Matchbox Desktop 2, a desktop system for handhelds using the GTK+ stack.

You can theme it somewhat using the GTK+ theme engine:

style "desktop"
  font_name = "Sans 16"

  # Normal tiles
  bg[NORMAL] = "#008000"
  fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"

  # Tiles which were activated
  bg[ACTIVE] = "#00CC00"
  fg[ACTIVE] = "#FFFFFF"

  # Tile which have focus
  bg[SELECTED] = "#00A000"

  # The width in characters of the tiles (default is 30)
  TakuTable::cell-text-width = 30
  # Whether or not to show the secondary text (default is 1)
  TakuIconTile::show-secondary-text = 1
  # Should the tile be arranged horizonally or vertically (default is horizonal)
  TakuIconTile::orientation = horizontal
widget "TakuWindow.*" style "desktop"