path: root/matchbox2/core/mb-wm-client.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'matchbox2/core/mb-wm-client.c')
1 files changed, 1120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/matchbox2/core/mb-wm-client.c b/matchbox2/core/mb-wm-client.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f88a8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matchbox2/core/mb-wm-client.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+ * Matchbox Window Manager II - A lightweight window manager not for the
+ * desktop.
+ *
+ * Authored By Matthew Allum <mallum@o-hand.com>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 OpenedHand Ltd - http://o-hand.com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ */
+#include "mb-wm.h"
+#include "mb-wm-theme.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
+struct MBWindowManagerClientPriv
+ Bool realized;
+ Bool mapped;
+ Bool iconizing;
+ Bool hiding_from_desktop;
+ MBWMSyncType sync_state;
+static void
+mb_wm_client_destroy (MBWMObject *obj)
+ MBWindowManagerClient * client = MB_WM_CLIENT(obj);
+ MBWindowManager * wm = client->wmref;
+ MBWMList * l = client->decor;
+ if (client->sig_theme_change_id)
+ mb_wm_object_signal_disconnect (MB_WM_OBJECT (wm),
+ client->sig_theme_change_id);
+ client->sig_theme_change_id = 0;
+ if (client->sig_prop_change_id)
+ mb_wm_object_signal_disconnect (MB_WM_OBJECT (client->window),
+ client->sig_prop_change_id);
+ client->sig_prop_change_id = 0;
+ /* Must call mb_wm_client_ping_stop rather than
+ * mb_wm_main_context_timeout_handler_remove() to prevent a race condition
+ * segfault in the timeout list manipulation
+ */
+ mb_wm_client_ping_stop (client);
+ if (mb_wm_compositing_enabled (wm))
+ {
+ mb_wm_comp_mgr_unregister_client (wm->comp_mgr, client);
+ }
+ mb_wm_object_unref (MB_WM_OBJECT (client->window));
+ while (l)
+ {
+ mb_wm_object_unref (l->data);
+ l = l->next;
+ }
+ if (client->transient_for)
+ mb_wm_client_remove_transient (client->transient_for, client);
+ /* If we have transient windows, we need to make sure they are unmapped; for
+ * application dialogs this will happen automatically, but not for external
+ * transients, such as input windows.
+ *
+ * We also have to make sure that the transients no longer refer to this
+ * client, which is about the be destroyed.
+ */
+ l = client->transients;
+ while (l)
+ {
+ MBWindowManagerClient * c = l->data;
+ MBWMList * l2 = l;
+ c->transient_for = NULL;
+ XUnmapWindow (wm->xdpy, c->window->xwindow);
+ l = l->next;
+ free (l2);
+ }
+static Bool
+mb_wm_client_on_property_change (MBWMClientWindow *window,
+ int property,
+ void *userdata);
+static Bool
+mb_wm_client_on_theme_change (MBWindowManager * wm, int signal,
+ MBWindowManagerClient * client)
+ mb_wm_client_theme_change (client);
+ return False;
+static int
+mb_wm_client_init (MBWMObject *obj, va_list vap)
+ MBWindowManagerClient *client;
+ MBWindowManager *wm = NULL;
+ MBWMClientWindow *win = NULL;
+ MBWMObjectProp prop;
+ int status;
+ prop = va_arg(vap, MBWMObjectProp);
+ while (prop)
+ {
+ switch (prop)
+ {
+ case MBWMObjectPropWm:
+ wm = va_arg(vap, MBWindowManager *);
+ break;
+ case MBWMObjectPropClientWindow:
+ win = va_arg(vap, MBWMClientWindow *);
+ break;
+ default:
+ MBWMO_PROP_EAT (vap, prop);
+ }
+ prop = va_arg(vap, MBWMObjectProp);
+ }
+ client = MB_WM_CLIENT(obj);
+ client->priv = mb_wm_util_malloc0(sizeof(MBWindowManagerClientPriv));
+ client->window = win;
+ client->wmref = wm;
+ client->ping_timeout = 1000;
+ if (wm->theme)
+ {
+ client->layout_hints =
+ mb_wm_theme_get_client_layout_hints (wm->theme, client);
+ }
+ /* sync with client window */
+ mb_wm_client_on_property_change (win, MBWM_WINDOW_PROP_ALL, client);
+ /* Handle underlying property changes */
+ client->sig_prop_change_id =
+ mb_wm_object_signal_connect (MB_WM_OBJECT (win),
+ (MBWMObjectCallbackFunc)mb_wm_client_on_property_change,
+ client);
+ client->sig_theme_change_id =
+ mb_wm_object_signal_connect (MB_WM_OBJECT (wm),
+ MBWindowManagerSignalThemeChange,
+ (MBWMObjectCallbackFunc)mb_wm_client_on_theme_change,
+ client);
+ status = XGrabButton(wm->xdpy, Button1, 0, win->xwindow, True,
+ ButtonPressMask,
+ GrabModeSync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
+ MBWM_NOTE (CLIENT, "XGrabButton() returned status %d for client window %x",
+ status,
+ win->xwindow);
+ {
+ XRenderPictFormat *format;
+ format = XRenderFindVisualFormat (wm->xdpy, win->visual);
+ if (format && format->type == PictTypeDirect &&
+ format->direct.alphaMask)
+ {
+ client->is_argb32 = True;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+mb_wm_client_class_type ()
+ static int type = 0;
+ if (UNLIKELY(type == 0))
+ {
+ static MBWMObjectClassInfo info = {
+ sizeof (MBWindowManagerClientClass),
+ sizeof (MBWindowManagerClient),
+ mb_wm_client_init,
+ mb_wm_client_destroy,
+ };
+ type = mb_wm_object_register_class (&info, MB_WM_TYPE_OBJECT, 0);
+ }
+ return type;
+mb_wm_client_fullscreen_mark_dirty (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ /* fullscreen implies geometry and visibility sync */
+ mb_wm_display_sync_queue (client->wmref,
+ MBWMSyncFullscreen |
+ MBWMSyncVisibility | MBWMSyncGeometry);
+ client->priv->sync_state |= (MBWMSyncFullscreen |
+ MBWMSyncGeometry |
+ MBWMSyncVisibility);
+mb_wm_client_stacking_mark_dirty (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ mb_wm_display_sync_queue (client->wmref, MBWMSyncStacking);
+ client->priv->sync_state |= MBWMSyncStacking;
+mb_wm_client_geometry_mark_dirty (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ mb_wm_display_sync_queue (client->wmref, MBWMSyncGeometry);
+ client->priv->sync_state |= MBWMSyncGeometry;
+mb_wm_client_visibility_mark_dirty (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ mb_wm_display_sync_queue (client->wmref, MBWMSyncVisibility);
+ client->priv->sync_state |= MBWMSyncVisibility;
+ MBWM_DBG(" sync state: %i", client->priv->sync_state);
+mb_wm_client_configure_request_ack_queue (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ mb_wm_display_sync_queue (client->wmref, MBWMSyncConfigRequestAck);
+ client->priv->sync_state |= MBWMSyncConfigRequestAck;
+ MBWM_DBG(" sync state: %i", client->priv->sync_state);
+mb_wm_client_needs_configure_request_ack (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return (client->priv->sync_state & MBWMSyncConfigRequestAck);
+mb_wm_client_decor_mark_dirty (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ mb_wm_display_sync_queue (client->wmref, MBWMSyncDecor);
+ client->priv->sync_state |= MBWMSyncDecor;
+ MBWM_DBG(" sync state: %i", client->priv->sync_state);
+mb_wm_client_needs_fullscreen_sync (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return (client->priv->sync_state & MBWMSyncFullscreen);
+static Bool
+mb_wm_client_on_property_change (MBWMClientWindow *window,
+ int property,
+ void *userdata)
+ MBWindowManagerClient * client = MB_WM_CLIENT (userdata);
+ if (property & MBWM_WINDOW_PROP_NAME)
+ {
+ MBWMList * l = client->decor;
+ while (l)
+ {
+ MBWMDecor * decor = l->data;
+ if (mb_wm_decor_get_type (decor) == MBWMDecorTypeNorth)
+ {
+ mb_wm_decor_mark_title_dirty (decor);
+ break;
+ }
+ l = l->next;
+ }
+ }
+ mb_wm_client_geometry_mark_dirty (client);
+ client->cm_client && mb_wm_comp_mgr_enabled (client->wmref->comp_mgr))
+ {
+ mb_wm_comp_mgr_client_repair (client->cm_client);
+ }
+ return False;
+MBWindowManagerClient* /* FIXME: rename to mb_wm_client_base/class_new ? */
+mb_wm_client_new (MBWindowManager *wm, MBWMClientWindow *win)
+ MBWindowManagerClient *client = NULL;
+ client = MB_WM_CLIENT(mb_wm_object_new (MB_WM_TYPE_CLIENT,
+ MBWMObjectPropWm, wm,
+ MBWMObjectPropClientWindow, win,
+ NULL));
+ return client;
+mb_wm_client_realize (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ if (client->priv->realized)
+ return;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->realize)
+ klass->realize(client);
+ client->priv->realized = True;
+mb_wm_client_is_realized (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return client->priv->realized;
+/* ## Stacking ## */
+mb_wm_client_stack (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ int flags)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->stack)
+ {
+ klass->stack(client, flags);
+ /* Schedule stack sync, but not if the client is of override type */
+ if (MB_WM_CLIENT_CLIENT_TYPE (client) != MBWMClientTypeOverride)
+ mb_wm_client_stacking_mark_dirty (client);
+ }
+mb_wm_client_needs_stack_sync (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return (client->priv->sync_state & MBWMSyncStacking);
+mb_wm_client_show (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->show)
+ klass->show (client);
+ client->priv->mapped = True;
+ /* Make sure any Hidden state flag is cleared */
+ mb_wm_client_set_state (client,
+ MBWMClientWindowStateChangeRemove);
+ mb_wm_client_visibility_mark_dirty (client);
+mb_wm_client_hide (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->hide)
+ {
+ klass->hide (client);
+ client->priv->mapped = False;
+ mb_wm_unfocus_client (client->wmref, client);
+ mb_wm_client_visibility_mark_dirty (client);
+ }
+ * The focus processing is split into two stages, client and WM
+ *
+ * The client stage is handled by this function, with the return value
+ * of True indicating that the focus has changed.
+ *
+ * NB: This function should be considered protected and only called by the
+ * MBWindowManager object code.
+ */
+mb_wm_client_focus (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ Bool ret = False;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->focus)
+ ret = klass->focus(client);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ /*
+ * If this client is transient, store it with the parent; if it is not
+ * transient, reset the last transient field
+ */
+ if (client->transient_for)
+ client->transient_for->last_focused_transient = client;
+ else
+ client->last_focused_transient = NULL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+mb_wm_client_want_focus (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return (client->window->want_key_input != False);
+mb_wm_client_needs_visibility_sync (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return (client->priv->sync_state & MBWMSyncVisibility);
+mb_wm_client_needs_geometry_sync (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return (client->priv->sync_state & MBWMSyncGeometry);
+mb_wm_client_needs_decor_sync (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return (client->priv->sync_state & MBWMSyncDecor);
+mb_wm_client_needs_sync (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWM_DBG("sync_state: %i", client->priv->sync_state);
+ return client->priv->sync_state;
+mb_wm_client_is_mapped (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return client->priv->mapped;
+mb_wm_client_display_sync (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->sync)
+ klass->sync (client);
+ client->priv->sync_state = 0;
+mb_wm_client_request_geometry (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ MBGeometry *new_geometry,
+ MBWMClientReqGeomType flags)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->geometry)
+ return klass->geometry(client, new_geometry, flags);
+ return False;
+mb_wm_client_get_layout_hints (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ if ((client->window->ewmh_state & MBWMClientWindowEWMHStateFullscreen))
+ {
+ if (client->layout_hints & LayoutPrefVisible)
+ return (LayoutPrefFullscreen | LayoutPrefVisible);
+ else
+ return LayoutPrefFullscreen;
+ }
+ return client->layout_hints;
+mb_wm_client_set_layout_hints (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ MBWMClientLayoutHints hints)
+ client->layout_hints = hints;
+mb_wm_client_set_layout_hint (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ MBWMClientLayoutHints hint,
+ Bool state)
+ if (state)
+ client->layout_hints |= hint;
+ else
+ client->layout_hints &= ~hint;
+void /* needs to be boolean, client may not have any coverage */
+mb_wm_client_get_coverage (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ MBGeometry *coverage)
+ MBGeometry *geometry;
+ if (!client->xwin_frame)
+ geometry = &client->window->geometry;
+ else
+ geometry = &client->frame_geometry;
+ coverage->x = geometry->x;
+ coverage->y = geometry->y;
+ coverage->width = geometry->width;
+ coverage->height = geometry->height;
+mb_wm_client_add_transient (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ MBWindowManagerClient *transient)
+ MBWMList *l;
+ if (transient == NULL || client == NULL)
+ return;
+ transient->transient_for = client;
+ /*
+ * Make sure that each transient is only added once (theoretically it should
+ * be, but it is very easy for a derived class to call this function without
+ * realizing the parent has dones so).
+ */
+ l = client->transients;
+ while (l)
+ {
+ if (l->data == transient)
+ return;
+ l = l->next;
+ }
+ client->transients = mb_wm_util_list_append(client->transients, transient);
+mb_wm_client_remove_transient (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ MBWindowManagerClient *transient)
+ if (!transient || !client || !client->transients)
+ return;
+ transient->transient_for = NULL;
+ client->transients = mb_wm_util_list_remove(client->transients, transient);
+ if (client->last_focused_transient == transient)
+ client->last_focused_transient = transient->next_focused_client;
+mb_wm_client_get_transients (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWMList *trans = NULL;
+ MBWMList *l = client->transients;
+ Window xgroup = client->window->xwin_group;
+ MBWindowManagerClient *c;
+ MBWMClientType c_type = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLIENT_TYPE (client);
+ while (l)
+ {
+ trans = mb_wm_util_list_prepend (trans, l->data);
+ l = l->next;
+ }
+ /* If this is an application or desktop that are part of an group,
+ * we add any other transients that are part of the group to the list.
+ */
+ if (xgroup &&
+ (c_type == MBWMClientTypeApp || c_type == MBWMClientTypeDesktop))
+ {
+ mb_wm_stack_enumerate (client->wmref, c)
+ if (c != client &&
+ c->transient_for && c->window->xwin_group == xgroup)
+ {
+ MBWindowManagerClient * t = c->transient_for;
+ /* Only add it if it is not directly transiet for our client (in
+ * which case it is already in the list
+ *
+ * Find the bottom level transient
+ */
+ while (t && t->transient_for)
+ t = t->transient_for;
+ if (!t || (MB_WM_CLIENT_CLIENT_TYPE (t) == MBWMClientTypeApp ||
+ MB_WM_CLIENT_CLIENT_TYPE (t) == MBWMClientTypeDesktop))
+ {
+ trans = mb_wm_util_list_prepend (trans, c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return trans;
+mb_wm_client_get_transient_for (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return client->transient_for;
+const char*
+mb_wm_client_get_name (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ if (!client->window)
+ return NULL;
+ return client->window->name;
+mb_wm_client_deliver_message (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ Atom delivery_atom,
+ unsigned long data0,
+ unsigned long data1,
+ unsigned long data2,
+ unsigned long data3,
+ unsigned long data4)
+ MBWindowManager *wm = client->wmref;
+ Window xwin = client->window->xwindow;
+ XEvent ev;
+ memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
+ ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
+ ev.xclient.window = xwin;
+ ev.xclient.message_type = delivery_atom;
+ ev.xclient.format = 32;
+ ev.xclient.data.l[0] = data0;
+ ev.xclient.data.l[1] = data1;
+ ev.xclient.data.l[2] = data2;
+ ev.xclient.data.l[3] = data3;
+ ev.xclient.data.l[4] = data4;
+ XSendEvent(wm->xdpy, xwin, False, NoEventMask, &ev);
+ XSync(wm->xdpy, False);
+mb_wm_client_deliver_wm_protocol (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ Atom protocol)
+ MBWindowManager *wm = client->wmref;
+ mb_wm_client_deliver_message (client, wm->atoms[MBWM_ATOM_WM_PROTOCOLS],
+ protocol, CurrentTime, 0, 0, 0);
+static void
+mb_wm_client_deliver_ping_protocol (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManager *wm = client->wmref;
+ mb_wm_client_deliver_message (client,
+ wm->atoms[MBWM_ATOM_NET_WM_PING],
+ CurrentTime,
+ client->window->xwindow,
+ 0, 0);
+static Bool
+mb_wm_client_ping_timeout_cb (void * userdata)
+ MBWindowManagerClient * client = userdata;
+ mb_wm_handle_hang_client (client->wmref, client);
+ mb_wm_client_ping_stop (client);
+ return False;
+mb_wm_client_ping_start (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManager * wm = client->wmref;
+ MBWMMainContext * ctx = wm->main_ctx;
+ MBWMClientWindowProtos protos = client->window->protos;
+ if (!(protos & MBWMClientWindowProtosPing))
+ return;
+ if (client->ping_cb_id)
+ return;
+ client->ping_cb_id =
+ mb_wm_main_context_timeout_handler_add (ctx, client->ping_timeout,
+ mb_wm_client_ping_timeout_cb,
+ client);
+ mb_wm_client_deliver_ping_protocol (client);
+mb_wm_client_ping_stop (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWMMainContext * ctx = client->wmref->main_ctx;
+ if (!client->ping_cb_id)
+ return;
+ mb_wm_main_context_timeout_handler_remove (ctx, client->ping_cb_id);
+ client->ping_cb_id = 0;
+mb_wm_client_shutdown (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ char buf[257];
+ int sig = 9;
+ MBWindowManager *wm = client->wmref;
+ MBWMClientWindow *win = client->window;
+ Window xwin = client->window->xwindow;
+ const char *machine = win->machine;
+ pid_t pid = win->pid;
+ if (machine && pid && (gethostname (buf, sizeof(buf)-1) == 0))
+ {
+ if (!strcmp (buf, machine))
+ {
+ if (kill (pid, sig) >= 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ XKillClient(wm->xdpy, xwin);
+mb_wm_client_deliver_delete (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManager *wm = client->wmref;
+ MBWMClientWindowProtos protos = client->window->protos;
+ if ((protos & MBWMClientWindowProtosDelete))
+ {
+ mb_wm_client_deliver_wm_protocol (client,
+ /* NB: It is not appropriate (or even possible) to try and
+ * determine a failure to respond to a WM_DELETE, since it
+ * would be reasonable for a client to put up a confirmation
+ * dialog in response to a WM_DELETE and do nothing if the
+ * user cancels the operation (because it was an accident)
+ *
+ * The NET_WM_PING protocol is the right way to determine an
+ * unresponsive client and we always send a ping (if the
+ * client supports the protocol) when issuing a WM_DELETE.
+ */
+ mb_wm_client_ping_start (client);
+ }
+ else
+ mb_wm_client_shutdown (client);
+mb_wm_client_set_state (MBWindowManagerClient *client,
+ MBWMAtom state,
+ MBWMClientWindowStateChange state_op)
+ MBWindowManager *wm = client->wmref;
+ MBWMClientWindow *win = client->window;
+ Bool old_state;
+ Bool new_state;
+ Bool activate = True;
+ MBWMClientWindowEWMHState state_flag;
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ state_flag = MBWMClientWindowEWMHStateFullscreen;
+ break;
+ state_flag = MBWMClientWindowEWMHStateAbove;
+ break;
+ state_flag = MBWMClientWindowEWMHStateHidden;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return; /* not handled yet */
+ }
+ old_state = (win->ewmh_state & state_flag);
+ switch (state_op)
+ {
+ case MBWMClientWindowStateChangeRemove:
+ new_state = False;
+ break;
+ case MBWMClientWindowStateChangeAdd:
+ new_state = True;
+ break;
+ case MBWMClientWindowStateChangeToggle:
+ new_state = !old_state;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (new_state == old_state)
+ return;
+ if (new_state)
+ {
+ win->ewmh_state |= state_flag;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ win->ewmh_state &= ~state_flag;
+ }
+ if (state_flag & MBWMClientWindowEWMHStateHidden)
+ {
+ if (new_state)
+ mb_wm_client_hide (client);
+ else
+ mb_wm_client_show (client);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((state_flag & MBWMClientWindowEWMHStateFullscreen))
+ {
+ mb_wm_client_fullscreen_mark_dirty (client);
+ }
+ /*
+ * FIXME -- resize && move, possibly redraw decors when returning from
+ * fullscreen
+ */
+ if (activate)
+ mb_wm_activate_client(wm, client);
+mb_wm_client_ping_in_progress (MBWindowManagerClient * client)
+ return (client->ping_cb_id != 0);
+mb_wm_client_theme_change (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->theme_change)
+ klass->theme_change (client);
+ * Cleanup any transient relationships this client might have
+ * (we need to do this when the client window unmaps to ensure correct
+ * functioning of the stack).
+ */
+mb_wm_client_detransitise (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ if (!client->transient_for)
+ return;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->detransitise)
+ klass->detransitise (client);
+ mb_wm_client_remove_transient (client->transient_for, client);
+mb_wm_client_is_iconizing (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return client->priv->iconizing;
+mb_wm_client_reset_iconizing (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ client->priv->iconizing = False;
+mb_wm_client_iconize (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ /*
+ * Set the iconizing flag and put the window into hidden state
+ * This triggers an umap event, at which point the client gets unmanaged
+ * by the window manager.
+ */
+ /*
+ * We cannot iconize the client until the effect finished, otherwise it
+ * will unmap before the effect takes place, so we do this in the callback.
+ */
+ if (mb_wm_compositing_enabled (client->wmref))
+ {
+ mb_wm_comp_mgr_do_effect (client->wmref->comp_mgr, client,
+ MBWMCompMgrClientEventMinimize);
+ }
+ client->priv->iconizing = True;
+ mb_wm_client_set_state (client,
+ MBWMClientWindowStateChangeAdd);
+mb_wm_client_title_height (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWMClientWindow * win = client->window;
+ MBWindowManager * wm = client->wmref;
+ int north;
+ if (!wm->theme ||
+ mb_wm_client_window_is_state_set (win,
+ MBWMClientWindowEWMHStateFullscreen))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ mb_wm_theme_get_decor_dimensions (wm->theme, client,
+ &north, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ return north;
+mb_wm_client_is_modal (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return mb_wm_client_window_is_state_set (client->window,
+ MBWMClientWindowEWMHStateModal);
+mb_wm_client_owns_xwindow (MBWindowManagerClient *client, Window xwin)
+ MBWMList * l;
+ if (client->xwin_frame == xwin || client->window->xwindow == xwin)
+ return True;
+ l = client->decor;
+ while (l)
+ {
+ MBWMDecor * d = l->data;
+ if (d->xwin == xwin)
+ return True;
+ l = l->next;
+ }
+ return False;
+mb_wm_client_get_stacking_layer (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ MBWindowManagerClientClass *klass;
+ klass = MB_WM_CLIENT_CLASS(mb_wm_object_get_class (MB_WM_OBJECT(client)));
+ if (klass->stacking_layer)
+ return klass->stacking_layer (client);
+ return client->stacking_layer;
+mb_wm_client_is_argb32 (MBWindowManagerClient *client)
+ return client->is_argb32;
+mb_wm_client_set_desktop (MBWindowManagerClient * client, int desktop)
+ client->desktop = desktop;
+mb_wm_client_get_desktop (MBWindowManagerClient * client)
+ return client->desktop;
+mb_wm_client_desktop_change (MBWindowManagerClient * client, int desktop)
+ if (client->desktop < 0)
+ return;
+ if (client->desktop == desktop)
+ {
+ mb_wm_client_set_state (client,
+ MBWMClientWindowStateChangeRemove);
+ /*
+ * NB -- we do not reset the hiding_from_desktop flag here
+ * since it is there to indicate to the WM that the window is
+ * mapping because of the desktop change; the WM resets it when
+ * it get the map-notify for it.
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ client->priv->hiding_from_desktop = True;
+ mb_wm_client_set_state (client,
+ MBWMClientWindowStateChangeAdd);
+ }
+mb_wm_client_is_hiding_from_desktop (MBWindowManagerClient * client)
+ return client->priv->hiding_from_desktop;
+mb_wm_client_reset_hiding_from_desktop (MBWindowManagerClient * client)
+ client->priv->hiding_from_desktop = False;