{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% comment %} buildhistory-web - warning detail page template Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation Licensed under the MIT license, see COPYING.MIT for details {% endcomment %} {% block content %} {% autoescape on %}

Warning item

Summary {{ warningitem.summary }}
Status {% if warningitem.status == "N" %} {% endif %} {% if warningitem.status == "A" %} {% endif %} {% if warningitem.status == "I" %} {% endif %} {% if warningitem.status == "R" %} {% endif %} {{ warningitem.get_status_display }} Reviewed by {% if warningitem.status_user %} {{ warningitem.status_user }} on {{ warningitem.status_date }} ({{ warningitem.status_date|timesince }} ago) {% else %} Not yet reviewed {% endif %}
{{ warningitem.description }}
{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% if warningitem.status != "N" %} Un-review {% endif %} {% if warningitem.status == "N" %} Action Required Resolve Ignore {% endif %} {% if warningitem.status == "A" %} Resolve Ignore {% endif %} {% endif %}


{% for comment in warningitem.comment_set.all %}
{{ comment.author_full_name }} - {{ comment.date }} ({{ comment.date|timesince }} ago)
{{ comment.comment }}
{% endfor %}

Post a comment

{% if user.is_authenticated and perms.warningmgr.change_warningitem %} {% if error_message %}
{{ error_message }}
{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% else %}

You must be logged in to post a comment

{% endif %} {% endautoescape %} {% endblock %}