oe.package_manager import OpkgPM
from oe.package_manager import DpkgPM
@@ -159,3 +163,134 @@ def copy_old_versions(d):
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if output:
bb.fatal('Unexpected output from the following command:\n%s\n%s' % (cmd, output))
+def download_manifests(content_url, version, component, to_dir):
+ """
+ Download one manifest file and recursively all manifests referenced by it.
+ Does not overwrite existing files. Unpacks on-the-fly using bsdtar
+ and thus is independent of the compression format, as long as bsdtar
+ recognizes it.
+ """
+ source = '%s/%d/Manifest.%s.tar' % (content_url, version, component)
+ target = os.path.join(to_dir, 'Manifest.%s' % component)
+ base_versions = set()
+ if not os.path.exists(target):
+ bb.debug(1, 'Downloading %s -> %s' % (source, target))
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(source)
+ archive = response.read()
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(to_dir)
+ with open(target + '.tar', 'wb') as tarfile:
+ tarfile.write(archive)
+ bsdtar = subprocess.Popen(['bsdtar', '-xf', '-', '-C', to_dir],
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ output, _ = bsdtar.communicate(archive)
+ if output or bsdtar.returncode:
+ bb.fatal('Unpacking %s with bsdtar failed:\n%s' % (source, output.decode('utf-8')))
+ with open(target) as f:
+ # Matches the header. We might be parsing Manifest.os-core from build
+ # 1000, but the actual Manifest could be from "version: 900", so get
+ # that as base version, too.
+ version_re = re.compile(r'^(?:previous|version):\s+(\d+)\n$')
+ # Matches the individual entries.
+ manifest_re = re.compile(r'^M.*\s(\d+)\s+(\S+)\n$')
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ m = manifest_re.match(line)
+ if m:
+ subversion = int(m.group(1))
+ submanifest = m.group(2)
+ download_manifests(content_url, subversion, submanifest, to_dir)
+ base_versions.add(subversion)
+ else:
+ m = version_re.match(line)
+ if m:
+ base_versions.add(int(m.group(1)))
+ return base_versions
+def download_old_versions(d):
+ """
+ Download the necessary information from the update repo that is needed
+ to build updates in that update stream. This can run in parallel to
+ a normal build and thus is not on the critical path.
+ """
+ content_url = d.getVar('SWUPD_CONTENT_URL', True)
+ version_url = d.getVar('SWUPD_VERSION_URL', True)
+ current_format = int(d.getVar('SWUPD_FORMAT', True))
+ deploy_dir = d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD', True)
+ www_dir = os.path.join(deploy_dir, 'www')
+ if not content_url or not version_url:
+ bb.warn('SWUPD_CONTENT_URL and/or SWUPD_VERSION_URL not set, skipping download of old versions for the initial build of a swupd update stream.')
+ return
+ # Avoid double // in path. At least twisted is sensitive to that.
+ content_url = content_url.rstrip('/')
+ # Set up env variables with proxy information for use in urllib.
+ export_proxies(d)
+ # Find latest version for each of the older formats.
+ # For now we ignore the released milestones and go
+ # directly to the URL with all builds. The information
+ # about milestones may be relevant for determining
+ # how format changes need to be handled.
+ latest_versions = {}
+ for format in range(3, current_format + 1):
+ try:
+ url = '%s/version/format%d/latest' % (content_url, format)
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
+ version = int(response.read())
+ latest_versions[format] = version
+ formatdir = os.path.join(www_dir, 'version', 'format%d' % format)
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(formatdir)
+ with open(os.path.join(formatdir, 'latest'), 'w') as latest:
+ latest.write(str(version))
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError as http_error:
+ if http_error.code == 404:
+ bb.debug(1, '%s does not exist, skipping that format' % url)
+ else:
+ raise
+ # Now get the Manifests of the latest versions and the
+ # versions we are supposed to provide a delta for, as a starting point.
+ # In addition, we also need Manifests that provide files reused by
+ # these initial set of Manifests or get referenced by them.
+ #
+ # There's no integrity checking for the files. bsdtar is
+ # expected to detect corrupted archives and https is expected
+ # to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks.
+ pending_versions = set(latest_versions.values())
+ pending_versions.update([int(x) for x in d.getVar('SWUPD_DELTAPACK_VERSIONS', True).split()])
+ fetched_versions = set([0])
+ while pending_versions:
+ version = pending_versions.pop()
+ sub_versions = set()
+ sub_versions.update(download_manifests(content_url, version,
+ 'MoM',
+ os.path.join(www_dir, str(version))))
+ sub_versions.update(download_manifests(content_url, version,
+ 'full',
+ os.path.join(www_dir, str(version))))
+ fetched_versions.add(version)
+ pending_versions.update(sub_versions.difference(fetched_versions))
+ latest_version_file = os.path.join(deploy_dir, 'image', 'latest.version')
+ if not os.path.exists(latest_version_file):
+ # We located information about latest version from online www update repo.
+ # Now use that to determine what we are updating from. Doing this here
+ # instead of swupd-image.bbclass has the advantage that we can do some
+ # sanity checking very early in a build.
+ #
+ # Building a proper update makes swupd_create_fullfiles
+ # a lot faster because it allows reusing existing, unmodified files.
+ # Saves a lot of space, too, because the new Manifest files then merely
+ # point to the older version (no entry in ${DEPLOY_DIR_SWUPD}/www/${OS_VERSION}/files,
+ # not even a link).
+ if not latest_versions:
+ bb.fatal("%s does not exist and no information was found under SWUPD_CONTENT_URL %s, cannot proceed without information about the previous build. When building the initial version, unset SWUPD_VERSION_URL and SWUPD_CONTENT_URL to proceed." % (latest_version_file, content_url))
+ latest = sorted(latest_versions.values())[-1]
+ bb.debug(2, "Setting %d in latest.version file" % latest)
+ with open(latest_version_file, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(str(latest))