AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-02-11latest-errors: Swap the default sort mode to ascendingMichael Wood
2015-02-11views: Fix typo in Query to make sure it's contains rather than equalMichael Wood
2015-02-10urls: Add URL pattern for backwards compatibility0.2Michael Wood
2015-02-10views: Fix the exception handling for parametersMichael Wood
2015-02-09discretebarchart: Use the latest errors method for link backMichael Wood
2015-02-09latest-errors: Force integer comparison for page size in templateMichael Wood
2015-02-09main: Make sure we remove a filters/order_by on hide of that columnMichael Wood
2015-02-09views: Use the get method on the request objectMichael Wood
2015-01-29test-send: Handle HTTP error gracefullyMichael Wood
2015-01-29base: Show nav pills on the statistics pageMichael Wood
2015-01-27Test: Add test script to send an error to a live error-repor-web serverMichael Wood
2015-01-27views: Deliberately return a 500 on no data/invalid method on addDataMichael Wood
2015-01-26latest-errors: Only show tooltip on ellipsized recipe_versionMichael Wood
2015-01-26error-details: Remove escapejs from ERROR_DETAILSMichael Wood
2015-01-26README: Update django version requiredMichael Wood
2015-01-26views: Add more fields to the general searchMichael Wood
2015-01-26tests: Add test for common urls and invalid parametersMichael Wood
2015-01-26latest-errors: Pass the results_mode value to the templateMichael Wood
2015-01-26error-details: Add an error message if there are no details to showMichael Wood
2015-01-26views: Add additional validation to incorrect parametersMichael Wood
2015-01-26urls: Remove redundant url parameters and add index url for convenienceMichael Wood
2015-01-23Paser: Return a useful error for invalid characters in payloadMichael Wood
2015-01-23Post: Add some basic unit tests for testing submissionsMichael Wood
2015-01-23Parser: Add basic catching of exceptions from invalid dataMichael Wood
2015-01-23Parser: Make sure we respond in JSON format with errors if there are anyMichael Wood
2015-01-23Remove unused templates and importsMichael Wood
2015-01-23settings: Add "special submitter" featureMichael Wood
2015-01-23latest-errors: Fix pagination controls so they show 3 pages in either directionMichael Wood
2015-01-23latest-errors: Add visual indication that submitted_on is the default sortMichael Wood
2015-01-23Remove unused code paths and importsMichael Wood
2015-01-23Various design tweaksMichael Wood
2015-01-23Parser: Add feature to have the reponse from a submission in JSONMichael Wood
2015-01-23views: Add backward compatibility for the send-error-reportMichael Wood
2015-01-23discretebarchart: Add custom tooltip overlayMichael Wood
2015-01-23Parser: Return more details about a successful build error being loggedMichael Wood
2015-01-23Move the filtering, queries and ordering to use the orm functionsMichael Wood
2015-01-23Add migrations support. This uses the in built django migrationsMichael Wood
2015-01-23requirements: Update to django 1.7.3Michael Wood
2015-01-23project: Update manage.py, settings.py and wsgi.py form django 1.7Michael Wood
2015-01-23gitignore: Update to exclude venv and .sqlite3Michael Wood
2015-01-23createStatistics: Reduce the number series to 6 in each graphMichael Wood
2015-01-23views/urls: Remove unused importsMichael Wood
2015-01-23README: Update requirements and setup instructionsMichael Wood
2015-01-23Add requirements.txt for use with pipMichael Wood
2015-01-23templates: Fix template tagsMichael Wood
2015-01-23home: Rework the mechanism for generating graphs via custom templateMichael Wood
2015-01-23urls: Remove catch all redirection urlMichael Wood
2015-01-23templates: Fix indentation of home.htmlMichael Wood
2015-01-23createStatistics: Fix missing tz info in date passed to modelMichael Wood
2015-01-23Port to django 1.6Michael Wood