BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
master-nextReapply "k8s: WIP [needs newer go]: not for merge: update to -tip"Bruce Ashfield21 hours
masteraardvark-dns: update to v1.14.0Bruce Ashfield3 days
kirkstonedocker-distribution: fix CVE-2025-24976Chen Qi8 days
scarthgapdocker-distribution: fix CVE-2025-24976Chen Qi8 days
styheadpodman-compose: Add runtime dependenciesLeonard Anderweit2 months
dunfellopenvswitch: fix CVE-2020-35498 limitation in the OVS packet parsingHitendra Prajapati10 months
nanbieldcontainerd-opencontainers: Use RDEPENDS:${PN} instead of RDEPENDS:${BPN}Peter Kjellerstedt13 months
mickledorecni: clean dir ${B}/plugins before do_compileChangqing Li17 months
langdalelxc: backport patch to fix CVE-2022-47952Xiangyu Chen2 years
honisterxen: fix boot on the Raspberry Pi 4 with Xen 4.14Christopher Clark3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
3 daysaardvark-dns: update to v1.14.0HEADmasterBruce Ashfield
3 daysbuildah: drop SRCREV_FORMATChen Qi
3 daysnagios-core: WORKDIR -> UNPACKDIR transitionChangqing Li
3 dayscri-o: update to v1.32.2Bruce Ashfield
3 daysdocker-compose: update to v2.33.1Bruce Ashfield
8 daysxen: introduce 4.20 recipesBruce Ashfield
8 daysxen: update devel version to 4.21-devBruce Ashfield
8 daysxen: drop 4.18 recipesBruce Ashfield
8 daysmoby: update to v28.0.1Bruce Ashfield
8 dayscrun: update to 1.20Bruce Ashfield