AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-02-11latest-errors: Swap the default sort mode to ascendingMichael Wood
As most of the fields are alphabetic make the default sort a-z rather than the "logical" descending. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-02-11views: Fix typo in Query to make sure it's contains rather than equalMichael Wood
This was stopping certain results from appearing Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-02-10urls: Add URL pattern for backwards compatibility0.2Michael Wood
For backwards compatibility with old search links add a handler which redirects with the query_string to the new URL. Also comment out by default url patterns that were for Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-02-10views: Fix the exception handling for parametersMichael Wood
Fix the exception handling for page parameters that broken when changing to using the value getters on the request object. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-02-09discretebarchart: Use the latest errors method for link backMichael Wood
Use the latest error mode for the link back from the graph series Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-02-09latest-errors: Force integer comparison for page size in templateMichael Wood
Previously this worked but now we need to explicitly force the template variable to an integer so that it evaluates correctly against the value we have saved in the session. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-02-09main: Make sure we remove a filters/order_by on hide of that columnMichael Wood
If you're hiding a column which as a filter by or order by set on it we need to revert this order/filter so that you don't have to re-add the column to get rid of the filter/order. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-02-09views: Use the get method on the request objectMichael Wood
Simpler to use this than our own property fallback mechanism Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-29test-send: Handle HTTP error gracefullyMichael Wood
Read the server's response on http error and exit successfully Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-29base: Show nav pills on the statistics pageMichael Wood
Show the navigation on the statistics page. Add a default state for mode in the default context so that we don't accidentally compare between two unset variables Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-27Test: Add test script to send an error to a live error-repor-web serverMichael Wood
Usage: test-send-error.py url json_data_file Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-27views: Deliberately return a 500 on no data/invalid method on addDataMichael Wood
Previously we just happened to be returning a 500 on invalid data because the argument for the status code was set incorrectly. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-26latest-errors: Only show tooltip on ellipsized recipe_versionMichael Wood
If the recipe_version isn't ellipsized then we don't need a tooltip to show the full string. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-26error-details: Remove escapejs from ERROR_DETAILSMichael Wood
We don't need to run the ERROR_DETAILS through the filter here as we're in a pre tag and we want the new line characters to remain interpreted Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-26README: Update django version requiredMichael Wood
Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-26views: Add more fields to the general searchMichael Wood
Add most of the text fields to be included in the search results Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-26tests: Add test for common urls and invalid parametersMichael Wood
Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-26latest-errors: Pass the results_mode value to the templateMichael Wood
As there are a few things we want to show/hide in the template based on the results_mode pass this value in to the template rather than using the path or query string to determine the page. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-26error-details: Add an error message if there are no details to showMichael Wood
If an incorrect build id is supplied show an error message rather than a blank page. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-26views: Add additional validation to incorrect parametersMichael Wood
Add handling to invalid limit, order_by, filter and page parameters Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-26urls: Remove redundant url parameters and add index url for convenienceMichael Wood
We no longer need to pass the template name as a parameter to the details url as it's in the view definition. Add an index url pattern so that going to http://<host>/ works rather than having to know the correct url. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Paser: Return a useful error for invalid characters in payloadMichael Wood
If there are invalid characters in the BUILD payload return an error message to that affect. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Post: Add some basic unit tests for testing submissionsMichael Wood
To run the tests ./manage.py test Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Parser: Add basic catching of exceptions from invalid dataMichael Wood
When we catch these exceptions make sure we send back a useful response and a http 500 status code Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Parser: Make sure we respond in JSON format with errors if there are anyMichael Wood
Also make sure the url pattern is properly terminated for the non-json result Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Remove unused templates and importsMichael Wood
- Remove unused duplicated templates - Remove unused imports - Add comment to bug about POST request Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23settings: Add "special submitter" featureMichael Wood
This feature allows the definition in the settings of a special submitter to add a tab in the UI which is similar to the latest errors page but all queries on it are additionally filtered by the submitter being the name defined in the settings. See commented example in settings.py Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23latest-errors: Fix pagination controls so they show 3 pages in either directionMichael Wood
We could have 100's of pages but we don't know that until we've paged ahead so show only 3 pages ahead and behind. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23latest-errors: Add visual indication that submitted_on is the default sortMichael Wood
When no user sort has been applied show the sorted state of the page as being sorting by decending submitted_on which is the default. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Remove unused code paths and importsMichael Wood
Remove getInfo as this was the python based data querying mecahnism that is no longer needed. Also remove unused imports. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Various design tweaksMichael Wood
- Make sure the sort arrows are displayed when sort in progress - Don't show filter icon on column that is currently being filtered - Add min span width for the commit column to avoid button squashing - Make the autobuilder page the main page - Correct the page title copy - Don't show all the available columns have a sane default - Only allow some columns to be removed instead of all Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Parser: Add feature to have the reponse from a submission in JSONMichael Wood
If you wish to have the details of the submission returned in JSON format then append /JSON/ to the submission url. Also add a filter which allows you to view the recorded failures for a specified build /Build/<id>/. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23views: Add backward compatibility for the send-error-reportMichael Wood
Newer versions of django handle application/json in a more correct way by having the payload in the request body rather than a parameter to the HTTP post request. So that we can continue to parse data correctly from old send-error-report scripts we need to undo the url encoding of the data. see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/releases/1.5/ section #non-form-data-in-http-requests Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23discretebarchart: Add custom tooltip overlayMichael Wood
This adds the ability to click on chart series to query the database for the related items. We also show a summary of that series data. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Parser: Return more details about a successful build error being loggedMichael Wood
Return a json formatted result to show the status of a error submission including the urls for each of the failures logged. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Move the filtering, queries and ordering to use the orm functionsMichael Wood
- Rewrite the main views so that all the data manipulation is done in the database rather than in python. This was causing large performance issues. - Add simplified client side logic in a separate file called main.js - Simplify the url structure - Disable the registration module Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Add migrations support. This uses the in built django migrationsMichael Wood
See 'manage.py migrate --help' for more infomation Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23requirements: Update to django 1.7.3Michael Wood
Also remove django-registration for the time being. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23project: Update manage.py, settings.py and wsgi.py form django 1.7Michael Wood
Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23gitignore: Update to exclude venv and .sqlite3Michael Wood
Exclude common virtualenv dir name and database name Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23createStatistics: Reduce the number series to 6 in each graphMichael Wood
The graphs were getting overly cluttered so reduce the number of series to 6. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23views/urls: Remove unused importsMichael Wood
Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23README: Update requirements and setup instructionsMichael Wood
Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Add requirements.txt for use with pipMichael Wood
requirements.txt can be used to speed up installation by specifying modules used and passing it to pip. usage: pip install -r requirements.txt Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23templates: Fix template tagsMichael Wood
Remove the unneeded tags. Templates that extend base shouldn't contain html from the base template. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23home: Rework the mechanism for generating graphs via custom templateMichael Wood
Previously using python-nvd3 we were constrained by the templates distributed and the properties exposed by the python bindings/abstraction for nv d3 which were incomplete. To avoid multiple passes on the page (sever side and client side) we can just generate the graph with the correct js/html in the first place. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23urls: Remove catch all redirection urlMichael Wood
We don't need to handle all urls, especially with one that does an expensive lookup. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23templates: Fix indentation of home.htmlMichael Wood
Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23createStatistics: Fix missing tz info in date passed to modelMichael Wood
Fixes RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField Build.DATE received a naive datetime while time zone support is active. Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>
2015-01-23Port to django 1.6Michael Wood
Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael.g.wood@intel.com>