AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2006-01-24Add info on disabling caching in themesHEADmastermallum
2006-01-12Added missing _MB_CURRENT_APP_WINDOW infomallum
2006-01-05document _MB_APP_WINDOW_LIST_STACKINGmallum
2005-11-22Update message win infomallum
2005-09-29add api docs to scriptmallum
2005-09-29tweak to build script and manual borked xml fixmallum
2005-09-28Add a note about checkmallum
2005-09-26improve docbuilding scriptmallum
2005-09-26Add doc building scriptmallum
2005-09-26clean up themeing docbookmallum
2005-09-26various manual tweaksmallum
2005-09-26Add common files for docbook generationmallum
2005-09-09Fix theming howto linkmallum
2005-08-31Added info on -use_super_modalmallum
2005-08-08various updates. better docbooking. etc etcmallum
2005-06-24Add some doc generation stuff, spellcheckmallum
2005-06-23Add intial redo-ing of mb manualmallum
2005-02-18Update theme howtomallum
2005-01-10Update for removed subname/message stuffmallum
2005-01-10Mention the requirement for the fr_FR localeross
2005-01-07Mention gcov usage on the libmb unit testsross
2005-01-04fix manual sgmlmallum
2004-12-22Elaborate on the unit testsross
2004-12-21Rewrite for Docbook 4.2, and add a very small so far section on the unit testsross
2004-12-21Reindent contentross
2004-12-15Fix links. Add docs for new panel optionsmallum
2004-11-19updates for pending 0.9 release. Added ChangeLogmallum
2004-08-08Remove Terminal=1 in example. add panelmsgfont to themeing docsmallum
2004-05-06minor test doc updatesmallum
2004-04-22various doc updatesmallum
2004-04-19gcov usage documented. internals updated with dia diagrammallum
2004-04-15more internals doc updatesmallum
2004-04-14more internals docmallum
2004-04-13Added initial draft of internals documentationmallum
2004-03-16Testing documentation updatedmallum
2004-02-12Updated composite timingsmallum
2004-02-09various manual updatesmallum
2004-02-03Added new doc structuremallum