{% extends "base.html" %} {% load projecttags %} {% block head %} {% if mode == results_mode.LATEST %} {% elif mode == results_mode.SPECIAL_SUBMITTER %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if mode == results_mode.SEARCH %}

{{build_failures.paginator.count}} errors found for "{{request.GET.query}}" {% if request.GET.filter %} filtered by "{{ request.GET.filter }}" {% endif %}

{% elif mode == results_mode.BUILD %}

{{build_failures.paginator.count}} errors for Build #{{args.build_id}}

{% elif mode == results_mode.SIMILAR_TO %}

{{build_failures.paginator.count}} Similar errors to #{{args.fail_id}}

{% endif %} {% if build_failures or build_failures.paginator.count != 0 %} {% for col in tablecols %} {% if col.field %} {% if col.clclass in request.GET.type %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %} {%endfor%} {%for build_fail in build_failures %} {% url "details" build_fail.id as details_url %} {%endfor%}
{{col.name}}   {% elif request.GET.order_by == col.field or request.GET.order_by == "-"|add:col.field %} {# If a sort is applied #} {% if request.GET.order_by == "-"|add:col.field %} {{col.name}} {% else %} {{col.name}} {% endif %} {% else %} {# default case is sorted by submitted_on #} {% if col.clclass == "submitted_on" and not request.GET.order_by %} {{col.name}} {% elif col.clclass == "failure" %} {{col.name}} {% else %} {{col.name}} {% endif %} {{col.name}}
{{ build_fail.BUILD.get_ERROR_TYPE_display }} {% if build_fail.BUILD.ERROR_TYPE == error_types.RECIPE %} {{ build_fail.RECIPE }}: {{ build_fail.TASK }} {% else %} {{ build_fail.TASK }} {% endif %} {{ build_fail.BUILD.MACHINE }} {{ build_fail.BUILD.DISTRO }} {{ build_fail.BUILD.BUILD_SYS }} {{ build_fail.BUILD.TARGET_SYS }} {{ build_fail.BUILD.NATIVELSBSTRING }} {{build_fail.BUILD.BRANCH}}
{{ build_fail.BUILD.COMMIT|truncatechars:10}}
{{ build_fail.BUILD.NAME }} {% with build_fail.get_similar_fails_count as similar_count %} {% if similar_count != 0 %} {{similar_count}} {% else %} {{similar_count}} {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% else %}
Sorry no results found
{# end if paginator.count != 0 #} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}